7. Bike sharing project!

Just like the news that Xu Mu's family owed someone two million.

The fact that Xu Mu's stocks rose by 400% quickly spread in the department and even the whole school.

It caused an uproar.

"Wo Cao! The increase is 417%, this special meow is too fierce!!"

"That is to say, if you buy 1 million, you can make a net profit of 4 million, and if you buy 100 million, you can make a net profit of 400 million."

"This stock is obviously manipulated by someone behind it. If you buy too much, it may affect the increase and be cut off by someone."

"The stock has already risen, and people have already made money, so we know."

"I thought Xu Mu was a bit pitiful before, but it turns out that I should be pitiful."

"I'm so meow that I deleted Xu Mu's friends last night! I'm just a big Shabi."

"Why isn't he my boyfriend!!"

"Is this the vision of Su Xiaohua! It's too good!"

Yesterday, Su Xinyan's roommate learned that Xu Mu's family owed money, and even wanted to persuade Su Xinyan to break up with him.

After all, that was two million, and following him there was no hope at all.

But Su Xinyan said at that time that she would not break up with Xu Mu.

They felt that Su Xinyan was dazzled by love and made a fool of herself.

Didn't expect it to be just one day.

They were slapped in the face.

It's not that Su Xinyan is stupid.

It's just that she has full confidence in Xu Mu.

"Hey, I remember that Xu Mu's two roommates have a good relationship with him. They are both single. How about letting Xinyan help with a dormitory dinner?"

"Good idea."

Wang Hanzhong was dumbfounded.

When he was sleeping yesterday, he saw it in the school post bar.

Some people are complaining about Xu Mu, while others are gloating about his love with Su Xinyan.

Wang Hanzhong was a little complacent, after all, he did it himself.

Originally he thought.

wake up.

Su Xinyan will break up with Xu Mu, and Xu Mu will drop out of school in shame.

Unexpectedly, Su Xinyan not only did not break up with Xu Mu, Xu Mu also turned around with a stock.

Now open the school post bar again.

Several posts were talking about this stock, among which Xu Mu's praise and admiration were unavoidable.

Some people even wanted to visit Xu Mu for advice.

"Slot slot slot!!"

"Why is he so lucky! Buying a random stock can go up so much!!"

He opened the stock trading software and saw that the stock was still rising.

Wang Han was so angry that he almost dropped his mobile phone.

This means that his plan not only failed.

Because of this.

The probability of Xu Mu and Su Xinyan breaking up is also lower.

To say angry.

There is one more person.

That is Xu Mu's other roommate, Zou Yuan.

When he went back to the dormitory last night, he didn't say a word to Xu Mu and the others.

Especially Xu Mu.

They didn't dare to look at Xu Mu, for fear that Xu Mu would ask him to lend him money.

As a result, I did not expect such a thing to happen today.

Four people in one bedroom.

All three of them bought stocks that went up sharply, but he was the only one who didn't.

And he had a chance, but he was screwed by himself.

Anyone can get angry.

But Zou Yuan had nothing to do.

Who made the relationship between him and Xu Mu have been very ordinary, plus yesterday's deliberate alienation.

It would be strange if Xu Mu could bring him to make money together.

Last night was the fastest time for Hongyuan Technology to rise.

From the end of the Hongyuan Technology press conference, the stock price of 75 rose all the way to 300.

Today, it rose from three hundred to nearly four hundred a day.

Some people started in time, and some people are still waiting and watching.

Some people even dared to take a gamble and chose to go short.

After all, they feel that the potential of this company is limited, and it is completely inflated now, and it should fall soon.

When Xu Mu opened the button, he could see a series of private messages to him.

Basically, they are asking questions about stocks.

Xu Mu chose to ignore everything.

He is now thinking about what he should do with the money.

I still have to start with my future daughter-in-law, Xiaohua's wife, after all, she is a reborn person.

Xu Mu gently stopped Su Xinyan's shoulder.

"You said that after this stock stabilizes, should we continue to buy other stocks, or start a business and do something else?"

Su Xinyan said: "I think it's better to do something else. After all, buying stocks is too risky. If you are lucky and can make money this time, it may not be the case next time."

[In the past two years, I have known the ups and downs of this stock, and it is too risky to continue buying. ]

"I thought so too, but I just didn't know what to do," Xu Mu said with a sigh.

Su Xinyan replied seriously: "It's really time to think about it. After all, we only have such a small start-up capital. If we lose money, we have to start from scratch."

[Hee hee, I thought about it last night. ]

[There is a prospect. The only project I can think of at the moment is shared bicycles. ]

[Ofo's small yellow car started from the campus of Peking University. Although it ended badly in the end, it was only a matter of management decision-making by shareholders and management. The company's leading trend and achievements are still worthy of recognition . ]

[I remember that ofo was started by a few college students. As a result, it got the Pre-A round of financing in the second year of its establishment, the A round in January of the third year, the A+ round in August, and the B round in September. ]

[In October, it received a C round of financing of 130 million U.S. dollars, and in March of the fourth year, it received a D round of financing of 450 million U.S. dollars. ]

[The three-year valuation has ranged from zero to 18 billion. It has become the jewel in the palm of major capitals. Before there is no problem, it is the well-deserved leader of the global bike-sharing platform. ]

[The bike-sharing platform may not be a project that can last for a long time, but it is a qualified stepping stone that can quickly start cashing out to make money and accumulate venture capital for other large projects. ]

The reason why Su Xinyan understands these things so well.

It's because she will work in an investment company in the future, so she can be regarded as an angel investor.

Even her investment company participated in the E-round financing of ofo.

[The important thing about this project is the concept, management and operation. The requirements for contacts and funds are not particularly high, and it can be done in school. ]

[It can be said that it is very suitable for us today. ]

[It's just that I should propose this project to my husband in this way. ]

Su Xinyan was lost in thought.

Xu Mu, who could hear her voice, was dumbfounded.

After all, the strings of numbers in her mind were too scary for Xu Mu now.

"Bike sharing? If I understand correctly, it's bike sharing."

"Such a project can be so big?!"

