Chapter 71: The Invitation

Numbly, I left my class of the day as the pendulum's answers weighed heavily on me. Reed was keeping secrets from me? Why?

"Hey," Reed said, bumping into my shoulder. "Sorry about earlier. I got... hung up."

"It's okay." I tried to keep my voice light and felt like I was failing. "No dark mages popped out of the walls and grabbed me."

Reed's jaw tightened and I pressed my hands to my stomach. The thought of confronting him about what I learned made me feel like I had to throw up.

"How do you like your new classes?"

"Wha - " I stumbled a bit and his hand on my elbow steadied me. "Oh, they're good. Actually, I really like them more than the others... except for Magical Geometry. That subject is bad enough all on its own without the added layer of magic."

He chuckled but kept his hand on my arm and I feel all squishy inside. "I know I let you down, let me make it up to you."

"What do you have in mind?"