Chapter 24: Finals

And it was done.

Layla set down her pencil and stared at her paper with a small grin on her face.

She had just finished the final question on her final exam.

Containing her squeals of relief she carried her papers up to her professor's desk and set them on top of the others.

He gave her a smile and whispered, “enjoy your summer.”

“Thanks,” she whispered back with a grin.

Moments later, she was walking out the door and into the sunshine-filled campus. Today was going to be a good day!

Pulling out her phone, she sent a text to Mia.

Layla: I just finished my last exam! Call me when you’re done, we need to go celebrate!

Only after sending the text to Mia did she see a message from Atreus.

Atreus: When are you coming back?

As she read the text she smiled and shook her head.

Layla: I’ve only been gone a day. Are you really that lonely without me? ;)

Atreus: Devastatingly lonely :(