The Final Battle (4)

Without so much as a command, the army seized this chance. The Ink Clan left themselves wide open, in the middle of a battle. The human race's army surged their strength and began a one sided slaughter. The Ink Clan, helpless, were felled like prey to the hunter. 

The reason there was no command on the Human Race's side? Well, it was simply to take advantage of the moment. If any commands had been given, it would have opened up the opportunity for the Ink Clan to snap back to reality and launch a counter attack. 

Thus in the situation they found themselves in, it was for the best that the Human Race Army acted upon the original orders; "Kill the Enemy!". Not a single one of them forgot this order. And so the massively enumerated Ink Clan army lost several masters in what could only be a moment of pure lunacy and bewilderment. 

The Human Race and the Ancient Divine Spirits moved with brutal efficiency. Truly a wondrous display of teamwork. The ideal smooth operating machine of war. Why was this so effective? Only a fool wouldn't be able to see. While everyone had followed a different path to their Dao, they also possessed the best possible training from the hands of Lei Jin. 

In short, the reason the army was so effective, was to be blunt, a simple matter. The training of each and every individual was clearly noted and understood by everyone else. The sense of respect each individual had for their comrades was second to none. A mutual respect had been painstakingly cultivated. With something as simple as respect, for oneself and one's own allies, it was easy to work together, and know each other's limits. 

As a result the human race and ancient divine spirits didn't really need commands to carry out their duties. Everyone had a tacit understanding that bred a unique sense of understanding among the members. It was for this reason that complex formations and swapping out were possible.

Which meant, that by technicality. The Ink Clan was now fighting, an infinite unending army of enemies on par or stronger than themselves. If a human race master needed to swap out, there were any number of willing replacements that could take up the spot. Moreover, the human race no longer needed to fear the Ink Force in the slightest. Lei Jin's blessing dealt with it for the human race. . 

"AH! My Clansmen, snap out of it! Have faith in our Supreme Master! And kill the humans!" A Royal Lord managed to call out as they narrowly avoided an attack. "WHAT! An 8th rank dares to offend me like this? DIE!" They shouted angrily, and launched an attack at the 8th rank. 

"Heh! You think that's enough to stop me! Give me your head!" The 8th rank yelled, surging his strength. 

What happened next could only be called inspiring. The 8th rank lunged into battle dual wielding shields. They were tall shields, pointed like a dragon's scale on the bottom. They could be used for attack, and defense. In a brilliant display of skill the 8th rank tanked the Royal Lord's attack, head on. But, it didn't envelop him. No, it instead spread out as if the attack had hit an impenetrable and unbreakable wall. 

The 8th rank's shields turned a deep red color as a result. However, instead of a worried look stretching across the 8th rank's face. "WHAT!" The Royal Lord called out with a frightful look on his face. "That's not… HOW?!" They yelled in shock. 

The 8th rank? Well, right now he had the biggest confident smirk on his face. One that seemingly mocked the Royal Lord. "A shame, It seems that Supreme Master Lei Jin was right on the mark. Even us 8th ranks are able to fight the Ink Clan's Royal Lord!" He laughed, and then charged forward. 

The 8th rank's shield dug into the Royal Lord's body like a hot knife through butter. However, it wasn't just the one stab. No, in almost a single fluid motion the dual shielder twisted around, slamming the back of his free shield against the Royal Lord's face. At the same time he tore out the other shield that had been embedded deep into the Royal Lord. Not willing to let the enemy recover, the 8th rank moved quickly into position. Behind the Royal Lord's neck. 

"Severing Cross Shield!" The 8th rank said. He took aim and sliced the Royal Lord's head clean off its shoulders. Claiming a Royal Lord's life for his own. He grabbed the Royal Lord's head and lifted it up, proudly displaying his victory. "Down with Ink! The Human Race is eternal!" He cried out a battle cry. 

"The Human Race is Eternal! Kill the enemy!" The army chanted. Though the Ancient Divine spirits had a few misgivings about saying such things so they only chanted the; "Kill the enemy!" part of it. 

Then, from the battle between Lei Jin and Ink, a single massive wave came out, and completely destroyed the remaining parts of the Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction. However, it wasn't a wave of power, nor an aura. It was simply the residual force radiating outward from an impact of some kind. What was the impact?

The broken pieces of the Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction cluttered the view from most angles. But it was clear to a few. Lei Jin's fist was practically embedded deep into Ink's chest. If Ink had lungs, well, he would only have only one left. On Lei Jin's arm was Ink's Blood. The blood he had spit out as a result of having half of his chest collapsed in a single punch. 

"Uragh! Pft!" Ink groaned in pain and spit in Lei Jin's face. Well, tried anyway. 

Instead Ink's spit circled around Lei Jin. It was as if the spit had a will of its own and didn't want anything to do with the bang of its existence. And then, a wild smirk appeared on Ink's face. "Ah, you're dead now. I'll make you pay for this." Ink taunted, coughing through his words. 

"Oh? You think I don't know about your power? I'd have to be an idiot not to know." Lei Jin said in a calm and collected tone. "Though, you shouldn't disrespect me like this. It's only going to make your death more painful." He added, with a stone cold stare.