Ink Battlefield

~~The Last Training Day~~

Over the years everyone in the Army had grown strong. They were capable of working with anyone to form a Multi-Directional Array with 3 to 7 people. Some could build up to even a Nine-Directions Array. However, such things were still quite difficult for the Human Race. Thus there were rather few who could pull off such things. 

The final Tally for 10th rank open heavens nearly reached 1000. And the tally of 9th ranks was just shy of 100,000. The rest of the army consisted mostly of 8th ranks with a small portion of them being 7th rank. Even with the most excellent environment and resources for growth, it was still difficult for people to ascend on the path of the Heavenly Dao. But it didn't really matter. Any 5 8th ranks working together would be able to tear apart a Royal Lord. And with how large they numbered… It would have been possible for them to sweep through the Ink Battlefield on their own. 

Instead, everyone had gathered into their respective units. Boarded their ships, and lined up awaiting Lei Jin's orders. Lei Jin scanned the massive army he trained. Feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Today is the day we leave seclusion." He thought, with a heavy heart. His eyes fixated on the Ancient Divine Spirits. "Impressive, they managed to squeeze out a few fore Celestial Realms during this time. I'll have to make good on that promise after this battle is over." He thought with a sigh of relief. 

All of the 107 Battalion Commanders looked at each other and nodded. Turning to Lei Jin, cupping their hands and bowing slightly. "Unified Alliance Army Battalion awaiting Supreme Master Lei Jin's Orders!" They announced in unison, sending the signal for their army to speak. 

"Supreme Master, Army awaits the order!" The Army resounded with the voices of 1.6 billion troops, shaking the void. This was the result of such a massive army. All of their voices were in sync. 

Lei Jin, gave a serious look. "They are ready." He thought. "Hear my orders! Kill the enemy! And Rescue our brethren from the darkness! Let the Ink Clan feel the folly of their actions at the end of your fists! Battalion Commanders! Bring your people. Today we honor our ancestors and gain vengeance for all our people slain at the hands of the Ink Clan!" Lei Jin sounded his order out. 

"KILL THE ENEMY!! RESCUE OUR BRETHREN!! KILL THE ENEMY!!" The Army sounded off, making the void tremble with anticipation of the events to come. 

Lei Jin snapped his fingers, the training space vanished and the Battalion Commanders and 10th rank Open Heavens appeared in the Void of Black Prison Territory. The Worlds that the Ancient Divine Spirits had been using appeared as well, instantly filling the void with the radiance of life. 

"Ahahaha! It's been a while since we've been here. Brings back memories." Liang Changming laughed, as he looked at the surroundings. 

"What do you mean? It's only been a couple of weeks." Lei Jin chuckled. "Now then, all of you know the plan. I trust everything will go smoothly. I doubt the Enemy will have any chance to resist our new power. But, you should still be careful regardless. If you encounter an Ink Giant Spirit God, work together to quickly destroy it." He added, with a solemn smile. 

"Don't worry, we are all tough enough to take one of those crazy bastards in single combat. There is no need to worry. And even if we somehow find ourselves on the back foot. We've got the trump card you gave us." Liang Changming said. 

"Don't use it unless absolutely needed. That thing is capable of killing a Limitless Heaven Realm of the rule of 7s in an instant. I don't need to explain just how much of a drawback that kind of power will have. You should keep it in the event I can not defeat the progenitor of the Ink Clan. He might be weak enough after a battle with me that enough of those things would tilt the scales." Lei Jin said with a flash in his eyes. "Anyways, get ready, we're going on the attack now. It would be a problem if we kept them waiting any longer. And remember some of you will appear in an active battle. So be prepared to fight upon arrival." He added, turning to the chaotic portal that opened up after the seal on the Ink Clan had been released. 

Everyone flew into the corridor with looks of high expectations. The battle was soon approaching. And they would be made liars if they said they weren't excited for it. Gaining vengeance for what had been lost. And fighting for the sake of survival. The thrill of it got everyone's blood pumping like they were young again. 

~~Ink Battlefield, Azure Void Mountain Pass~~

"Commander! There is a weird feeling in the air. And an anomaly above the Pass." An Adjutant reported, running into the meeting room quickly. 

"Hmm? So it wasn't just us. This feeling? It's somewhat familiar. But I can't place it." The Commander of the Northern Army said

"Wait? Is that… that's Little Azure Heart! Why is she here? And… What kind of chance did she have? This realm… I can't…" Sir Azure Void spoke as his eyes widened. 

"I am Azure Heart of Azure Void Cave Heaven! Let the enemy die and our people be graced with healing." Azure Heart said, stepping through the anomaly. "It matters not if you regret your folly, You damned Ink Clan deserve nothing short of… DEATH! Azure Void Brilliance Battalion! Hear my order and carry it out without fail! KILL THE ENEMY!" She added. "Except the five of you, you 5 Territory Lords are going to have a special punishment!" She smirked, grasping the five who killed Lei Jin's Family. 

In the same moment Azure Heart grabbed the Territory Lords, Her Battalion appeared, spreading through the war zone wiping out the enemy like a broom sweeping dirt. Teams that had been struggling were instantly rescued by the numerous masters of the Battalion. Azure Heart suppressed the 5 Territory Lords and stored them in her Inner Domain. Then flew down to visit with Azure Void. 

The scene at Azure Void Mountain Pass was repeated at every single one of the war zones. Aside from two, both for different reasons.