14. Still not doing it? Have a heart but no guts

Xu Mu did not return to Shenghai.

Find a place to live nearby.

Su Xinyan came out to find it after eating, and they went to some places to visit in Pingjiang together.

They didn't go back to school until Sunday afternoon.

At the same time, Xu Mu also started to implement their bike-sharing plan.

First of all, of course, there must be a bicycle.

Xu Mu and Su Xinyan found the Phoenix Factory.

Let their designers design a shared bicycle that Su Xinyan approves.

If you think you can, you can start mass production.

Su Xinyan said: "I think it should be simple. There is a car basket in the front where you can put some things, and there is no car seat in the back."

"Because there are seats, two people can ride a car, and the best design of a car can only be ridden by one person."

"There is also a password lock, the number is longer, so it is not easy for people to guess."

[The current technology should not be able to reach the future generations. After scanning the code, use the program on the mobile phone to control the car lock. Even if it can be achieved, buying such a smart lock and developing supporting software will cost money, and the cost will increase too much. too much. ]

[So just like the ofo in the previous life, use digital locks at the beginning, wait for the technology to be achieved, and after the funds are in place, all of them will be replaced with smart locks. ]

Phoenix Factory is also an old bicycle brand.

Still very professional in designing bikes.

After Xu Mu and Su Xinyan finished talking about their request, the plan came out after more than two hours.

The designer said: "Are you really sure not to add shock absorption to the car? Although such a car is designed to be simple, it may be very uncomfortable to ride."

"Sure," Xu Mu nodded and said.

Most of the shared bicycles are just for a while, so why do you want to be so comfortable.

Fewer shock absorbers can save a lot of cost and funds, and build a lot of cars.

Although this is a bit ruthless capital taste.

But making money is not shabby.

Then there is the design of the car lock, which is simpler.

It is to add a number button on the basis of the ordinary car lock.

Unlock the bike by pressing the number buttons.

Every car has a different password.

At that time, the user can scan the QR code on the car and pay the deposit to know the password of the car.

After pressing the password, the car lock is opened.

So the lock is also quite simple.

After the design plan is finalized.

The first batch of orders was first signed for a thousand vehicles.

One car costs three hundred, and the digital car lock is nearly one hundred.

That is, the cost of a bicycle is four hundred.

A total of four hundred thousand.

Xu Mu said: "After we put the first batch of cars in various places of Shenghai Finance and Economics, we will consider the next university."

Su Xinyan nodded affirmatively.

"Well, if we order too many at one time, we will need to use more people, so the cost is a bit high, so it's better for each school to be safe."

Xu Mu and Su Xinyan had already agreed on the price.

The deposit is 299.

Bicycle charges are calculated by the hour, one yuan per hour.

A deposit is required, after all, the cost of a car is four hundred.

If one person sweeps the car and refuses to return it, then Xu Mu will lose money.

Su Xinyan said, "Give us a name for this platform."

"Since it's decided to make the bike blue, let's keep it simple and call it Xiaolan Bike," Xu Mu said casually.

Su Xinyan thought for a while, "That's fine."

[The cars in my memory in my previous life included little yellow, little blue, little green, little orange, etc. Little blue is simple and easy to remember, not bad. ]

Xu Mu asked their people.

It will take more than a month to produce a finished car, after all, they have never built this car before.

It also needs to be manufactured from each part.

Fortunately, the standard of modern industry is already very high, and the little blue car is really simple.

So it doesn't take long.

After going back to school.

Xu Mu went to a counselor and told him about starting a business.

Then they approached the school leaders.

After all, Xu Mu will put a thousand bicycles in school in the future.

It is necessary to tell the school in advance and ask for instructions.

And if you get the support of the school, it will be very beneficial to the subsequent development of publicity.

After Xu Mu briefly told the director about the whole plan.

The director nodded affirmatively.

"It's a very good idea, and college students' entrepreneurship schools have always been very supportive."

"In addition, your project will also help the teachers and students of our school. I think it is a very promising project."

"However, there is still a process. You can send the application and the outline of the plan later. If there is no problem, I can approve it directly for you."

"If you do a good job, I can approve some office space for you."

Xu Mu stood up and said, "Thank you Director, I will send all the materials I need tomorrow."


Xu Mu and the counselor left the director's office, and he hurried back to prepare various materials needed.

Xu Mu still has a lot to do during this time.

Register the company, recruit employees in advance, and plan a publicity plan.

Decide where to put the shared bikes at that time.

Classes are still on as normal.

Therefore, the time for dating Su Xinyan was much less.

Every time I have dinner and take a walk in school.

A few days ago, Xu Mu earned 700,000 yuan by speculating in stocks for 40,000 yuan, which made him shine in school.

Walking on the campus now, everyone who sees him is polite.

Whether Xu Mu knew them or not, they would take the initiative to say hello.

"Good evening, classmate Xu, classmate Su."

"Good evening."

Xu Mu nodded casually.

After the few people who greeted him walked away, they were still talking about it.

"Who was that person just now? The girl next to her is so beautiful."

"Are you from our school? Su Xiaohua doesn't even know her."

"It turns out that she is Su Xinyan. She is really pretty. So that person just now is Xu Mu who earned 700,000 with 40,000?"

"Hey! Why didn't you say it earlier! At least add a friend to get to know him!"

In order not to be disturbed by these polite students, Xu Mu could only drag Su Xinyan to a place where there were few people.

Nearby are some little lovers who kiss me and me.

Xu Mu pulled Su Xinyan and stopped suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Su Xinyan asked puzzled.

When she noticed the way Xu Mu looked at her, she instantly understood.

[You big pig's hoof, you know that you want to take advantage of me just by looking at your lewd eyes. ]

[It's been a long time since I've seen it, why don't you do it? You're so greedy but not courageous. ]
