1.Annie's challenge

Annie's POV

"Run! Annie run!

"Run to the safe room"

She heard her aunt Maria shout at her in the middle of the gunfire. There is no way Annie would escape leaving her Aunt in danger. Even though her aunt is very skilful in fighting, she is outnumbered.

Annie quickly run to the kitchen and picked Smith Wesson Model 686 - The Smith & Wesson Model 686 is a revolver that is commonly used by law enforcement and civilian gun owners. It fires .357 Magnum or .38 Special rounds and has a 6-round cylinder capacity. It has a stainless steel frame and is known for its accuracy and smooth trigger pull.

She backed her aunt up by shooting in the opposite direction of her aunt, the two women looked like badass women at that moment. In Aunt Maria's efforts to push Annie down from getting shots, Aunt Maria was shot in the rib. Auntie Maria shouted Annie run! But there is no way Annie could escape without being hit by bullets flying from all angles.

Their day was peaceful, everything was going on well during supper when they were surrounded by their enemies. Auntie Maria didn't know how their enemies found them. Annie and her Aunt were able to handle the situation quite well, the two women were able to eliminate their enemies although Aunt Maria was shot, she was able to handle the gun quite well. Annie has been trained by her aunt to use the gun and knives very well she is a woman who can compete with men in combat but she has never faced a situation like this in her life. Aunt Maria holding her rib, run to her room to get a bag that contains their documents and some valuables, she asked Annie to drive them to the Dicosta mansion. Annie wanted to drive them to the hospital but she was stopped by her aunt. while in the car, aunt Maria told Annie," Annie your parents are alive, they wanted you to have a normal life free from fear but I filled them"."promise me you will leave"Annie started to get confused, what is she talking about

Aunt Maria continued, you have two weeks to graduate from college after your graduation I want you to go to California, she wrote an address on a sheet of paper and handed it to Annie and a bunch of money, you will find out about our family when you get to California. just promise me no matter what happens you will survive. Annie shouted, Aunt Maria! what are you talking about you can't leave me alone, tears started streaming down her face. she said aunt I promise I will survive, I promise I will be strong. upon their arrival at the Dicosta mansion, a medical team rushed to carry Aunt Mariah from the car, Maria was confused but her main concern was aunt Maria's well-being.

Anna follow the medical team inside the building but she was not allowed to enter the room, Aunt Maria was carried to, Annie cried for hours, 6 hours later a doctor came to call Annie, he told her she can go in to see aunt Maria, who wanted to see her. she was relieved.

she walk to the side of Aunt Maria's bed, she was looking very pale, and she was not in a good situation. she said Annie the Dicosa family are our friends to our family, you can trust them, you can stay with them till you are done with college. Mr Dicosta will take care of you, obey whatever he tells you. she turned Mr Dicosta, take care of our princess. I know she is in good hands. Annie whimpers while hugging Aunt Maria, you will be safe, they will protect you. with a smile aunt Maria close her eyes Annie shouted Aunt! Aunt! don't know leave me.

Today is my graduation from university, and I thought I will be happy, I imagined this day to be a memorable day for me but here I am. the only family I have known all my life is not here on my special day. I feel sad and lonely seeing my mates with their families. I don't even know what my parents look like, I love my aunt Soo much but I am hurt, All my life, I've known only her. it means everything about my life is a lie. The little information I gathered at the Dicosta mansion is that my Aunt was not a cleaner at the mansion as I was told. Annie's school life has been very rough, she attended the best of schools, and she is always in the same class as the children from rich and famous families, she was told her education was sponsored by the Dicosta family because her Aunt works for them. she was always looked down upon by her peers.

Back in high school, "here comes the queen of the poor" hey Annie we heard your mom seduced an old married man, is it true hahaha, they started laughing, comes the voice of all bitches come on girls her mom died in the process of running away with the man leaving poor Annie with her poor aunt who is a cleaner. Annie, you don't belong here, how many poor people have you seen in this school? Comes the voice of Another, we heard she is just a charity case that the Dicosta family is taking care of. The person who spreads rumours about me is Isabella Watson, she has succeeded in recruiting half of the school population to hate for no reason. She started the rumours from elementary school. it hurt my parents are late but hearing awful things about my parents every day hurts their words don't bother me anymore. I once complained to my aunt and she told me, is because I am the most beautiful girl in the school. it is not a lie, I get a compliment from people all the time. I was saying goodbye to one of my professors when Isabella the queen of all bitches Approached me, hey Annie where do you think you are going, a poor thing like you will not get a job at any reputable company, with your first class you are still poor and useless, she was bad mouthing me when I heard a commanding voice behind me. Says who, A slut like you? I know everything about you. you don't even deserve to stand beside Annie. Stay Away from Annie in the future, am not going to warn you again. Isabella wished the ground can swallow her, she wanted to humiliate me in front of Soo many people but she was the one who was humiliated. I turned to the man, it is no other person but Mr Dicosta, he hugged me, "Congratulations princess, we are proud of You. I broke down instantly, I cried my heart out without caring about my surroundings, and by the time I was a bit ok, his suit was drenched. you can't blame me, I needed comfort and he was there for me. he kissed my forehead affectionately With each gentle touch of his lips upon her forehead, she felt his love and affection wrapped around her like a warm embrace. I like the affection he is showing me. I don't know why I broke down, am not a weak person but I think I did what I did because I needed someone to hold me at the moment.

A week after the death of my aunt, Mr Dicosta asked me if I will like to work with, the Dicosta company, I told him that I will like to but am moving to California, he told me their head office is in California and there is a vacancy For secretary to the CEO, he asked me to apply, which I did a week ago, I wish they call me.

His Son is the CEO, Mr Matteo Dicosta is in his 50s but he looks extremely attractive, the man is a Greek god.

Matteo has a square jawline and a strong chin, with piercing blue eyes and short, messy blonde hair. He has a rugged, outdoorsy look to him, with a few scars on his face from past adventures. He has a muscular body type, with broad shoulders and arms.

I wonder what his two sons look like.