Returning Home

"Such is the way things turned out. So I suppose this is enough bonding for now." Liang Yu sighed, reluctantly releasing Lei Jin and Xin Xia. "I would have loved to spend more time like this, but we should be returning to Azure Void Cave Heaven now." She added fixing her dress, covering herself once again as a single tear rolled down her face. 

"You're right, Mother. It is time for the army to return home. I'll go and make the announcement now." Lei Jin said, and started to run off then paused and looked back. "Thank you, Mother. I... I missed you and father just as much as you, I. I will never blame you, Mother, and I'll make sure that my children never suffer as I had." He declared with a tearful, happy smile as he then vanished from the area. 

Liang Yu's tear, the one that had been rolling down her cheek, turned into a pair of rivers as she then held Xin Xia in a nuzzling hug. Lei Jin's other wives also came over and huddled together in a warm and loving family hug. Many tears of mixed emotions were shed, but the overwhelming majority of them were ones of gratefulness and happiness. 

Lei Jin appeared above the Army camps. An event that not a soul among the entire army could possibly ignore. Some even got ready for combat, just in case Lei Jin was calling them to another battle. After all it had been quite a sum of time since they arrived at the gate to the spatial territory. And then Lei Jin began to speak. 

"Everyone, relax, we are not going to war. We are now about to return to our homes. The 3000 Worlds. The reason it took this was two fold. Firstly I wanted to give everyone here time to collect and calm themselves. Doing this while being able to party it up with others who understood what they went through during this time. Thus giving everyone here the chance to breathe before returning home. Even I, needed time to collect myself before returning." Lei Jin explained. 

"Ahahaha! Long live the Supreme Master Lei Jin!" Many among the army began chanting, even raising jugs of wine in celebration. 

Lei Jin raised his hand in a motion, indicating he desired calm, but this was the respectful way of getting the army to relax. 

"The second reason, was a selfish one on my part. The 3000 Worlds had 2 open spots for Supreme Beings, after I defeated Ink. The world granted a miracle, one that is still currently outside of my own understanding. The world resurrected my honored parents to serve as this world's newest supreme beings." Lei Jin said, doing his best to hide his emotions, but failing miserably to do so. "I am honored that the world granted such a gift to myself. But it isn't just myself that will benefit from this, no. My children will get to see their grandparents, and spend time with them. My parents, the anchor of my family, will be able to hold their grandchildren and watch them grow. It truly touches my heart that the world has blessed my family in this way." He added, willing his power to wipe some tears away. 

"If someone was going to receive such a blessing, it would have to be the one who sacrificed and pushed forward more than anyone else. The one most deserving of such an incredible reward is none other than you, the All-father, the Great-Papa, the Supreme Master, Lei Jin!" Azure Heart called out from among the crowd. 

"Supreme Master Lei Jin, is the one most deserving!" The army began chanting. 

Lei Jin repeated his hand motion as his emotions became less clouded. "Today, I will open the passage and everyone will return home. You will be welcomed home with a great warmth. The world was saved not by my hands alone. You all played a part. And so, may you all be given the highest of honors! May our friends and family welcome us home with open arms. May we return victorious in ensuring the survival of life! A civilian's welcoming home of their warriors." Lei Jin said, increasing the nobleness of his tone as he continued to speak. 

The army, moved by Lei Jin's words, began chanting words of praise and admiration with joy in their hearts. No one cared that Lei Jin had been slightly selfish the last few months. It was because of Lei Jin, that everyone there had their cultivation. In a way he was everyone's master, hence the title Supreme Master. 

Lei Jin smirked, with a calm demeanor and then chuckled to himself a little. He raised his hands and opened the passage to the Spatial Territory. Usually these passages would require a funneling of sorts, but with Lei Jin there, the passage opened up in response to Lei Jin's will. The sheer size of this passage was beyond anything anyone could have fathomed. Even the 10th rank open Heavens and Celestial Realm Spirits were watching, mouths agape. 

"Remember! We all fought as one united force! We will forever be a single unbreakable force. The 3000 Worlds will never experience such struggles. May we forever be united under the banner. May we forever be bound with each other. Human and Ancient Divine Spirits, alike. Now go forth, and return home. The war may be over, but the rebuilding and revitalization will still take time." Lei Jin stated, after the passage had become so large everyone was able to pass through with ease. 

"May the Supreme Master's family reign! When the Supreme Master calls, may all who live answer the call! Let us rebuild this world together!" The army chanted. 

A shift began, the army began gathering together in groups. The groups were those who all shared the same origins. Those who had joined from within another's small universe, or Lei Jin's Inner Domain, had gathered together with those who trained them, or their lovers. But in the end everyone had a place to return to. A place that would welcome them with the open arms that Lei Jin spoke of, A home.