9 Baby breath

By the time the newest member was born and began to crawl independent. Things were back to sort of how it used to be. That the overall events that been were swept away as locked memories. Eliza was moved back in having been taught all her Grandpa could. She was adaptive fast learner, likely in thanks to her internal mind being fragmented. The siblings acted like siblings, but they fought over helping the baby. Her aunt is the one whom wasn't comfortable with Eliza, being highly disapproved of her being near the baby without supervision. Once more the adults didn't see much improvement of her reading and writing. Back returned the label of being underdeveloped and uneducated. Her mom can however see past it most days, had many arguments with her sister about sending the other children to some boarding school. Her brother was allowed back to stay in this house, even if that reason was to make sure Eliza is not alone with the baby. He didn't comply to these demands as arguments with him would have him running away often as he did before. She was the only one letting him back in now. Her mom was worked longer shifts to make up for the bills her aunt had for her baby and the time off both uncle and aunt has for the baby. It is just that secretly this last month that Eliza has been cooking all the food and even preparing the baby milk. She did so when no one was there to witness or that she used her hidden bodies to do this work. It been slow cooker made meals, as the stove was to ease to get caught with. She had been excused to use the microwave but no one has worked out how she can reach that. She still just a small little child. She missed not hiding her abilities and cooking proper meals like she had for Grandpa's.

This preparation in cleaning vegetable and cutting them was today interrupted with her uncle. He came to get milk ready and stopped short from seeing her cutting things up. He posed a while just thinking about this last week of the meals. He stands here realizing she been doing this a while. He makes sure that his girlfriend is deep sleep and scratched with not being sure what authority to use. Does he stop her or just what? Will she even listen or understand him? She put the knife down and slide the veg into the cleaned cooker. She then washed the chopping board and knife properly with the soap and sponge. He watched her dry it and put away when he finally just had to move into the space.

"The milk is already at perfect temp." She whispered in pointing the milk warmer device that they purchased for ease, "If you think I did a bad job of it. Then make a new one." She didn't even look at him. She doesn't know if he would ever see her perspective of things and that he doesn't see past her.

"Thank you for cooking this past while." He check the baby milk for sure and helped with the chopping board to the drainer, "What seasoning are you trying today?" She paused in sort of all sorts thousands of thoughts. She unfreeze and shurgs.

"No spicy. Maybe a herb mix but it can't have cummin or bay leaf. We out of smokey stuff like liquid smoke and smoked paprika. This meat quiet lean. Maybe thyme and rosemary. A dash of honey." She shook, "But not a lot. Or at least part of it not at all. Auntie can't handle sweet things. She woke me up last night in suffering. I dislike that." It was the deep complexities she put behind her chooses, "I normally would ask brother to read the herbs and spices. But now I can tell by smell."

"That's certainly impressive." He puts the bottle back, "I am going to sear the meat to char the outside. You finish the rest up." She smile at this team work and together made this meal. The smell of cooking meat stirs many awake from naps. A very accomplished pair of cooks in sync. He handed the milk bottle to his half awake girlfriend and she just assumes he made it and goes to sort out their daughter. The meat to the cooker.

"Use the pan for grilled cheese. I already started on building." She has a literal stack of ready to grill sandwiches, "I was trying to work out the grill sandwich maker. But..." She directed about the pan, "That's better flavor." He smirk that she is right. He does exactly that... grilling them. He however pondered where all this butter, bread and cheese was from. The money for paying for this.

"When was the last time we went shopping?" He asked cautious.

"I had brother fetch me the shopping. I paid for it. There is nothing illegal going on. I have my own bank account and I work too." He turned with frown towards her, "The only lie on my application was that I am not 16. It's computer work."

"But you can't read or write?" He voiced.

"I can calculate the projectory nose point of airplanes and space shuttles. If you don't beleive that, then don't ask more." She huffed, "Money was well earned. I have paid this week water and electric."

"Your aunt isn't going to like this."

"She hates me. Why else do you not trust me for anything? I can't even do your laundry without being criticized." She frowns in this bit of grief. But he turned silent and finished making the sandwiches. He took thier portion alone to there room and attempted to talk to the girlfriend about the whole thing. She of course as always shuts down the attempt. He didn't even tell her about the bread, baby milk or that thier neice cooks and works. Just the meer attempt of her name was a deep glare. He just had to keep it to himself for now. He does continue the next week helping the meal prep, at least to supervise. He also taught her new meat butchering skills as he was a butcher for a temp job. It was nice to pass on some of his family meals to someone competent in the kitchen and young to appreciate learning these skills.

Things turned awkward as a lot of things were revealed on accident at Thanksgiving. That he asked for his neice to help to cut things while it was just them two cooking Thanksgiving this year. Her birthday between from hospital, baby and this Thanksgiving. It was swept as some normal day, not celebrated. It was the first birthday that everybody forgot it was hers. But she accepted that her soul changes and her awkward home return came with being forgotten side affects. For her aunt, the baby meant the world and everything. Nothing else. Not even her day to day life. That was fine, the newborn showed something of struggle. No one spoke of it but as big brother had issues. Auntie had issues. This baby had issues. But the baby was not anything supernatural or gifted in death sight. Eliza had already tested this, her mask watching over the baby when no one was awake. Not to scar the child, but prepare them if they did have have the sight or hearing.

This past month of cooking with her uncle, his able to see she isn't uneducated. She struggled to read things correctly and she can even learn from mistakes. But she was already a wonderful little cook and was scary good at knowing if food was good or not. She can measure things and follow instructions. She adapted most of those meals to everyone's dietary habits. He sees what her mom does. That she is just misunderstood and mislabeled. This Thanksgiving grandma and grandpa were coming here. There a hope that it will go as smooth as food does.

"I will stay in the kitchen to keep things." Her uncle pats her head, "Wash up before they arrive." She nods and ran past the dinner table. Her aunt glowing mad and her mom just gave a smile on passing.

"Busted for cooking this past month." She told her brother who was about to enter the room. He huffed, "This is just another Thanksgiving. I guess." He nodded at this and goes back to his room. He got properly sorted. She goes to the maim bathroom. She entered alone... looking at her reflection.

"The undertakers are coming with grandpa. You need to wear hidden gear." She got ready with that warning passed. She puts on the many gifts that she had in thanks for restoring the pages of tomes. The actual job she told no one. Repairs of souls requested to her directly. The whispers of other beings from between the pages. She has her own hand written guide of secrets she learnt without anyone's help. She painted up her arms these charms she needed to wear. Ocrar paints she sourced from her shadow going shopping, the second lie to her uncle. She was at the moment of the last touches to her hair, with the door knocked.

"I need the toilet." She unlocked it while rollong eyes and her mom came in. It was the excuse really, "Where did you get that dress?" She was actually going to help her with her hair, like always. But... not today.

"Don't worry about it. I bought it." She finished the small braids a quick flop and it all was in place. She makes little adjustments with some hair clips, made of charms and off realm materials.

"Your very good at doing things." Sitting at the closed toilet, "I am sorry about how things have been. I missed your birthday and I have been gone a lot. You started doing the things I was being forced to do when I was here full time. I want to thank you for doing the laundry and dinner." A stop for a hug, as that was really all a little girl wanted more and missed. They havent been doing a lot of hugs with the stress and lack sleep. The crying baby made everyone suffer but it was just nature and accepted. There isn't a point to be sour about everything, even if it does sting. But coming home late was just how working life was and making time to be just anything but a work machine had been tough.

"There is never enough time." Eliza muttered in a stronger hold, "You need to get ready too. Grandpa not coming alone." The pull apart to look at the expression and the pushed back together in that being bad news. Putting on the regal outfits needed with interact to the other side. Makeup in pattern work to protect. The finished touches and the front door is knocked. The first party guests came uninvited but expected.

"I don't know why your here. But it be rude of me to not let you in." Uncle answering the door and letting folks sit around the living room. Drinks being sorted. These two came out with her brother. Eliza helps him with his tie. Smacked a imp off his shoulder while he isn't paying attention. She used him as a shield from looks from adults as she sent the imp away with four hand poses. He stopped walking them and stares at these uninvited guests. Her mom seated close to her children in guarding them.

"The god eater that lived under this house is missing." Is the opening line the man went for. In the last she seen him. He suffered so much. There was divine punishment and justice. He looked so ill too. She can see this man covered in chains, many heavy and tiring things.

"Decklin was a wonderful neighbor." Eliza voices but as per normal someone spoken over her.

"That's all you got to say to your only child?" Mom hissed and he laughed a little.

"With you. It not even in the book. It clearly doesn't exist."

"Don't argue. I have a baby sleeping. I don't want any part of calling the cops to have you all out of here." Her aunt hissed in just ignored everything being argued. She goes to her room to change clothes in peace and watch over her baby.

"Eliza, what we doing about the gravy?" Her uncle called from the kitchen. She bumps her brothers arm for him to get the front door and she goes to the kitchen as planned. She got on with not just gravey but cranberry sauce. The last prep of the three beans and corn bread. With making little snack trays of Thanksgiving dinner, since there are to many guests for a traditional sit at the table. She go so busy on the kitchen that she didn't really stop.

"You have done enough!" She stopped with holding a butter knife, peering to the living room where the undertaker was grappling a Seer. She huffed and leans back to the kitchen. Knife down and wipe hands.

"Break the peace and I will send every here for a bad time." She used not her living voice and it ring over everyone about to scream. She makes a smile to her uncle, "The turkey need checking." She reminds him ans he stiffly nods. She leaves the kitchen, "I am content with how things have been. It's not perfect but as they say it never has to be." She sits beside her mom and gladly everyone chills. She know nothing was going to be left be.

"I know you dislike mixing business with family. But I came with a direct request." The solo undertaker taking a letter out, "Do you need me to read it?"

"Can you even read it?" She spoke as a human should and she posed her left hand, "It has a smell." He doesn't hand it over, "Oh come on. Like there anything to smell. Sheesh. If it is from a god, of course it doesn't smell." He huffed that she was joking. A left hand to left hand pass over. She doesn't even open it. She stared at it and then pocket it like it wasn't important. This horrified the Seer folks and the other undertakers look at each other like they thought do something else.

"Who is it from?" Her mom asked.

"A native American or South American god. I reckon it was about a blood rite sacrifice gone wrong. There always something going wrong in blood magic." She dismissed the severe situation, "I don't have accessible reach to those pages."

"You." Her blood father hissed in pointing at her. He attempted saying her name but he just can't get his voice or tongue to twist the correct way. He slobber in being caught with a whistle in his throat. She roll eyes and watched everyone either by reflection or her mask. When he finally took a breath in panting in not being able to have full command of her name.

"Lord of decay wishes your appraisal over a skull found in the back market." The undertaker bows in knowing the letter content. She still rolled her eyes and continues to ignore the letter. The issue on hand was still this argument without the input of those it matter most to. Such as her brother, mother and Eliza being taken from here. Less allowing Eliza since there was something very wrong about her. She was to young as a human and to elderly as a spirit types. So none of them could make heads or tail of if her opinions mattered.