
A brief moment of admiration of this sign later, and everyone sensed an absolutely gargantuan change in the air, the void, even the common people meaning none cultivators could sense this disturbance. It wasn't a bad feeling, but everyone could feel their spines tingle, causing their admiration to deepen. It was like an overwhelming sense of protection overtook them. Like they could face any danger without any fear in their hearts. 

"Haha! It's Father! That's definitely father!" Lei Qing Ge exclaimed with a look of supreme happiness on her face. 

"This... If the source of this feeling really is their father, the Pillar Lei Jin. I no longer have any doubt, the future will be bright forevermore. It's almost like an entire 3000 Worlds incarnated to protect us." An Azure Void Elder commented, with his loose lips. 

"I knew he would be strong, but this is... Just insane, I wonder, what realm is our Supreme Master in now?" Azure Void's Headmaster Xiang Xi murmured inquisitively. 

"My daddy is super strong! The strongest there is!" One of Lei Jin's younger children said she was one of the ones that had been sent back to the Cave Heaven under the protection of many others, along with those who were currently carrying. 

"I know that the people who had arrived a few years ago were saying words of the Supreme Master's unfathomable power. But this is just far too much for anyone to just imagine from such words." Azure Void's Headmaster Xiang Xi smiled wryly. "Does, madam Old Ancestor have any comment on this matter?" He asked, turning to look at one of the 9th ranks that had been ordered to protect the children that had been sent back. 

"Ahahaha! Our words from back then were the truth. I'm afraid if millions of 9th ranks were to band together, we still wouldn't enter his eyes, but that was back then. Now... HA, even equating us to ants in comparison would be far more than we deserve." The 9th rank lagged in a shaky voice, trembling at the mere thought of fighting a power like this. 

"May I ask what madam Old Ancestor is using to determine this?" Another Elder of Azure Void Cave Heaven asked, timidly, with a cold sweat.

"Ha, back then I could describe in words how strong the Supreme Master was. Of course, in comparison to Giant Spirit Gods, but still, it was at least something I could hope to understand. But now, I only feel like I should do everything I can to stay on his good side. The kind of power he possesses now is far beyond any concept I am able to understand. Let alone hope to defeat. A shame really, I was hoping that there would be the potential for more young ladies to share him. After all, bearing his children could be considered the greatest of honors, given how powerful he is now." The Old Ancestor sighed. 

And then, all of the war ships, and palace artifacts, as well as the Azure Void Cave Heaven's Mountain Pass appeared right in front of them. And sort of parked in the Void. Lei Jin looked out from atop the bow of the flagship, his favorite ship of them all. When he saw the sign, a tear fell, only he could tell the true significance of what the sign meant, they were practicing diligently. 

It was his daughters that were practicing the most, to develop their own techniques more suitable to their own body. In doing so, his son's helped to keep their sisters afloat by restoring their power as they practiced. The sign served as an embodiment of his children's improvement while he was away. What father, parent, wouldn't be proud of this sight. 

"I am Lei Jin! I have returned home from battle, our army has achieved flawless victory over our mortal enemy, Ink. The world, no, Life, reigns supreme in this world once again, and for this achievement the army deserves the highest of honors!" Lei Jin announced, with deep feeling, to convey the depth of what this means. 

"We are Azure Void, We welcome the Supreme Master Lei Jin, and the army home, with the highest of honors!" The entire Cave Heaven Paradise said in unison, resounding together in a heartfelt welcoming. 

"Welcome home Daddy! Welcome home Mommies!" All of Lei Jin's Children called out afterwards, with great big smiles on their faces. 

Starting from that very moment the entire 3000 Worlds' was in celebration mode. Food and drink were shared endlessly as the army regaled stories of their battles, training and the final battle. Though out of every story that was told, there were two that were told more than any other. The one of Ink's crushing defeat under the impressive might of Lei Jin. The other was of the one told of the two new Supreme Beings, Lei Wei, and Liang Yu. 

About a month into the party Lei Jin took his family into private quarters to spend some time talking about the situation. He explained the new mothers his children had, a point which none of them had any qualms about in the slightest. And he also talked about how important they are to him, as well as the situation with the complete revitalization of the 3000 Worlds. The children were rather eager to begin helping out as best they could and as soon as they could. 

"Finally, you have been waiting patiently, and I know that you have seen their likeness before, but today, thanks to the generosity of the 3000 Worlds, I can introduce my children to their grandparents. My Honored Father, Lei Wei and my Beautiful Mother, Liang Yu." Lei Jin said, holding back his happy tears. 

"WAHA! GRANDMA AND GRANDPA!" The children all exclaimed in shock. 

"It's hard to believe..." Lei Xin Ya started to say...

"I know it is hard to believe but I am truly your grandmother, my darling granddaughter, little Xin Ya." Liang Yu said, hugging Lei Xin Ya close to her bosom. 

Lei Xin Ya, sniffed slightly and had an instant revelation. "It's, it's, it's really grandma!" She started crying and nuzzled into Liang Yu's chest.

"There there, I promise that this time, I won't let death separate our family, ever again. So come and play with grandma for a while." Liang Yu smiled, holding her granddaughter tight, crying as well.