Secrets Of The Limitless Heaven Realm (3)

Lei Jin's Disciples and children all looked at him. They were a bit surprised by his words. After all, they had just spent so much time talking about things of this nature. And here comes Lei Jin, to throw them for a loop. And then after a few moments, there was a collective moment of realization. 

"Also, I'm going to help you all by making those connections between the worlds in your first layer. It should be enough to show you how it is done and give you the chance to learn from it by experience." Lei Jin added, causing all of the children and disciples present to become quite excited. 

For Lei Jin, performing such a thing was nothing. He could do it for millions of people and it would barely be considered a slight effort. Let alone the rather small number of 16. 12 of which already had all of their worlds connected in such a fashion. Aside from the ones they added in themselves. For those 10 Lei Jin would show them the way regardless of where the worlds were held. And with a snap of his fingers, the worlds inside of his disciples' first layer of worlds within their own domain had become interconnected with the feedback connection. 

"Woah! Master, is this really… This is incredible. Just my pseudo core of the world array becoming like this is impressive on its own. Thank you master." The fourth disciple said, cupping her hands and bowing. "With this it won't take me long to finish the other connections." She continued. 

"Master… This disciple was blind. Now I see the significance of this method. As well as its roots. And I make this promise that I will not forget this." The third disciple said, in a similar posture. 

"Ahahaha, good. That saves me from having to explain it any further. But this is not the only thing with such similarities between things. Along the Martial Dao, you'll find numerous similar events, where one thing used in a place can be repurposed to serve a different function. My arts are not an exception to the rule, they are an example of it. And if you look around you'll understand it for yourself. The Open Heaven method, and Limitless Heaven realms. Are in essence examples of this very phenomenon." Lei Jin said, starting with a light chuckle and then into the voice a patient parent would have. 

"Disciple/Child understands Master's/Father's words." The 16 of them said. Each saying their respective terms of address. 

"Good! Now then, I'm sure you still have more to discuss so I won't separate you now. I'll be around here if you have questions. I'll be busy again with those resources. An army this big just devours them like a bottomless pit. You can all do what you wish for now. But I highly recommend my disciples get some people to live in your Inner Domain. You'll gain benefits unlike any other. It's hard to explain even for me, but you'll naturally understand once you have some people living in your worlds." Lei Jin said, then floated in the void of his Inner Domain. 

Lei Jin began creating more of the highest rank resources. Generating these ones was no small feat. It took far more effort and a specific set up. Otherwise without the special differences in the set up there would naturally only be the creation of the lower rank resources. These highest rank resources were pinnacle existences born out of chaos. So without chaos, they would not be capable of creating new resources. And this was the method that Lei Jin had used long ago. By creating specific pairs that would naturally create the necessary chaos in the right direction.

"Unfortunately this is something that will take too long to explain and is very dangerous to be around. It would be quite helpful if my disciples would be able to do this as well. But, I can not keep from advancing any more. Not when they have already learned so much." Lei Jin thought as he worked away. 

The days turned to weeks and then to months and even years. Over the course of this time Lei Jin had answered many questions. Some he would answer verbally. Others he would answer with a visual representation. But he never stopped working on creating more Artifact worlds. He had more knowledge of this situation that was to come in the future. And even if these items were unable to be used as intended… He could use them for other things. 

Off to either side of him, were multiple World Creation Chaos Arrays. He would send a set of high rank resources into them whenever they finished creating a world. He had 4 on each side of him. Each having linked to another place in his Inner Domain that would eventually create a World Array like the first one he had. 

His disciples had completed their third ring of the rule of 3s and had been working on the fourth ring. Though they were still behind in terms of worlds, they were better off in the long run. As for the other children aside from Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan, they had managed to push into the rule of 4s with the help of Lei Jin. It seemed unfair at first. But there was now something they all 16 Children and Disciples alike, had in common now. 

"Master! When one reaches the required level of knowledge on how to make worlds. The World Creating Chaos Array is formed in the center of the World Array. One also must have all worlds in perfect harmony and sync with each other. Otherwise it will fail to form. This is truly a good thing. Now I can start adding more worlds with much higher ease." The 2nd Disciple said. 

"Don't get too excited. Our array is much worse than masters. And will likely not function nearly as fast. It could even have a chance of failing. So we should take it slow for now." The eldest disciple said. 

"It is indeed important to understand your own balance. I'm sure you'll discover the limits of it in due time. For now, I'll have to send the others out. Their mothers are going to start yelling at me if I keep them for too much longer." Lei Jin said.