~ FIN ~

~ Lei Jin's Rainbow Mansion ~

Lei Jin returned home to see that his children had already begun practicing their rainbow aura. He had numerous children at this point, so it was quite the sight to behold. A sense of accomplishment and pride filled his heart. "Even still, they would do better than even I, should they have a proper instructor. I'll make some soul clones to fill this spot when I can not." He thought. 

Several soul clones of Lei Jin began appearing in the mansion. It was a display of his overwhelming strength. So much so that, the people who lived or visited the mansion decided to just accept what they saw. A wise idea given the power gap between Lei Jin and themselves. If the unqualified were to try and comprehend the limit of Lei Jin's power, it was likely their cultivation would become unstable, thus why nobody did try to comprehend the unfathomable. 

~ 10 Years Later ~

"So he is creating new worlds for the Ancient Divine Spirits to use. Not bad. It's been so long since their race had the freedom they do now. I'm sure they are enjoying this feeling." A visitor commented with loose lips. 

"We are indeed quite thankful. The worlds that Supreme Master Lei Jin creates are perfect for us. The extent of our mating is no longer bound by random whims. And we haven't lost a single egg since he first arrived at the Ancestral Land." A Phoenix replied from behind the one who just spoke. 

"I see, it is similar to us. With the Supreme Master's blessing, there hasn't been a single failure of a pregnancy, and it's been much easier to conceive as well. He truly is the epitome of the All Father. I sometimes wonder if the very reason he was born, was to give rise to this change." The Visitor said with a tone indicating his admiration. 

"Whether that is, or is not the case, does not matter. The orders he had sent out have made this place rather crowded over the years. Oh, it looks like the supreme master is going to... no, that's one of his sons." The Phoenix said. 

A young man, similar in features to Lei Jin, floated up into the air. "Ladies, gentlemen, humans, and Ancient Divine Spirits, I am Lei Le Xiaoli son of my father, the supreme Master Lei Jin. I have a truly fortunate announcement for everyone, the whole 3000 Worlds over to hear. Under the generous guiding hand of my father, I along with many of my siblings have fully mastered the essential arts of our father. And from this day forward, we are going to create several new mansions just like this one so more people can come and receive the blessing of fertility. Moreover, my brothers and I will be taking up to 3 wives and 6 concubines, so keep that in mind ladies." Lei Le Xiaoli explained, and then Bam. 

"Brother, you were supposed to tell them about us too! Fine, I'll do it. Everyone, my brothers can be quite dumb at times, so my sisters and I will accompany them. One brother and one sister to each force. And we will begin with the 1st class forces first, then go evenly for the 2nd and then 3rd classes. We ask you to be patient with us. There are only 100 pairs ready to depart as it is now. But just know that we look forward to the future." Lei Qing Ge smiled, putting away her fist behind her back after hitting her brother. "Oh and, we are taking multiple husbands too. So don't worry too much, and just try your best to earn my father's approval. Anyone who does is definitely worthy of standing beside us daughters of the Supreme Master." She giggled. 

At first the crowd was stunned and then it erupted with hopeful cheers. The women were far more excited, after all it was going to be significantly easier to earn approval as a woman than it was as a man. Such is the nature of the world in which they live. 

Lei Jin remained silent and in deep focus. Occasionally a Universe World tailored to the Ancient Divine Spirits would appear in the void near Azure Void. And the Ancient Divine Spirits began moving them to wherever they wanted the moment they appeared. And with the influx of Worlds for them to inhabit, along with the aid of Lei Jin's fertility enhancing Aura effect, the numbers of Ancient Divine Spirits exploded. 

Though, the number of humans grew at a rate that simply shattered the imagination. It very nearly doubled every 2 years if everything went normally, however, many high rank open heaven realms were also constantly adding to the population via removing the excess number from their own Small Universes. Combined with the Artifact world's time distortion, it was only a matter of a few months for the population to double. Worlds throughout the 3000 Worlds brimmed with new life, as a result of the rapid population growth. 

Lei Wei and Liang Yu, would occasionally take turns ordering the Universe Worlds in Great Territories, Creating a similar structure to the one that Lei Jin had, of course it took the two of them a bit of time to figure it out since they themselves have not done it, yet. 

~ 1000 Years Later ~

The Human Race and Ancient Divine Spirits had grown in number to the point that billions was a massive underestimation of the total. It would be fair to say that the count was practically endless. 

Lei Jin had stopped his production of Ancient Divine Spirit Worlds. At least the ones that were for rewards from the great battle. Now he was making them on occasion when a fee of some kind was collected. Or they legit ran out of space entirely. 

This was because Lei Jin had a really important job. Preparation for the possibility of invasion by an outside force like Ink, once again. To this end the remaining 9 seats spoke to him directly. 

"Lei Jin, the 3000 Worlds Supreme Master. The achievements you have made deem you worthy to become one of the honored 9 seats. What say you?" A voice rang out in Lei Jin's Head. 

"I can not. If I were to do so now, and an enemy like Ink came along, it would be difficult to detect them in time. Furthermore, I am not blind. There are other worlds out there dealing with their own Ink. I will aid them as well in due time. Since they do not have a Supreme Master, it falls upon me. And if I were to become a seat, I wouldn't be allowed to interfere." Lei Jin replied, shaking his head. 

"A pity, but, expected. I wish you well. And allow it. Happy hunting." The voice said with a hearty, happy laugh and then vanished. 

"The 3000 Worlds is well on its way to full recovery. I'm happy, seeing the life filled worlds, it was worth it." Lei Jin smiled, and then pressed on, occasionally stopping by his home every other year, to please and appease his many women.