2. Even if I owe 20 million, I will not separate from you

Originally, this pair of immortal couples was enough to make people enviable.

As a result, they put it here and kissed in public.

But the boys passing by were envious.

They all beat their chests and stamped their feet, wishing they could go up and beat Xu Mu up.

During her freshman military training, Su Xinyan was voted the most beautiful and well-deserved school belle by a few good people.

Basically, people show love to her every day, send flowers and gifts or something.

As time goes by, more and more people admire her.

But she was taken down by Xu Mu at the end of the first half of the semester.

that night.

The hearts of countless boys at Shenghai University of Finance and Economics were broken.

It can be said that they were angry when they saw Xu Mu.

Not to mention seeing them show their affection in public now, who can resist it.

If they learned that Xu Mu actually proposed to break up.

They probably laughed out loud while scolding Xu Mu for being stupid.

Su Xinyan looked at Xu Mu beautifully.

"No matter what happens, I don't want to be separated from you, let's face it together."

Xu Mu didn't use the lie he had thought up before, and said directly.

"My family owes two million, and I need to pay them back."

"Even if I owe twenty million, I will not separate from you," Su Xinyan said firmly.

In her previous life, Su Xinyan only learned the truth two years after they broke up.

She went back to look for Xu Mu, but she couldn't find him.

Until the seventh year of the breakup.

Su Xinyan contracted tuberculosis, and Xu Mu rushed to the hospital the next day.

Only then did Su Xinyan know.

It turned out that he had been paying attention to himself.

After recovering from illness.

Su Xinyan took the initiative to pursue Xu Mu, they talked for another year, and chose to get married.

As a result, it was early in the morning on the second day of the wedding.

When Su Xinyan woke up, she found herself standing face to face under the willow tree next to the stadium of her alma mater.

[Since I am reborn, why not let me be reborn earlier, so that I can tell my husband earlier, let him talk to relatives and friends at home, and not lend money to his father, so that I will not owe so much money. ]

[But it's not too late now, I can accompany him to make money and pay off his debts, and never let him go through those difficult years alone. ]

Although Su Xinyan didn't know how Xu Mu spent the seven years of debt repayment.

But she saw that Xu Mu had one-fifth of the gray hair on his head at a young age, and his overworked body with various problems after going to the hospital for a physical examination.

She just knew it.

Xu Mu must have stayed up many nights, suffered a lot, and suffered many crimes during the seven years of repaying his debts.

Reborn once.

She wants to share joys and sorrows with Xu Mu and be his most solid backing.

And she believed that as a reborn person who knew the future better than anyone else, it would not be difficult to make money.

With my own help, it won't be long before the two million can be repaid.

Xu Mu, who heard Su Xinyan's voice, was moved in every possible way.

He hugged her gently and said nothing more.

After about half a minute.

A voice came from the side.

"Xinyan, although I don't want to disturb you, I still want to say that class is about to start."

Xu Mu and Su Xinyan separated.

He saw Chen Xiaolu beside him, she was Su Xinyan's roommate.

I happened to pass by here and saw them, so I opened my mouth to remind them.

"Okay, you go there first, we'll be right there," Su Xinyan gently brushed her hair by her ears.

"Yes," Chen Xiaolu nodded and walked towards the classroom.

Su Xinyan turned her head and said, "Let's go to class too."

"I want to drop out of school to make money," Xu Mu said.

In his previous life, he broke up and dropped out of school today.

After all, going to school costs money, and he has to save every penny to pay off his debts.

Su Xinyan pulled him along and said, "If you want to make money with such a large amount as two million, it will take at least several years, or even decades."

"We are also students of the Finance Department of Shenghai University of Finance and Economics, so we should find a way from the financial aspect."

[Your wife, I am a reborn person. If a reborn person relies on part-time jobs to make money, it would be too low. It would be great to buy stocks and futures, start a business or something. ]

[I believe that with your ability to earn two million yuan in seven years from scratch, if you just tell you a promising industry, you can achieve high achievements. ]

Xu Mu's eyes lit up.


The Reborn know a lot about the future.

She knows which industry is the most promising, which model is more popular, and which company will be popular in the future.

If you remember some stocks that have risen sharply and fallen sharply, it will be easier to make money.

Why bother to work for someone?

"It seems that in the future, I will have to repeat the words of my future wife."

The two of them went back to bring their respective computers and came to the classroom together.

They are actually elementary school classmates.

I just lost contact after graduating from elementary school.

Unexpectedly, I was admitted to the same school and the same class in the university.

We got together at the end of the first half semester of our freshman year, and we have been talking for more than a year.

The boys in the class are also used to their behavior in class together.

What can I say other than envy.

Who made Xu Mu not only handsome, but also capable of studying well.

After a while, the classroom was full of students.

This section is a practical class.

Generally, courses are only available in the third year.

The water in the financial industry is too deep.

Maybe yesterday I still drove a luxury car and lived in a luxury house, but today I went bankrupt due to some improper operation and owed people millions.

Let's exaggerate.

One second, he was still wealthy, and the next second he may be directly in debt.

Therefore, finance cannot only teach theory and professional ability.

You also need to have a certain practical ability and a good attitude.

Practical lessons are a must.

Each student in the class has their own stock account.

During the class, the teacher will let the students with the highest profit rate during this period talk about their feelings.

Everyone learns from each other.

If someone keeps losing money, it will even affect his graduation.

Therefore, everyone attaches great importance to practical courses.

After the teacher Yan Wenyao came in, he asked everyone to open their respective software.

Xu Mu's account only has more than 7,000 yuan. After all, his family is not well-off, and he earned the money through work-study programs.

Every time he dared not choose risky stocks, for fear of losing too much.

Su Xinyan can be considered an ordinary family, and with her own management, she now has more than 30,000 in her account.

Su Xinyan said: "I will transfer all my money to you in a while, and I will only keep one thousand."

The teacher stipulates that there must be at least one thousand in each account.

Xu Mu was stunned, "Are we just relying on the 40,000 to make two million?"

Su Xinyan held his hand and said firmly, "You have to believe in our ability!"

[Although eight years have passed, I can't remember the ups and downs of many stocks during this period, but I still remember one of the miracle stocks. ]

[It's okay to earn some start-up capital from this one stock. ]