Return To The Family

~~Lei Jin's Inner Domain 10 Years Later~~

While the two girls worked hard to improve their Artifact World refinement skills, Lei Jin would bounce between demonstrating the methods of doing so, Training his disciples and using the disk to also further increase the number of worlds he had at his disposal. Lei Jin would use some of the Artifact worlds as places to generate the elements. The number of these increased significantly.

The time went by in a flash. Lei Jin had really only used about a month or so of the time that was flowing outside his Inner Domain. So while He, Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan all experienced 10 years. The rest of Lei Jin's family with his wives and concubines only experienced a month. Yet Xiao Ling, Xiao Dan and Lei Jin appeared back in the family's room. 

"Welcome back husband. The wine is almost done but we do have some tea ready if you'd like to come and enjoy some." Ling Shi said, pouring a cup of tea and mixing some of her milk in before gently sliding it across a table.

"Then I will enjoy this tea." Lei Jin said, walking over and taking a sip. "As expected. This tea is delicious as always." He said, then floated in the air sitting in the lotus position. Then analyzing the children's growth. "Not bad, They have all reached the Initial Foundation realm. In one month's time… That's rather good. It seems that some are a bit faster than others, but that's only natural. They should all reach the Emperor Realm around the same time as their elder siblings." He commented. 

"We thought the same. With a strong father like you it would be difficult not to reach the Emperor Realm before the age of 75. Quite young for the common cultivator. It usually takes at least 100 years to have the chance at becoming an emperor." Xi Rong said, drinking a sip of her milk tea. 

"I won't hold them to such a standard. I only want them to do their best. I achieved my realms with only one goal in mind. Only to realize the unfortunate weakness of the Great Emperor Realm. And that is… It takes far too long to improve that realm barring any freak desire or powers." Lei Jin sighed. 

"All of our children have the same divine body, so certainly they have a chance at matching their fathers pace. Right?" A Concubine sitting at the table asked. 

"I don't think they will. My drive and purpose was vastly different from theirs. I wanted vengeance for the loss of my family. I spent many days and nights with flowing rivers. Remembering the pain I felt that day. A pain I won't allow any of my children to ever feel. Even if it means I must create a new realm and forge that realm's understanding myself. I will eliminate the root cause of this Ink infestation upon the heavens. All our children will need to worry about is aiding in the recovery of the 3000 Worlds." Lei Jin said. "Speaking of, I don't want their ages to be too out of order. So when we return I'll have all of the others come inside my Inner Domain for about a month and a half. Older siblings should remain older." He commented, setting down the empty cup.

"By the way, have you discovered what the disk was yet? It seems quite handy." Xin Xia asked. 

"I have, to some extent anyways. While I haven't finished understanding its mysteries I am confident about a few things regarding it. I have also managed to make it smaller and thus easier to handle. Currently it is still capable of killing an Open Heaven Realm and below. Hence why I only brought Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan. As I am uncertain if it is due to the nature of the realm, or level of power." Lei Jin explained, while he whispered to his children different pieces of advice for improvement. 

"If it was the latter then the Twins and Forest's Morning Dew would have been able to go as well. But them being there doesn't serve much purpose does it? They would have no use for it. And you already have something else in mind for them as well isn't that right." Lien Yue said, expanding on the reasons why it was only the Xiao girls who went with Lei Jin this time. 

"Indeed. Furthermore if it had been the former, it would have at the very least hurt them." Le Xue added. 

"As usually my wives are right. The situation was too dangerous and at the time I only confirmed that they would be safe from its effects. And even in the worst case I could support them both by linking them directly to my power. Something I can not do for the others, yet. I have however made some progress in creating a similar link to the Divine Spirits. It utilizes the source as if it were the Small Universe. I'm not exactly sure how good it is yet. And will likely have some problems. So I will create a double link so I can remove any potential harms much more quickly if anything happens." Lei Jin explained, wearing a thoughtful look on his face. Waiting for Yue Biya to answer. 

"Here I thought you were going to just leave me out of it. Since Husband has tried so hard already, I'd like to try it. I've heard my sisters talking about how it feels to be connected to Husband on such a level. And I must say… It is quite enticing to think about." Yue Biya smiled with desire and eyes full of anticipation. 

"Husband should try the method first with just sister Yue Biya to verify it works properly. We will be able to help act if the need arises." Qing Ning stated, which was promptly followed by a ton of agreeing nods. 

"Good, then are you ready Biya? It is a connection on a far deeper level than anything you've ever experienced before." Lei Jin asked. 

Yue Biya handed her daughter over to one of her sisters. Just in case she has trouble resolving the situation at first. And then sat on Lei Jin's lap wrapping her arms and legs around him. "I'm ready, my Husband." She said, taking the chance to kiss him.