Chapter 19: Human Sacrifice


My heart hammered so hard in my chest, I thought it was going to burst through my ribcage. Knox was severely injured and although I'd seen simple wounds on him heal in mere seconds or minutes, something told me this was worse. Like his wings had been shredded. His bones were broken.

I had to fix this. I had to distract the Roulex. But how? If I gave myself up, they'd still hunt for him.

I tore through the woods. Maybe someone could help us.

Yeah right. I was on an unknown planet, dressed in prison garb, and hoping to save my alien boyfriend. I let out a hysterical gasp at that notion.

Okay, think, Samantha, think.

I had no weapons, no way to contact anyone. Nothing.

Why did I think I could pull this off? I was useless. Because of me, Knox would get re-captured. And who knew what the Roulex would do to him this time.

I shuddered, pressing on.