The Final Battle

~~Weeks Later~~

The Human Race allied Army had finished their brief moment of rest as well as the preparations to move the Mountain Passes. The Great Evolution Mountain Pass was worked on tirelessly by several masters which brought it up to operational levels. It was enough to activate it to the point it could move. But the army went above and beyond once again showing their prowess. Even to the point several women stood out among the crowd. They caught Zi Rong's eye and by extension the eyes of all the 10 wives. 

Lei Jin made an Image of himself appear before each Mountain Pass. His figure looked dignified and deified. Simply catching a glimpse of his form was enough to give cultivators some small gains. Sensing this Lei Jin smirked a thoughtful smirk and held a hand out, his palm faced up. 

~Lei Jin's Speech~

"My people. Today is the day we march our forces forward. It will take some time to reach our destination. So prepare yourselves for the long haul." Lei Jin spoke, his words carrying a sense of pride and honor. 

"I will not be transporting you there for the simple reason I wish for you to gain as much experience as you can before we arrive. If you take a look inside each Pass there is a door to a realm of my own creation. This is a place that all doors will lead to. And there you will have the chance to cultivate in a similar environment as the others I brought with me when I returned to the battlefield. Though a few of the things are different as this is more focused on augmenting your strength." Lei Jin explained. 

"My wives and many other masters will be in that realm to help you with whatever troubles you may face." Lei Jin added, after a short pause. And then he cleared his throat once. "The Ink Force is not a path to break past one's natural limit from the Open Heaven Method! It is the manifestation of pure evil, and its creator Ink, is a vile plague upon our world, and invader, not an inhabitant. Some of you might be thinking that you have reached your limits, You're wrong! The Heavens are not restricting you. It is simply the method being flawed. And you will quickly learn this in the training realm. So even if you have reached your assumed pinnacle I welcome you to enjoy the training realm to the fullest. There is no need to worry about limits. We are the masters of the Heavens!" Lei Jin continued, his voice growing more passionate and filled with power as he spoke. 

~Lei Jin's Speech Finished~

With the speech given by the most powerful existence ever known, having finished. The Passes were a buzz with activity. People began taking care of their responsibilities with great care and effort. Once they learned of the exceptional time difference in the realm Lei Jin created for them, a rotation system became customary. Creating a smooth work flow and constant improvement. 

~~2 Years Later~~

~~Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction~~

The training realm closed and everyone prepared themselves for a final battle. While the human race and Ancient Divine Spirits were getting their bearings, Lei Jin started discussions with Cang, on how the battle would be fought. 

"What did you say? You mean to say that we should open the restriction without a choke point?" Cang exclaimed in surprise at first anyways. "Wait, that may sound like lunacy at first. But with an army as large as this one… It would funnel both armies in place keeping my human race from meeting the enemy at full strength." He said, realizing Lei Jin's intentions. 

"Indeed, I intend on finishing this battle as soon as possible. I have children waiting for me at home. And I intend to make good on my promise to them. This is the only way to do it." Lei Jin said, rubbing his fingers against his palm in a motion that indicated his eagerness to get home. "I know the anxiety I felt when my parents left for battle. Even if my children know how strong I am. My parents could have both been 9th rank and I still would have been anxious to see them again. Not out of fear of losing them. But rather out of the helpless weakness of myself at that time. I wanted to help my parents. But I was powerless to do so." He continued. "I won't let my children feel that same sorrow for nothing. I will return home, give them hugs, kisses and head pats. And I will continue to work towards my goal… The total revitalization of the 3000 Worlds." He finished saying with his determination intoxicating and his resolve inspiring. 

"Then I will open 7 holes in the restriction! This old man admires your courage and boldness. I look forward to seeing what the future holds." Cang smiled, "I feel younger when this boy is around. He really is the hope of my Human Race. The hope to reach heights beyond the heavens." He thought, lofty ideals. 

The army positioned themselves at each point and the several 10th ranks were hiding their presence. The plan was simple, to hit them hard and hit them fast when they would least expect it. 

"Ahahaha! YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF FOOLS! That pig Lei Jin or whatever, is the only one able to fight against my Spirit Gods. But do you really think I can't beat him? Lay down like good livestock and let me eat you." Ink's voice roared through the void. 

The Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction opened in 7 different places. What stepped out first was not a horde of low rank Ink Clan. But was actually an Ink Giant Spirit God, each with an evil sneer on their face.

"Surrender and submit to my power now or face death at the hands of my mightiest forces. AHAHAHA! COWER IN FEAR AT MY AWESOME POWER!" Ink laughed maniacally.

The Ink Giant Spirit Gods laughed and marched forward with murderous intent and brutal force with every step towards the Human race army. 

"You must not have any brains if you think I didn't prepare counter measures for these atrocities you created." Lei Jin smirked.