7. New PA

Annie's pov

I woke up quite early this morning, I didn't sleep much last night. I was busy thinking about the bad big CEO, and bumping into him yesterday changed something in me. I felt embracing him is where I belong forever, and I will like to embrace him again. I think I am getting crazy.

At 6:30 am, am already having my breakfast. I like every food prepared by Elizabeth, Elizabeth and the other workers has been my family these few days I've spent here.

"Annie I'm calling to confirm if you are going to work today", I am Vicento, I am done with my breakfast and I am heading out already.

"Alright, have a good day at work and lest I forget, your crazy brother will join you today, he can't wait to be with you. But please be careful and don't let him influence you into doing crazy things"

I can't wait to see him, I will talk to you later.

Stepping out of the house, I saw Mike already standing beside the car,

" Good morning Annie, Are you ready"

"more than ever Mike"

I made my way to the receptionist who gave me the direction to my office, she warned me to be careful not to get fired on my first day at work.

According to her, my boss has fired 5 secretaries within 2 months. I can see everyone running up and down, I feel the tension around Dicosta corporations. Everyone is busy with his or her work.

I made my way to the 150th floor of the building.

I was nervous as this is my first day at work as the personal assistant to the CEO, I am surprised this position was given to me considering what happened between us at the mall.

I am the PA of the most eligible bachelor and the CEO of this prestigious company, even though I still don't have a good view of him because he's involved with Isabella.

I am very fortunate to be selected among the group of people with extremely high qualifications.

Anyone will kill to have this job.

However, my main concern is that I'd be working closely with Leonardo Dicosta.

I have read a lot about the man and rumours say he is untouchable and he is very hard to work with, since I don't have any work experience, I am really scared.

"you must be miss johnson, I am Sarah the former Secretary of the former boss, I am the head of the Human resources management department"

A woman about 38 years approached me the moment stepped out of the elevator, it seems she is coming from my office.

"Good morning ma'am I wanted to Come to your office after settling in my office. "

"it is ok, miss Johnson"

"I have summarized everything you need to know on a tablet on your office desk. Your appointment letter is on your desk as well, go through it and submit it tomorrow" she handed over some files to me as she explained my job and how to make coffee for the boss.

"Thank you, ma'am"

I walked to an office facing the CEO's office directly and I knew it is my office, from my office you can see the Ceo's office.

I placed my bag on the table, checked the time and hurriedly went to the break room, I prepared the coffee the way I was told, black coffee and two cubes of sugar and some chocolate chunk waffles.

I knocked on the Ceo's office door "come in"comes a faint voice of a man.

The receptionist told me that he comes to work before everyone and he closes after Everyone has left, She said yesterday was the first time she has seen him in person this is strange. According to her, no one knows when he comes in and no one knows when he closes from work.

I walked confidently into the office but I know I was shaking inside. I placed the coffee on the table and

"good morning sir"

I am your new PA and my name is Annie johnson.

Here is your coffee, I placed the coffee on his table and accidentally brushed his arm with mine, I felt something I'd never felt before. Something I can't explain. He looked up examining my appearance. Satisfaction was written on his face. I am sure he was checking my outfit, today, I wore a mini dress that reaches my knee exposing my long legs, the dress did not hide my curves and I love it. I tied my hair into a messy bun.

Looking up at the man sitting behind the desk, my jaw drop damn, this man is sexy, I could see he looked fit, the black suit he was putting on looked tight and nice on his muscular body with his sharp angular face, high cheekbones and a prominent nose, he has dark intense eyes and small tin lips. Somebody help me from this madness, I am checking my boss out, who does that?

I reminded myself to be professional.

He nodded his head urging me to speak,

Sir, you have a meeting with all departmental heads in 1 hour and you have a meeting with the board of directors at 11 am, I read all his schedules to him. He handed some files to me, go through the business plan from the marketing department and also the budget approved by the finance department before we go for the meeting. I will like you to give me your view.

He said in a low but deep voice.

Ok, sir, any other thing?

"No, you can go now"

I left for my office, repeatedly telling myself not to be disrupted by my sexy boss. I went through the reports quickly as I can, I think he wants me to have an idea of what the meeting is about. 20 minutes into the meeting, I knocked on his door for the first time, and there was no response, then I knocked for the second time, then I entered but what I saw in my boss's office was beyond me, I was glued to where I was standing, I was confused and hurt at the same time, Isabella was busy naked sitting on my boss's lap. They were busy having sex that they didn't notice me, my boss didn't but Isabella saw me, she smirked when my eyes met her as if she was waiting for me to see her in the act. She is a slut that will never change as I was about to walk out of the office, my boss finally noticed me and pushed Isabella off his lap but it is too late, I'd seen enough of their action movie this morning. Come to think of it, how did she enter the boss's office without my notice?

My boss gave me a file to give to the head of Accounts. I am sure she came in at that time.

I don't know why watching the boss fuck Isabella hurt me so much. I guess I am going to see more of this so I have to prepare my mind. Isabella came out a few minutes after I left the boss's office. She walked directly to my office to warn me to stay away from her man before leaving.

I was beyond angry by her action. I decided to go and talk to the boss about the reports since it is almost time for the meeting. This time around he responded immediately after I knocked on the door. I entered pretending nothing happened.

"sir I have gone through the reports from the marketing departments, and in my opinion, the company is going to make a loss, the plan of marketing department is not going to increase our revenue, I think they should come out with a new plan. , it may look as if everything is ok but looking, at the plan, in my opinion, it is not good enough considering the competitive market, the funds approved by the finance department for the project are abnormal.