Incarnations Of Gold & Water

Time passed by the month and Ruo Xi gave birth to a little boy. A boy with a seemingly endless golden strength. He was also the first boy Ruo Xi had given birth to herself. The other Element incarnations gathered to see their new baby brother. 

"Mommy! This is my new baby brother? He is so cute!" Forest's Morning Dew said, crawling up and sitting down next to Ruo Xi. 

"That's right, he is your new baby brother. And he is adorable isn't he?" Ruo Xi smiled gently, coddling the new baby. 

"Just like Forest, Flare and Mountain! What's my little brother's name?" Sun's Burning Shine asked as he floated above them to see his little brother. 

"Hmm, Halcyon's Severing Edge. Combining an ancient name for gold's calming nature with how effective it is at severing one's tension and worries with a keen edge. That is who this little boy feels like. One who rends worries with a calm mind." Ruo Xi said, getting a wildly different idea than she had thought before. "What do you think, Halcyon?" She smiled at the little boy. 

Halcyon opened his eyes and smiled a baby's smile. "He's so cute! Hi little brother, I'm your eldest sister Moon. When you get bigger we can play together! And have lots and lots of fun." Moon's Nether Glimmer smiled floating in the air too. 

"No, little brother, you'll play with me and lot's of fun! We have lots of playmates and we even get snacks! Grow a little bit first and we can go have some fun playing with the phoenix clan." Sun's Burning Shine said, indirectly challenging Moon's Nether Glimmer. 

"Ah ha… Goo… ah…" Halcyon spurted out giggling and squirming a little.

"Ahh! He is too cute! The spirits are really going to love him being there." Flare's Scorching Conflagration exclaimed with a big happy smile. 

"Daddy! Little brother is cute… but I feel like something is different now. After Halcyon was born it felt like my brothers and sisters and I became more… connected?" Mountains' Unyielding Cliff said, in a worried yet excited tone at the same time. 

"Don't worry about it too much. I'm sure everything will be fine. I already have a fairly decent idea why you and your siblings have such a connection. And also what will happen after your other sibling is born. What I don't know is if they will be a boy or a girl." Lei Jin said, picking Mountains up and holding her close to comfort her. 

"Daddy can figure all of that out, but not if our next sibling is going to be a brother or a sister?" Forest's Morning Dew giggled as she asked her question. 

"Indeed, Even with the four of you I wasn't certain. But now that you have been born I can say for certain. As far as other things go, each of you is highly related to a specific element. However, you are also all Ancient Divine Spirits of the highest caliber. I feel as though you'll be able to make some big changes with their cultivation methods. My biggest proof is the discovery of the 10th rank. Just 1 of those appearing had vastly increased my own strength more. And improved the stability of my strength. Such a thing can not be ignored. Nor can it possibly be just for the Human Race. My thought is there must be another level for Divine Spirits to ascend to. It's just the conditions weren't perfect for this to be the case." Lei Jin explained. 

"Husband is indeed more sensitive to things related to cultivation. But when it comes to knowing the gender of an unborn child, I think you choose not to know. Because no matter what the child is, you will love them just the same." Qing Ning said, walking over. 

"Mommy is right! Daddy loves all of us no matter what." Flare's Scorching Conflagration said, crossing her arms and nodding in approval. 

"I learned this from my parents and I hope that all of our children grow up with this same idea as a part of their own ethos." Lei Jin said, gently caressing Qing Ning's cheek. "Now then, since all of you have finished consolidating your cultivations. There is no longer a reason to keep the children away from you. I think they've earned some coddling time." He added. 

"Yes, we have! It's been so long since we saw our precious babies and after seeing little Halcyon here… It's difficult to bear." Xia Meili said, coming up behind Lei Jin and hugging him. Making sure to press up close to his back to ensure that he would feel her. 

"Don't worry, I'll definitely make it up to you. Just like we promised when we all decided to go this route." Lei Jin said in a comforting voice. 

"I know, but I still want more babies. They are too cute and precious. Innocent of the horrors in this world. Well… at least all of our third, fourth and fifth children are like this. Unfortunately our first and second were not as lucky. I hope they are doing well, I miss them dearly." Xia Meili said, burying her face into Lei Jin's back. 

~~5 Years Later~~ 

Halcyon's Severing Edge had grown up into a young boy. He was able to walk, talk and play with his siblings. One thing that was very different with him… He could control a significantly higher portion of his power innately from birth. And it seems the others had a natural stability enhancement. "I was right." Lei Jin thought. 

Ruo Xi had gotten pregnant again and gave birth to another child. This time a pretty baby girl. The aura she exuded was undeniably of the water element. But, even compared to Halcyon, her strength was far more stable. Barely requiring any effort for Lei Jin to contain. 

"Ocean's Turbulent Current, that will be this girl's name." Ruo Xi said, the moment the girl opened her eyes. 

"A fitting name! I love it." Lei Jin said. Kissing Ruo Xi. 

~~4 Years Later~~

Lei Jin and family exited their seclusion. And introduced the two newest family members to the rest of the army. To which Yue Zhuo had come over to see the results as well. She had already sensed a change in the heavens but when she saw the cause… A smile appeared on her face, a happy one and showed her thankfulness.