10. Leonardo's fling


When I got to California, I wanted to go to the office first but that can wait, I called mike and he confirmed my sister is at work so I decided to surprise her, I waited for her for about an hour. Our men at Dicosta corporations told me that, that slut that Leonardo is seeing came by, I wanted to go in there and tell him my peace of mind but I stopped.

I called vicento and informed him about Leonardo and his little whore but vicento stopped me from going to that office so I decided to wait.

So I sent him a text,

Mr Leonardo Dicosta, So you invite your whores to your office to fuck even during working hours, I attached the picture of the slut to the message.

Let my sister come out at 5 pm I am waiting to take her some.

The picture our men sent me when the slut was going into the office and when she was coming out, proves Leonardo had sex with her.

Her appearance was dishevelled, and it pissed me off to know that Leonardo does not have respect for my little sister.

My sister is too good for this man of a whore, I wish our parents will see through Leonardo and break the engagement.

I sat quietly waiting for my sister to react when she sees me, she took me by surprise she was not threatened, and she rather praised me for being handsome. She is so cute.

When we got home, she spend the whole night in my room, asking me soo many questions.

She was not surprised when I told her about our family, she was rather curious to know more about the family and our dealings, we felt so comfortable talking to each other. The blood they say is thicker than water.

We had a good talk during dinner, and after dinner, we watch some action movies on Netflix.

We agreed to sleep in my room. She was sleeping soundly in my arms when I took a picture and sent it to vicento our parents and Leonardo to tease him.

She was sleeping on my bare chest, I know exactly how Leonardo will feel.

I want him to get angry, that is for sleeping with whores. I put my phone off and sleep.


I woke up in the arms of my brother, I feel so comfortable in his arms. This is my first time sleeping with the opposite sex in the same room.

I looked up only to see him staring at me,

"Good morning princes"

Good morning Luca

I checked the time and it is 6:10, why didn't you wake me up earlier, what can that crazy fiance of yours do to you when you are late?


"Never mind," he said

Who is my fiance Luca?

"I was kidding princes" now hurry up to your room and get ready before your boss fires you.

I rash to my room and after 20 minutes.

Getting to the dining area, Luca was dressed in a black tuxedo, he looked Elegant, he look different in a tuxedo. he looks intimidating, and the aura radiating off him can kill a person on the spot, he was speaking angrily in Italian. I can speak Italian so I understood what he said, it is work-related I guess. My brother is a Greek God sent down to earth to put chaos among women. His manly muscle bulges out of the suit he wears.

I was putting on a black tailored suit that fits my body, with white long sleeves, black pants and red pair of high heels and a red bag.

Lucas looked me from head to my heels, damn girl you look amazing.

"That jealous bastard is going to enjoy watching you, hahaha." He started laughing but realized he said something he was not supposed to say.

Luca, is there something you are not telling me?

"princess if there is something, it is not my place to tell.

I changed the topic, you look good anyways.

Where are you going dressed like this, I am going to the office, I am the COO of our company while vicento is the CEO now.

Our company is into estate developing, we have companies all over the world.

We wanted you to work with one of the companies but since you prefer working for Leonardo, we will support you.

We currently have a joint project with the Dicosta corporations, so you will be seeing me often at your workplace. We finished our breakfast and head out but as I stepped out, I saw many men in black suits standing outside, Luca who are these people?

They are our men, they sat in four different cars while we sat in a different car. Two cars are ahead of our car while two are behind us.

Luca, I don't feel comfortable with all these bodyguards.

He started laughing at me as if I'd grown two heads, Do you know the number of bodyguards you have?

They've guarded you all your life and you said you don't feel comfortable around them?

These men you see, follow you everywhere you go, the difference is that they don't put on suits like today. You will be used to it don't worry.

At the entrance of the dicosta corporation, I walked out with my brother towering over me. Everyone was looking at us when we got to the reception. Milly was stunned when she saw Luca and me, since she is my friend, I introduced my brother to her.

Milly meet my big brother Luca, and she said nice to meet you, sir.

Luca just node his head. What is wrong with these men always nodding their heads?

When we got to my office I asked my brother how he like his coffee but he told me he was ok. I knocked on my boss's door, and he answered immediately. Mr Andriano is here to see you, let him come in. He looks sexy in his tailored grey suit, I left my brother in Leonardo's office, while I run to the cafeteria. I knocked on my boss's office door and entered, the two men were having a serious business conversation so I left after placing the cup of coffee on my boss's table.

Five minutes later, I received a call from my boss through the intercom

Miss Johnson, get ready, we're heading out in 3 minutes.

Exactly 3 minutes later two gorgeous and intimidating men came out of the CEO's office.

When we got to the parking area, I didn't know where to sit, I joined my boss. This time around, we were followed by four days and four cars ahead of us, why is my boss with soo many bodyguards? Or is he also in the mafia?

I was lost in my thought when the man beside me cleared his throat.

Don't talk to anyone when we get there unless I ask you to.

Okay sir

The car drove us to a beautiful Hotel, this hotel belongs to your parents he said.

I looked at him blankly, do you know my parents?

That's the dumbest question I asked him but he answered 'yes' we got out of the car and we were joined by Luca, he took my hand in his and we walked like a couple.

Mr Dicosta stopped walking and said something that caught my attention, Lucas let go of her hand.

Why? I am her brother or am I not allowed to hold my sister?

She is your sister but she is my fia...

He stopped, he didn't complete his statement.

Luca burst into laughter, fortunately, there was no one around.

My boss took my hand and walk ahead, the two intimidating men behaves like kids when they are together. I was surprised at how childish they are.

We got to a conference room filled with men, I sat between Luca and Leonardo. The men talked about an ongoing project, and I wrote down the important information.

Some of the men were passing glances at me, which I don't feel comfortable with.