My magic surged through me and I aimed it at the wraiths. But a sizzle tickled over my palm.
No, no, no!
I thrust my palms up at the wraiths and aimed with all my strength. A stabbing pain twisted in my middle and I doubled over, panting.
Jasper and Kento threw magic at the wraiths, but it was going straight through them like they were fighting black clouds. Reed's shield protected several students and him as the third wraith beat against the barrier.
Straightening, I ground my teeth against the pain. I could do this. I'd been working with dark magic for weeks - a niggling voice in the back of my mind told me that was exactly what they wanted. We were outgunned and outnumbered, but I wouldn't give up. I couldn't. I'd lose Jasper and Kento and Reed. I'd lose everything.
Megan stalked toward me, a smirk on her face, with Professor Daniels at her heels. When did he get here?
"You did this, Zoey." She's wearing a thick coat even though is warm, but it's soaked through.