Sir Azure Void's Questions

"To be able to say such things is quite bold of you, Qing Ning. And to your Master no less. Seems that Young Leiji is really just that good, Ahahaha!" Sir Azure Void said bursting out into laughter. 

"If you were a woman with a man like him you'd understand. It's not that I'm bold, Rather, it's because I'm right. My Husband is the strongest. And even with so many women sharing our bed, he has the stamina to please all of us. It would be wrong of me to not say such things." Qing Ning smirked and sipped her tea. "Besides, when it comes to my Husband, such words are not looked down on. And are instead embraced and even encouraged at times." She added, putting a drop of liquid into her tea and stirring it. 

"Oh? Is that so? Interesting. I wonder how his parents feel about that. I know they were a bit on orthodox, but to go as far as openly declaring such intentions seems a bit risky to say the least." Sir Azure Void said, seeing Qing Ning add something to her tea. "By the way, what exactly is that? The thing you added to your tea? It seemed to give off an intense energy akin to World Source Liquid… But stronger, I think." He asked, with a raised brow. 

"Ahahaha, oh. Don't worry about that drop. That's not something I can give you. Nor is it something you would want. But you're not wrong, it is indeed far stronger than World Source Liquid. But the nature of its production is a closely guarded secret and is not something given out to anyone. Oh, and don't have any ideas about asking for it. I won't allow this to be shared outside of my sister wives." Qing Ning said, sipping her enhanced tea. "Ah, so flavorful." She said, with a slightly blushed smile and holding a hand to her cheek as she tilted her head to the side she was holding. "Anyways, you wanted to know why we are able to speak about sexual desires so easily and openly. I should let Mother Azure Heart tell you. I'm certain she now also knows the reason why. If there are any questions I'll answer them. But I'd prefer to enjoy my special tea." She added with a heavy breath. 

"I… I see, then Azure Heart, If you don't mind could you inform this ignorant Elder?" Sir Azure Void asked. "Just what was that fluid Qing Ning put into her tea? And why did it make her all flustered like this? I'll ask Lei Jin about it when I see him later." He thought, receiving a cup of freshly poured tea from Azure Heart. 

"I may not have a complete understanding of why, but I do know that once one becomes 10th rank. Their strength is no longer determined based on one Dao. Rather the collection and degree of understanding of the myriad Daos. And many of those Dao are about free expression and lustful intent. There is even one… Never mind, you won't even find yourself in that situation. So no need to bring it up." Azure Heart began explaining. 

"Pfft…" Sir Azure Void spit up some of his tea back into the cup. "Wait, hold on. Are you saying that a 10th rank Open Heaven's Small Universe is that massive? How do you fit the pinnacle of the Myriad Grand Dao in such a place… A 9th rank can't possibly fit it. I could see several Dozen Dao. but the Myriad Grand Dao…" Sir Azure Void asked, nervously awaiting the answer. 

"Oh? I'll show you. It's a very different experience than Lei Jin's but, it should be enough to get the point across. But in short. The 10th rank isn't so much a larger Small Universe, as it is a new thing all together. Called the Inner Domain. You can think of the 10th rank being to the Open Heaven Realm as the Great Emperor is to the Emperor Realm. It's a pseudo type of realm. One between the Open Heaven Realm and the Limitless Heaven Realm." Azure Heart explained. 

"I… I see, then with an Inner Domain…" Sir Azure Void spoke, feeling an intense overwhelming sense of weakness as beads of sweat began forming and falling. "That means… That… uhm, with an Inner Domain, one could put multiple Small Universes inside their body like it was simply adding a drop of water to the vast ocean." He stammered. 

"Pfft, it's not that easy but yes, in essence that is possible. Right now Lei Jin is the strongest by far. His Inner Domain is filled with worlds. To a ludicrous point." Azure Heart said. "However, there is another thing that augments one's power. Remember the Multi-Directional battle arrays. They are used for the basis of creating similar permanent connections to provide for free flowing energy. And the difference between having this and not having it, is just as vast as the battle arrays. If not more so." She went on to explain. 

"My Disciple has truly grown to a level I can scarcely comprehend. But… Why is it that Qing Ning is able to comprehend the limits of Lei Jin's power? I understand they are married and join each other at the hip often, but even still. That is quite the gap that I can't fathom how big of a difference it is. I can hardly understand Azure Heart's current power as it is." Sir Azure Void asked. 

"Pfft, that's funny. Even with my degree of understanding. I can only comprehend a portion of his power. And my Husband says that the portion I know of is absolutely nothing before his actual limit. Oh how I long for the day I can feel his full power. I'll just settle with what I have for now though." Qing Ning said, making sure to catch the tea she had spat out. And then downed all of it in one gulp. "Ah! So delicious." She exclaimed with a satisfied smile. "I wonder how much freshly made… Oh, it seems they are still going at it." She thought. 

"Anyways, the preparations for the advancement of the army will need to be made. Hopefully Lei Jin can come out soon. I'm sure he will want to have a part in this matter." Sir Azure Void said, trying to change the subject.