Influx Of Disciples

"Hmm, it seems the way you have decided to go about training the new recruits is working quite well. That's good. I trust you will keep up the hard work." Lei Jin said, with a pleased voice as his eyes darted around to count the number of new recruits. "Out of curiosity… How many Disciples will the several of you be able to manage?" He asked, raising his brow. 

"Disciple reports to the Supreme Master, the total number of Disciples my Brothers and Sisters can take charge of training, while it may be limited. It is not low. We can easily handle at least 50% more right now. And 100% more with some difficulty. Any more than that and we would exceed our limits, cutting into our own practice." One of the 8th ranks said. 

"Hmm, good answer. But, what if you didn't have to worry about cultivating?" Lei Jin asked. 

"Then with the current number of masters we have here already, we could handle an additional 200% without the disciples suffering from a lack of attention. Any more and there would undoubtedly be some oversights." The same 8th rank said. 

"Hmm, don't take this the wrong way… but I think 150% more is the most. It would be unfair to you if there was no time for yourself to take a moment to relax, after all." Lei Jin said, floating down and placing a hand on their shoulder. "Don't try to push yourself beyond the limits of your health. Everyone here stands shoulder to shoulder in the end. If anyone is out of breath, the whole army will suffer for it." He added in a soft caring tone. "So don't worry about handling more than your own duties. If the task can not be completed then I will step in to resolve it. For now I'm going to summon more masters here to teach. I have… Well, a truly massive number of brave noble souls who wish to stand with the warriors of my Human Race. Your current number of masters is a bit… Underwhelming for this amount. So don't get too overwhelmed." He finished speaking directly to the 8th rank. 

The next several moments Lei Jin did a few things, first he was gathering all of the people who had the qualifications to be teachers, second he was setting up direct connections to each of the current and new teachers' small universes to aid in their nurturement, third he was gathering all of the people in his Inner Domain who wished to leave. It didn't take a long time at all. Numerous 8th rank and peak 7th rank masters had arrived to take on the challenge of training new Army Disciples. 

"I think this should be just barely enough Masters to make up for the limits of everyone. If you find there are still too many difficulties then I'll summon a few temporary masters over to help alleviate the situation. Now, meet your new disciples." Lei Jin smiled, summoning out Disciples by the thousands. 

The look on most of the masters' faces was simply priceless shock. Others had moments of surprise, but quickly understood. "Ah! That makes sense now. It was easier to find a smaller number of people to passively nurture in exchange for training these several million new Disciples." Some would say. 

"I'm glad you understand, because with these 50 million people I expect you to train properly from where they are to the peak of their ability. As you all know, I care a great deal for the people that live in my Inner Domain. In fact I usually don't allow them to come out and join the Army here. But this time I couldn't keep them from reaching the peak of their Dao." Lei Jin said. "You should also note that these people all participated in tournaments around the entirety of Inner Domain and came out on the top 1000 lists for every single one of my numerous worlds. None of these 50 million are pushovers. And I expect you to train them with this in mind. Other than that you may feel free to decide on how to train each of them. I wish you good luck." He added, before vanishing again. 

"Now it makes sense why the Supreme Master asked us these questions beforehand. It was because we really did think ourselves to be beyond our own limits." One of the previously established teachers said. 

"With just that one instance of time hearing the Supreme Master speak… I feel as though my aptitude has improved." Another master said, with surprise in his voice. 

"Ahahaha, there is no need for senior brother to worry about this matter too much." A new teacher of the 8th rank said, as he landed in front of the previous teachers. "The Supreme Master says things that seem impossible for others to even ponder about. Yet every time he does, everyone around him gains something even if it is only a small gain. It is still a gain. But let's not delay any longer. There is much work to be done. And Disciples in need of Masters and guidance." He added. 

"Indeed, The Supreme Master has given us a great responsibility. Let us begin at once so we won't fail his expectations. Begin dividing up the new Disciples at once. First determine the Daos of which they study and use this as the measure you use to divvy up the task. There is no need to worry about personal achievement here. All of the Disciples were hand chosen by the Supreme Master. If directed properly there is no way they don't directly break through to the 6th rank! Let's get busy, my fellow brothers and sisters." The 8th rank who spoke to Lei Jin said, thus beginning a long selection process. 

~~In The Void~~

Lei Jin floated in a solitary place where he could get peace and quiet. "It was indeed not a bad thing to release them from my Inner Domain. I just hope they don't regret their decision in the future." He thought, as he kept an eye on the training division. "I'll make some rounds again in a few more years for now, I'll make some more preparations to provide enough training for everyone." He sighed in his heart.