3 New Mommies

Forest realized after this incident that she clearly had more control over her strength than she even knew. "Daddy, I'm ready! I want to try." She said, with a bright confidence. "But! I want to hug my new mommy first!" She demanded. 

Qing Luan giggled a bit and flared a signal back which ended up calling the 3 young women to the ship as well. "My darling daughter… The reality you seek is before you." She said, gently placing a hand against her gorgeous daughter's face.

"Thank you, mother. This Qing Lin is grateful for everything mother has done for her." Qing Lin, Qing Luan's daughter, smiled and nuzzled her mothers hand. 

"OH!!! Mommy, mommy! New mommies are so beautiful. Hurry, hurry." Forest said, as she couldn't sit still from the excitement. After all, every one of her mothers had treated her with the same love as any of her brothers and sisters. 

"Don't worry little Forest. Mommy will do her best to make sure you are happy." Ruo Xi said, kissing forest on the cheek. 

"Ohh mommy can I have a kiss too?" Flare said, pointing at herself with a big smile. 

Ruo Xi couldn't help herself and did so before she and Lei Jin stepped forward. Greeting the three new women. Yue Biya joined them though she didn't dare to stand on the same level as Lei Jin nor Ruo Xi. So she stood ever so slightly behind Ruo Xi and to the right. 

"To facilitate the process I am afraid I must separate the three of you. It wouldn't be fair to either of you otherwise. This is due to the question my wife is responsible for asking. Since one of you goes first the others will have an advantage. For something like this I prefer to make sure your chances are fair. Please bear with it." Lei Jin explained. 

"We understand." The three of them said, softly and with big smiles, as they tried to hide their lustful desires. 

"Good, then let it begin." Lei Jin said, creating a sort of infinite box around each of them. And started with Qing Lin being asked first. 

"I know your name, Qing Lin. So I'll ask you first. Do you truly love my Husband, and wish to not only love him, but bear his children while being a sister to us all and a mother to all of our family's children?": Ruo Xi started 

"I am more than willing to do all of these things. Ever since he saved my race from the ugly fate of extinction I had initially held him in high regard. But then… it started to become feelings on a deeper level. I love how noble and trustworthy he is. But more than that, he is the only man I could possibly love. Even if he were to have millions of wives I could never turn my heart away from his." Qing Lin answered, with a beautiful blush on her face. 

"And you desire to take part of his body. And offer him to take part of your body?" Ruo Xi continued with the questioning. 

"Aside from my children, there is nothing in all the 3000 Worlds past, present and future I desire more." Qing Lin said, with a sensational look taking over her face.

"Last question. You'll love all your sisters as you'll love your Husband?" Ruo Xi asked, reaching the last of her questions. 

"From what I have experienced in my past I know that I am capable of having close ties with other women. It may be… yes, yes I can. No, I will." Qing Lin said, realizing her own feelings as the questions mulled through her head. 

During this time Ruo Xi had been analyzing the situation and interpreting the answers. This was her method. Her method of determining if the woman in question truly had what it takes to love Lie Jin and the family as a whole. If they were unable to do so then there would be problems. She continued this process for the other two. Eventually finishing her thoughts and after a brief discussion among the 10 wives, a decision was reached. 

Lei Jin removed the barriers surrounding them and smiled. He sent a whisper to Yue Zhuo and her sisters. "Mother-in-law need not worry, My family will love them from now till forever." The whisper said. 

"Welcome to the family, my darling little sisters Qing Lin, Hong Mei and Yuan Juan." Ruo Xi said, giving each of them a welcoming kiss. 

What followed was a rather wholesome scene. The four friends had now realized their hearts dream, and even managed to do so in a way they remained together. The four of them hugged Ruo Xi and cried tears of joy. 

Forest ran up and tried her best to give them a big hug. Instead settling on giving them each a hug one at a time. "Daddy, daddy! I'm going to try now. You'll watch me, right?" She said, now looking at Lei Jin.

"Of course I will! And I'm sure your three grandmas are quite eager to see how well you perform." Lei Jin said with an encouraging smile. 

"Okay!" Forest said, nodding with a big smile. "Grandma, grandma, I'm gonna… I'm gonna… Uhm, daddy what is this called anyways?" She said now tilting her head to the side and tapping her lips with her finger. 

"Hmm… That's a good question… I never thought of it either. Perhaps, Sun and Moon know what it is?" Lei Jin said, pondering it himself. 

"Daddy, I don't know what it's called either. But I can try to explain it." Moon's Nether Glimmer said, partially puzzled. 

"I'll explain. We give a small portion of our infinite sources away. It then converts itself into a different kind of energy. Somehow it nurtures the source of Divine Spirits. Though it does have a distinct color. And sensation." Sun's Burning Shine explained, causing his twin sister to pout.

"Little sister, how about calling Source's Ascendance!" Moon's Nether Glimmer said, after a short pout. 

"I like it! Grandma, May your Source, Ascend." Forest Morning Dew smiled, pointing her finger at Qing Luan. 

A brilliant greenish hue light rushed out from Forest's finger. Giving off the aura nearly the same as Yue Zhuo's Source. Once the light made contact with Qing Ling's Source. She instantly turned into her true body curling up with her wings. Her aura was rising ridiculously fast.