Lei Jin's Demonstration

"Hmm, that seems like a good place to stop. So I'll stop here for now. I may change it again in the future but I won't make any promises." Lei Jin said, recovering his massive aura. 

Every single one of the people nearby had a bead of sweat fall, ruling down their face. It was an instinctual response to being under the immense pressure that was Lei Jin's strength. 8th ranks were stumbling around without even standing. Their legs refusing to move as if they were instinctively telling the owner of such legs that it's best not to interrupt Lei Jin. The 9th ranks trembled as the power had passed over them. However, they were able to remain standing. 

Lei Jin's whole family, on the other hand, felt no interruptions at all. All of his wives and Concubines were perfectly fine. More than fine, it was as if they felt stronger as a result. To others it seemed they were used to it. As for his children they were laughing like normal, running around and playing. They were curious why the other people randomly went into a deep sweat. 

"Jin'er… This strength, are you certain you can't beat the Ink Clan's Progenitor?" Azure Heart asked, being the first to speak up.

"I am certain. My strength may be quite extensive. But with the way it is now and the fact I am the only one in this realm. I have to forge the path alone. So I must not only make mistakes but also correct them on my own." Lei Jin said with a nervous look on his face.

"I see, Qing Ning dear, why are all of you able to handle his power like it was nothing more than a warm comfortable breeze? Even my legs shook. If I hadn't been a 9th rank I would have most certainly fallen to my knees." Azure Heart asked, looking at Qing Ning. 

"Mother, don't be so hard on yourself. You did an excellent job. It's just when it comes to things regarding Husband, my sisters and I are quite familiar with his strength. We also have an unbreakable bond of love. Most of the time we are in a similar state with Husband, as seniors are when using the multi-directional array. So Husband's strength is the warm protective comfort of our Husband. Instead of it feeling foreign and dangerous." Qing Ning explained, still keeping a few things hidden. 

"I assume the children are fine since they are the product of such love. I wonder, is it possible to get everyone accustomed to Jin'er's strength?" Azure Heart said.

"It is indeed possible, but it won't be easy. If mother Azure Heart wishes to know the reason. I can allow mother Azure Heart to experience why it won't be easy." Lei Jin offered, extending his hand. 

"Please, I'd like to know what is required." Azure Heart said, half worried. "I'm ready." She said. 

Lei Jin then for the splitest of moments connected Azure Heart's Small Universe directly to his super massive array of worlds in his Inner Domain. The reason he didn't connect it for long was due to what he knew was going to happen after. 

Azure Heart, after experiencing that splitest of moments… her legs gave out from underneath her. With Liang Changming and Han Qiu quickly reacting to keep her on her feet. Azure Heart was in complete shock for what felt like forever for everyone else, but in reality was a single breath of time. 

"I have just gained 1000 years worth of my cultivation in just that amount of time. Moreover it looks like I gained some insight into the Dao of Time…" Azure Heart muttered out softly.

"Indeed, and since your Small Universe had yet to complete its expansion this resulted in such a massive change. And one that is not conducive to you let alone others. Because whether they like it or not, you are the closest person to me that is not a wife nor a child of mine. If you can't handle it then, no one can." Lei Jin explained. "This is not permanent. Since I will need to make it possible for everyone to request and be granted this strength when needed. This is why I need more time. The first thing to make this easier is to increase my control which is time consuming. The second is for the receiver to be stronger. So naturally if you all grow to new heights for yourself then it will naturally become easier. So go forward with this goal in mind. Good luck." He continued. 

It was directly after that when Lei Jin and his wives, concubines and 3 new concubines vanished from the area. Leaving the children with their grandparents and the people who managed the newly fashioned child care area. 

"Sister Yue Zhuo… Are you able to sense just how much power Lei Jin has?" One of the 9th ranks asked curiously. 

"I'm afraid I do not. But I can say that he is at least 8 times stronger than Sun, Moon, Forest and Flare combined. He is able to completely suppress their wild raging might like it was nothing. I wonder…" Yue Zhuo said, shaking her head. 

"How strong is my daddy? That's what you want to know, right?" Moon's Nether Glimmer asked. Then looked at her twin, who looked back. Even the two Xiao sisters Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan wore similarly difficult looks. 

"That's right, We can't sense it and it just seems like we are along for the ride." The 9th rank sighed. "It isn't right for us to rely on our juniors so much. Even if he is the beacon of the human race." Sighing again. 

"Well, I know he could pull off that ascension thingy we did for grandmas… Probably." Sun's Burning Shine said, rattling his brain. 

"Our father is too strong to be understood by the 9th rank and below. He helped both my sister and I enter into the same realm as him. But where we are in comparison… Even we can't fully comprehend his power." Xiao Ling explained, in a cute like manner. 

"That's right, but Ink has an ability father doesn't. Ink creates the ink clan at will. Father can not do this. It's likely that father will have to fight an evil creation realm expert. This is why he is worried." Xiao Dan, further explained.

"His burden is so massive. And yet he still finds the time to focus on us. Then we can't let him down! Let's train the Army and become high ranks all the way." A newly minted peak 8th rank cheered.