Jack and the cosmic messenger once again saw themselves at a coffee shop,he was seated there alone for a while and before he knows it the cosmic messenger appeared at the other side of the chair.
'you know the dieties know you broke your connection with your friends just so they don't get entangled in your mess..well guess what.They are already in your mess as well as the world too '
Jack dropped his coffee and looked at cosmic messenger blurt things he cared less about..
'and how is it my fault..'
'well you see you were given a warning to leave planet earth because you draw too much attention but no you still persist and now the dieties would get the world because of your mess'
'do you have any idea where I can find these cosmic dieties ?'
Jack asked staring at the cosmic messenger as if he was speaking to his soul.
'well I know already but the where about or any knowledge isn't to shared.'