Flare's Scorching Conflagration

"Husband, What do you think we should name our little girl? She has such a strong fire element. Similar to how Forest's Morning Dew was to the Wood Element." Ruo Xi asked, after she recovered from giggling. 

Lei Jin looked at his daughter, and pondered his thoughts. He had an idea but… "I think this name is good. We should continue to follow the naming of her elder brother and elder sisters. So Flare's Scorching Conflagration." He said, with a thoughtful smile. 

"Daddy! Is that our new baby sister?" Forest's Morning Dew asked, pulling on Lei Jin's outfit.

"That's right, she is your new baby sister, why don't you go and lay down with mommy and cuddle up close. I'm sure your sister will love to know how much you love her." Lei Jin said, patting Forest's Morning Dew on the head. 

"Daddy, got stronger this time but… I love the head pat. Mommy I'm coming to cuddle! Daddy gave me headpats already." Forest's Morning Dew giggled with happiness. And then crawled up and nuzzled into Ruo Xi. "Mommy is so warm and comfy. *Yawn* I love daddy and all my mommies… little sister…" She said as she fell asleep. 

Yue Zhuo came into the room with her husband as well. "Yue Biya! Show me my grandbaby." She said, doing her best and failing to hold back her excitement. 

"Mother, she is right here. I have a girl! A beautiful little baby girl. Come and see her, dear mother." Yue Biya said, with a big smile.

"She is so pretty, she already has her human form. She will be a very powerful woman in the future. And vision to look at." Yue Zhuo said, absolutely adoring her grandbaby then… "By the way, Biya, you have a complete source now. And so does your little girl. How did you manage that?" She asked. 

"That was because of my family's Cultivation method. It is one that all of my wives and concubines must practice. It is a way we grow closer together. And helps empower everyone. Yue Biya is no exception. And her big sister is the mother of the element's incarnations. It's only natural for such a development to occur. So mother-in-law doesn't need to worry." Lei Jin explained calmly. 

"I see, I was curious about that myself. Miss Ruo Xi is truly impressive. Oh my! Who is this adorable little girl? His strength is similar but of the Fire element. I can't wait to see how she grows up. Perhaps she will marry a phoenix like her father did?" Yue Zhuo hinted towards her plans for the future and glanced at Lei Jin. 

"I won't be forcing her hand to marry anyone specific but if the day comes when she finds an honorable man that fits our family's requirements for herself. Then I will accept it." Lei Jin commented, explaining what must be done for what Yue Zhuo wanted. 

"I see, you have already set up such standards. I'll see how the phoenix clan fairs in the future then. But for now you have given me such an adorable grandbaby." Yue Zhuo said, hugging Lei Jin. "Beforehand you rescued our race from the painful fate of suffering as our children's successful birth was dropping by the day. And now you have directly given me a grandbaby. Thank you so much, darling son-in-law." She said, as her hug mimicked the intensity of her heartfelt emotions. 

"What are you saying? I married your daughter, but I did not give you just a grandchild. With the action of marrying your daughter, you became one of all my children's grandmothers. You have many grandchildren right now. And there will definitely be more on the way. I can promise you that." Lei Jin explained. 

"Ah! That's right, I have so many grandchildren already." Yue Zhuo said, overly excitedly. 

"Darling, I know you're excited but we came here not just for this." Yue Zhuo's husband interjected, hesitantly. But he was attempting to remind his wife of the matter they arrived to discuss.

"That's right, Jin'er, would you be willing to take in three others? My sisters were quite jealous. And their daughters were almost in tears when they found out my daughter had realized their shared dream. They are stunning beauties themselves so there shouldn't be a problem right?" Yue Zhuo explained, calming down and thinking cool headed.

"Daddy, daddy! They are really pretty and already treat my brother and I really well." Moon's Nether Glimmer said, not explaining much else verbally. But her sparkling eyes said it all. 

"I don't see why not, but they have to wait until after our newborns turn four. And then I will meet them here, for the ceremony. If they have truly fallen in love with my husband I will see it at first glance." Ruo Xi commented, with a thoughtful smile. 

"Then I can inform them that there is a chance. Such great news today." Yue Zhuo exclaimed. 

"Mother, tell my sisters that I love them and would love to see them again. But for now the family is going to be secluded with our children." Yue Biya smiled. 

"Then I won't stay any longer. But you must promise to let me see my granddaughter after you are all done." Yue Zhuo said, with a slightly bummed down tone. 

"Of course! It's not like we're going to keep them away from you. They just need to feel their mothers presence. And their siblings around them. The warm loving atmosphere that is our beloved family." Lei Jin said with a chuckle. "I can promise you'll get plenty of time to spend with your grandchildren later." He continued. 

"Good! Then I'll take my husband and leave you alone now. Oh and Jin'er, is it possible to…" Yue Zhuo started asking when the thing she was about to ask for appeared in her hands. "Thank you, this mother is grateful." She finished saying before finally leaving the room. 

Lei Jin's children came into the room and looked around at all their mommies. And smiles took over their faces. "Daddy, Mommies! We had fun with grandma. But we missed our mommies…" they said. Some said slightly different things but it was all similar enough. 

"Then come and give your mommies a hug. We missed you too." All of their mommies said, including Yue Biya.