5. Day of interview

Annie's pov

It is yet another morning and I had to prepare for my interview.

I quickly ran to the bathroom to freshen up and I wore a pencil black skirt and a white off-shoulder top and black heels. I tied my hair in a ponytail. when I was done, I carried my handbag and rushed downstairs to the dining room.

my breakfast was served immediately after I entered the dining room by Hannah. I was going through the internet to check the daily news when I spotted news about Leonardo Dicosta CEO of the Dicosta conglomerate. and it says the big boss with his girlfriend is in an argument with an unknown woman. immediately I saw the picture of the man, I recognised him immediately. he is the man I met when I went shopping with Lena, Isabella's boyfriend. I clicked on the video attached to the news, and I was shocked. it is the video of what transpired between me and Isabella at the mall. I was described as an arrogant woman. I hate to be the centre of attention. I never knew he was the CEO, I don't see this to be my fault. I was deliberating if to go for the interview, I don't think I can have any good working relationship with such a man. immediately my brother's number started calling my phone, "Hello princes, it is Vicento. I was relieved to hear my brother's voice. Annie are you there I answered yes. I have seen what transpired between you and Leonardo, if you don't feel like going through with the interview, just don't go and I will get you a position in our company. you don't have to stress yourself finding a job. I was so touched that tears started streaming down my face, I replied to him, don't worry I will go for the interview and I will not let this bring Me down. I will not let this destroy my confidence this morning. I will go through with the interview I just want you to wish me well."I have faith in you, I wish you all the best. I'll call you in the evening.

This is a very big opportunity for me, nothing is going to stop me, not even what happened at the mall.

I lost my appetite the moment I read the story on the internet, I walked to where mike has parked the Suv., I hopped into the car. " Are you sure you want to go through with the interview?" I nod my head confirming my decision. the drive from the mansion to the Dicosta company is 30 minutes drive." we are here Annie, I wish you the best" said Mike.

The Dicostas might be very rich looking at the skyscraper in front of me. I walked to the reception area, where a blond woman is sitting behind a big round desk. "how may I help you". as soon as she said that she opened her mouth with a surprised look on her face. "ooh my God you are the pretty lady in the video, you are even more beautiful in person". I became shy, please I am here for the interview, please take the elevator to the 120th floor there is a secretary there who will direct you. That is so embarrassing, Isabella has caused so many problems for me back in school, she has followed me to California to torment me, and this time around, I will not let her win. I will fight her no matter what.

I was met by a friendly-looking lady, sitting behind a desk. "Hello, how may I help you?" Hi, I am Annie, I am here for the interview, she directed me to a sitting area where about 7 girls were sited. Some of the girls, some of the girl's dresses do not match the job description, and some of the dressing is not different from someone going to the nightclub. Three girls were chatting confidently, one said her father is a very good friend of the head of the human resource department so she is confident she will get the job. I was listening quietly, and one of the girls says she is confident she will get the job because she attended the best university. One by one they started calling our names. Some of the girls who went in earlier came back with a smile while some came back with a frown on their faces.

All I can do here is pray in my head, I don't remember the last time I prayed but today, I decided to remember my maker. That is funny because human beings normally remember their creator when they need his help hahaha.

"Annie Johnson you are up next"

A cheerful receptionist smiled at me and I smiled back, she walked me to the door and knocked on the door.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves down.

'come in'

I walked in confidently but deep down, I was so nervous. Looking up at two people, a lady and a gentleman. Sitting behind a desk. They look over my Cv and certificate and they were impressed judging from their faces, I was good Academically.

I was asked questions numerous questions about my education and personal information. One of the interviewers asked me why I think, I am qualified for the job. And I answered him confidently why I think I am good for the job. I was able to answer all the questions confidently. I was asked if I will be able to work overtime and also travel with the CEO outside the country on business trips if needed and I told them yes, they were impressed, I don't mind, even if the CEO is someone am not fun of, I won't allow it to affect my working relationship with him.

"Miss Johnson you will hear from us soon"

I shake hands with them and left the room, I walk to the main reception area praying in my head but without paying attention to my surroundings, bump into a wall and instantly a very pleasant cologne hit my nostril, damn! Citrus, lavender, and a mixture of wood scent, I can't tell but I sniffed the wall again installing pleasant and sexy scent before coming to my senses. There he was, standing right before I am no other person but the infamous CEO, Leonard Dicosta looking down at me while I was still in his embrace. Relocation hit me immediately, this is Isabella's boyfriend, and he is a very good-looking man but for him siding with Isabella, he disgusts me. Sorry sir, I wasn't looking, sorry I bumped into you. He nodded his head and walked past me to Where the elevator is.

I walked out of the building with my mind in chaos. I walked to where my family's car is parked, Mike opened the door for me before I got to open it. Mike, would you please drive me to a restaurant? The drive was so quiet, Mike brought my attention back by asking how the interview went.

It was fine mike, I bumped into the CEO while trying to get out of the building.

Mike just nodded his head, and we spoke about the interview questions and how I answered them. It turned out that Mike is a very intelligent person, through conversation I realised he knows more about the business world and how things are done.

When we got to the restaurant, Mike decided to stay outside and wait for me but I was able to pursue him, we walked to the restaurant and I knew then and there that this restaurant belongs to the upper class, if you don't have money, you don't try.

We were talking about random things when the person we least expect to meet walked into the restaurant. Me Leonardo Dicosta and two men in black suits just like him. He looks breathtakingly handsome, I wonder how it will feel like to kiss those sexy lips of his. Ooh no, why am I thinking about this forbidden creature at this time of the day? I can feel his eyes on me from when entered.

The waitress came to ask about our order,

I ordered A plate of" Angle's hair" pasta with grilled chicken, and Mike ordered a beef stake and black orange juice.