Breakthrough Attempt

~~500 Years Inside Lei Jin's Inner Domain Later~~

"500 Years. And this is the result. Not bad. Time in my Inner Domain flows many times faster than the outside. So there hasn't really been much change in the outside situation. However, this development is quite good." Lei Jin thought, as he inspected his situation. "I'll reward those disciples of mine. And I'll get Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan in here to witness this. I wonder… I'll just bring all of the 9th ranks in as well." He added to his thoughts. 

Soon after 9th rank Open Heavens began appearing in Lei Jin's Inner Domain. Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan showed up as well. The Divine Phoenixes all joined in as well. Then Lei Jin snapped his fingers causing his four disciples to appear.

"Greetings Master, is there something this Disciples can do for the Honored Master?" The four disciples said, cupping their hands and bowing. 

"Indeed, I have reached a critical point in my cultivation. It was a bit unexpected. So forgive this master for taking you away from your tasks… and fun. However, I think this will be quite an eye opening experience. So you should witness it along with these other people. Go on and greet your seniors properly." Lei Jin instructed. 

"Greetings seniors, Master has told us countless stories of the outside world. The four of us believe that all of you are noble and righteous souls fighting for such a cause. A cause we deeply respect." The Four Disciples said, cupping their hands with a smile. They need not bow when their master is present anyways. Besides that, who would dare have a fit about Lei Jin's Disciple not bowing to them? 

"Good! Jin'er, these four disciples of yours are quite good. No wonder you kept them here for yourself." Azure Heart sought with a light laugh. 

"Mother-in-Law, please be serious. The situation in my Inner Domain is good. There were still only these four good seedlings that had the potential to fulfill the tasks I required aid with. And they were all close childhood friends, so I couldn't just separate them like that." Lei Jin replied with confidence. 

"You should have told me sooner. I would have prepared a gift for them. Now I can only smother them." Azure Heart said, immediately smothering the four Disciples.

"Do what you want, just don't spoil them too much, because it will be our turn." Qing Ning said, as the wives and concubines appeared. 

"Alright, Xiao Ling, Xiao Dan. Listen up." Lei Jin said. 

"Yes father!" Xiao Ling & Xiao Dan said excitedly cupping their hands.

"Make sure you pay attention carefully to what you are about to witness. And keep track of everything you comprehend. Do not consult each other during the event. Else you may miss something. Do not stress yourselves out if you miss anything. Because it is going to be quite a big change. So I don't expect you to understand all of it." Lei Jin said, giving detailed instructions on how the situation was going to proceed. 

"Xiao Ling understands! I will pay attention from start to finish." Xiao Ling said, with a hint of anticipation in her eyes. 

"Xiao Dan also understands! And will pay attention to the whole event." Xiao Dan said, with a similar look of anticipation in her eyes. 

The two of them gave Lei Jin a kiss on the cheek and a hug. Lei Jin hugged them back for a moment and then got to a safe distance away. Opting to stand with their grandmother Azure Heart. 

"Xiao Ling, what exactly is it that your father is doing?" Azure Heart asked, thinking it couldn't possibly be what she thought.

"Grandma, what do you think that my daddy could be doing?" Xiao Ling said with a half smile. 

"Mother-in-law, You and everyone else should watch closely. You may just learn something that will help you in your cultivation later. But to sum up what I am attempting in a few words… I am going to break through." Lei Jin smirked, and then surged his strength. 

The connections to from all of the original 9th rank worlds to the 8th rank worlds severed, temporarily. Lei Jin moved a 9th rank world from the line up of originally 8th rank worlds. Slowly interesting it into the main array center. Two neighboring worlds linked to the new one, and then severed their original connection. 

Lei Jin then waited for a moment for the power cycling through the worlds to revolve through the now 10 world array. "Good, now." He thought. And the rest of the regular interlocking connections were broken. Only to be replaced with new and stronger bonds, interlocking each of the worlds together once again. Solidifying the 10 world array in a perfect sync. The energy radiating from just these 10 Worlds linked together, alone, was nearly 90% of his overall original strength just prior to him attempting this feat.

Suddenly a significant burst of energy radiated outwards. "Senior Sister, look at that! Those two words have now formed another link that sends energy back. Forming a loop. It's like a dual cultivation technique of some kind!" Liang Changming said, being the first one to notice.

Then another burst of energy following another just connection. This continued for several more breaths. Until the center 10 worlds had formed a perfect Array with no imbalance. The flow of the World Force was constant. There were no longer any hiccups in the flow rate. As now the energy from any world could go to any other directly. Creating many numerous small cycles self contained in the array. 

"Now that the hard part is over. The rest of this should be a bit easier." Lei Jin said, softly and wiping away a ton of sweat from his face before continuing. 

The remaining 8th rank worlds were divided up one by one. Eventually evening out among the 10 9th ranks. At this point there were now 100 8th rank worlds. Creating a 1 to 10 ratio. Not only were they linked to their 9th rank world anchor. But they were also linked together in a similar fashion as the 10 9th rank worlds. It was after this that it became clear to everyone, Lei Jin had already improved his strength significantly. Yet there was still much more to be done.