The Range Grows

Yue Zhuo was a little surprised at the site. She even got a little worried for a moment. But her daughter seemed into it. Going as far as to participate in full. This went on for a bit as the children watched excitedly seeing that they are getting another mommy. 

"Now you're Grandma Yue!" A couple of the kids said, running up to Yue Zhuo. 

"Interesting, so then. Jin'er… yeah… that might take some getting used to. I was surprised your wife was the one who took Yue Biya like that. I was certain that you would have been the one to do it." Yue Zhuo said in surprise. 

"It's normal for mother-in-law to have such thoughts. My family is rather large, you see. And this is one of the many ways I keep the competition between the women in my family down to a healthy competition at worst. And it fosters familial love between them. Aside from that, no women are even considered if they can not be accepted by my wives. Everyone must get along. It is a crucial part to fostering a nurturing environment for all of our children." Lei Jin explained. 

"I see, then it is how it should be. There doesn't seem to be any problems in your family. Your children even seem quite happy. Take good care of my daughter now. As for myself… I'm going to make sure these ones here are looked after and they have all the fun in the world. I know there are many spirits that would love to play with Morning Dew. She will have no shortage of playmates." Yue Zhuo said, recovering her smile from the look of shock she had prior.

"Yay! Daddy! I'm going with Grandma Yue! She says there are lots of playmates." Morning Dew said, her eyes having lit up after hearing about the playmates. 

"Have fun, but don't go overboard. I'll be making sure your power doesn't become uncontrollable. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful." Lei Jin said, kissing her forehead. 

"Come on let's go, I'll show you off to everyone." Yue Zhuo said. Flying up and transforming into her true phoenix body. 

"Ahhhh! Grandma is so pretty! I love grandma's purple feathers. They are bright and soft." Morning Dew said, riding on Yue Zhuo's back, laughing as she had a good time. 

The two women who had been at it for quite a long time now finally came to an end. "Big sister Ruo Xi has excellent skills and perfect lips. Thank you for honoring my selfish request." Yue Biya said, even with the strand of saliva still there linking the two pairs of perfect lips. 

Lei Jin appeared and pulled them both into his arms. Sucking up the strand of saliva in the process. "Welcome to the family, Yue Biya. You've just become a woman in my family. But we still have a ceremony to finish before you are fully a member of my family. And I will give you a choice now. Do you want to have our first time together be with just Ruo Xi as a witness or would you mind being accepted in front of all the other women in my family? I'm sure there won't be a problem either way." Lei Jin said, and kissed her right before she could answer. 

"I don't mind either way. So long as I can have your baby, I'll be with you wherever you want…" Yue Biya said, leaning into him and kissing his neck. "I just want to touch you and for you to touch me back. My heart has felt this way ever since you destroyed the Ink Giant spirit god in the sealing lands." She whispered into his ear. 

"I see, then we will make sure you are accepted in the presence of all of your new sisters. Some of them will definitely try to make you feel good as well." Lei Jin said. 

"Oh my, Jin'er you have another concubine already? That is quite fast. Though I shouldn't be surprised, it is you after all." Azure Heart said walking over and picking up several of the new children. 

"Mother-in-law's words are good, I hope you wouldn't mind watching the children this time." Lei Jin said, choosing to hear the positive side of the words, instead of the negative side of it. 

"I would love to take care of these little precious boys and girls. Now go and let me have time with them. I have to make sure they know who their grandma is." Azure Heart said,

"I appreciate it, greatly. Now, before I and my wives depart, those of you who are still struggling to break through to the 9th rank do not worry too much and do not over complicate it. Just focus and relax. You'll breakthrough the moment you can do those things. This is what I have noticed from the others. It may not be easy, but go for that goal since that's where you should be." Lei Jin said, giving some rather apparently needed advice. 

One of the 8th ranks in just half a breath of hearing Lei Jin's words, she finally understood her problem. A few breaths later she began breaking through the remaining chains. Her small universe expanded and became a 9th rank. Finishing it off with a single focused breath. 

"I have to thank the Supreme Mast Lei Jin for this. It would have taken me much longer to discover that on my own. And by then it would have been too difficult to relax after so much expenditure. But now that I've reached the 9th rank… I understand why it is so difficult to achieve without another to help guide the path." The woman said cupping her hands and bowing. 

"It's fine, I have a question I need more 9th ranks to answer…" Lei Jin said something important. "If you were able to have more than 400 years of time training would you like it?" Lei Jin asked. 

"How much more time does Jin'er think he can give?" Han Qiu asked, hugging her dearest Disciple Xia Meili. 

"I can make it up to 1000 years quite easily. Anymore than that is pushing it for me as I am now." Lei Jin answered.