"Once more," Xaden asked me. "How often do the guards switch rotations on this level?"
"Three times... every eight hours. But Charred," that's the nickname I'd given the guard with a singed tail, "Does ten hours probably as punishment for whatever happened to him."
Xaden grunted. "Anything could change. One of the guards gets sick or asks for a night off. We have to prepare for anything."
I pressed my hands to my temples because it seemed like my head was going to explode memorizing this stuff. But if it meant I could get us out of here, I would. And we've been going over these routines for six days straight. I'm beginning to dream of the different floors and guards. Last night, I dreamed of Xaden as a sexy male teacher testing me for a major final wearing a huge top hat over his black horns.
I chuckled.
"This isn't funny, Riley."
"I know." I dropped my hands. "Can we talk about something else for a bit?"
"Like what? Do you wish to go over the upper levels?"