19 Edging background

These next following years was really basic boot camp. Learning everything a soilder needed like basic first aid and use of small person air crafts. Morning runs, followed big breakfast. The late morning would be a drill to learn tactics as a group or individual, and the afternoon after lunch was study. The study was taught by real angels and demons about the basics of spirit causes. Like dealing with demon possessions and what little they did know of so much more. This effect of humans joining with particular alliances of spirits came about when English turning points of history had been uncovered to be caused by spirits. Guy forks was demon possessed. Henry, the 8th disillusionment of the monasteries was an angelic order.

Just to name a few example, they do know now. Those that can't see and don't know are left alone to keep thier illusions as they are protected by such ignorance. But it turns put that the UK is a hive of many cursed and blessed. Many diverse groups have slowly changed the overall protection and now there a higher then world average of those able to see and are being attacked by the unseen. So they are putting together trained people to basically help those that can see but act in secret. Trained as soldiers but they will be acting as local human watcher in rural communities. They can act as reserve if call to need happens and that option for a full military career is offered to these folks. Due to her age, she had to stay on base until 18. She been through what little they can teach after 3 years and spent the rest with combat training with spirit use weapons. She was granted private teaching with a demon that has always wanted to pass down traditional sword and spear combating. But there seems that she was naturally gifted in already being able to use these things. Even her way of footwork was graceful and stable. Of her day of release and it being her birthday was a treat down to the pub. A pint raised to her turning age and that it was the perfect break needed for the others. As things were, eventually settled in so many drunks turned back to base. Early night for them as she knows they have a fire drill in the morning. She stays behind as the last there but she used the bathroom to change into civilian clothing. She wears the hat that suited the black mourning dress. She moved table to a lonely corner, finishing her drink of choose. Told that someone will be around to give her flat key. As it turns out, the pub does indeed close for the living but a back door is still open. The staff here removed the glamour that hides their spirit features and began ready for night serve with spirits.

"Gah!" She scared the daylight out of a demon waiter who was to collect her drink.

"Ease. I am not here for trouble. I read the rules." She spoke like they do, as a undertaker does. The demon gently went for the glass again and given she finished it. She lets it free. Her eyes them while leaving and back to waiting quietly. She even puts her mask on, but not to its natural shape. Rather it was as simple white surface of no mouth, nose or eyes. There a shaping of cheeks and sort vague pull to fit her face.

"I wasn't expecting to see his hat here." Someone taking seat across from her, "Or that someone beat us to the table." She stays so still and low. She would rather keep the peace even among spirit folks. Some pairs came to sit around and this whole area full of undertakers. The non pairs spoke out loud and pairs between themselves spoke telepathic. She watched them but wasn't obvious of watching. An angel looking around from the base she left training from. She softly stood and gestures greeting. The smirk and silent gave her a key in a sealed envelope. It has other bits but overall it was all she needed. She makes it disappear and she moved back to her original seat. The angel looks around the crowds and just moved on.

"I take it you just doing some sort of back work then." Interested undertakers pondered.

"He left the hat on accident. I hope to return it. When possible but I haven't any reason or business here. Just simply enjoying my little free time."

They left her alone and moved to more topic among interests. Already has there been opinions set about the new way that monarchy is ran.

"The new queen is one to rule with an iron grip but she rather reasonable of what she tasks. She makes sure that the task give was suitable to the folks it's given and when it is tough, its done as sort of a test to see if you can do it again more." This individual clattered the glass at the finish of saying this to indicate they shouted it to them all.

"I like her system, it pushes for self improvement over just doing it because the top said so." Can't help but write this conversation in secret. Listening to all ends of the bar of what she can hear. She obviously can't hear telepathic link conversation.

"Drinks on the house." shot glasses shared out even she got one. Its a demon brew shot whiskey. She joined in drinking it as a toast was made. She downs it like they do. But She the only one not feeling the side effect of drinking it. Many undertakers were instantly passed out drunk. Heads knocked to tables sleeping. The demon snickers in collecting the shot glasses. As the demon came to her for her shot glass and slaps the hand away.

"Your establishment would happen to have a sigil rankers menu?" She is however slightly tipsy because she mixed drinks. Beer to whiskey for a not regular drinker, "I was just wondering if the bar tender has the skill to make me a very beautiful drink." She stand and balanced the shot glass on the tray they held. She takes a moment for her balance to settle.

"Nothing above rank C." the demon replied.

"I guess that makes sense. It is the living lands." She walks over to the bar herself. She avoided people as she would furniture. She sometimes double steps to have balance but at least she walks straight enough. Right to the counter and onto a bar stool. She peers blankly at nothing and lowered to think straight.

"That a strong lady." The tray of shot glasses placed at the bar, "She isn't knocked from the shot."

"Maybe because that's a human and not a undertaker." The keep huffed.

"Ugh... what?"

"Only humans have mask curses. She a mask cursed human. How she managed to blend in among the undertaker is impressive. The only other time I seen a mask like that was a dead human." Wipes down the shot glasses, "Need a water or something little lady?"

"No. I was trying to remember a fancy c ranking drink." She cross arms, "I like cocktails mixes."

"She asked about sigil ranking drinks." The waiter adding. The bar tender ponders.

"That's interesting insight." They turn quiet as this new stranger came forwards and taps the counter for an order. The demons running the place look to each other with no ability to complete that order. She knocked in asking additional things about this order. Making them all look at her.

"It helps to know how divine you want that cocktail. Anything to rare isn't going to fly with the regulations around here. Especially if the supply is limited for even common things." She babbles and ended in a hiccup.

"Like you know." The fella snickered, "I guess nectar will just have to do." She rolled eyes of this and placed a bottle to the counter. The bar tender blinks at the sheer wonder where she got that from.

"I guess I do want a water in exchange. Bottled." Out from the fridge water for the nectar and nectar for the money the guy had.

"Above A and especially S rankers supply bars like this across sigil." Hat off her and on him. She opens the water and sips in trying to hydrate from the dry whiskey. Finally coughing a little as she been needing to ages ago. He sits down next to her, "Not the sort of place I was expecting to find you, lady marionette."

"I was going to take a fancy order mix to go but I don't think they are qualified to handle substances like that. This be one them rare times I can't order my preferred drink." She sips the water following that, "Demi god walks into a bar... sounds like a set up." She pondered, "Or I am just too drunk." She holds her nose ridge.

"Or alcohol poisoning." Curiosity huffs.

"Nah. That can't be right." The guy for the nectar laughed, "If she's the real marionette. She would have ordered the slayers delight. A cocktail of 100 layers of poisons that float in layers of themselves."

"When done correctly, it is neutralized by stirring all layers at the same time. The colour show that follows is what gives it the name." She then hiccups slightly and sips water. She then continues in the silence, "I love the colours and the taste. You must drink the whole thing through as the drink separates back to the layers of densities quickly. It is entirely possible to drink the layers separately as shots but you must do every measurement exact and no shot left untouched. The order matters too. The quality of the poisons can cause different cocktail ordering. You could even argue the location has impact of what amounts to use as some liquids react to living realm air. Turns it black and white. Mixes grey."

"That's unfortunate." Both demons nod agreeing to the demigod snicker.

"Oh I have all the ingredients. I just can't make cocktail layers like a bar tender that does cocktails constantly can." She waved her left hand dismissive of the faned worry, "I enjoy watching others making the drink as its sort of part of the experience." She folds up with being sleepy drunk, "Maybe I will ask another time. I am quiet sleepy. This birthday was totally worth it." She leans forward in holding her head at the counter until falling into sleep.

"I guess she turned 18 today. That's the local law for drinking." Curiosity stood and picked her up. She is in deep sleep to point of not being able aware someone picked her up, "It be wose if I dont take her out of here. Who knows what chaos follows in sleeping human dreams." Nods of accepting he needed to leave. It was for the better before she was a problem for everyone. Additionally clearly she has history with him because there is hardly a time that he goes without wearing a hat. He doesn't get far holding her but gladly she stirred enough to half awake walk beside him. She says nothing and he doesn't bother any small talk. Simply that they just got to the flat block and got her to bed. Everything she wearing stays on and she left alone to turly sleep off the drinks.

Curiosity not one for sleeping, walks around the flat, looking at the possibilities and changes that this place goes through. Just he had when she was younger with those colouring books, he placed hands at surfaces of furniture or walls that she hangs drawings on. He wonders many thoughts about why no matter what life she leads, she able to repeat drawing these unfinished things. No matter the time of humans, she can perfectly replica realms she never been to. Furthermore he got so locked in looking at the lack of changes to the drawings regardless of time reverting possibles that even as time changes and her options as a human change - nothing changed about her drawings and the attention of them. He sits at the breakfast bar the most, as it was the prefer space for her drawing. Watching pages come and go. Watching the care of precise ways she does them.

Even as creaking dawn came and she was in habit of waking up early. It was when she closed the fridge that Curiosity noticed the living world around him. Hand move to hide what he been staring at for a while. She pulls a chair across from him and huffed in the hangover headache. She wasn't that drunk nor did she drink enough for this to be a massive hangover. But it's still enough for a light sensitivity headache and hugging a bottle of water. Still prolonging silence, although she felt she needed to break the ice.

"Sorry I don't have much. I moved here with barely anything." She sits up holding her head, "Did you want a drink or anything?"

"I think that's the frist time you asked me." He sits mirroring her.

"I use to think you lot didn't need to eat or drink. But you sort of do, not the normal stuff a human does." She shurg, "Besides, I don't think a little kid like I was back then should be offering weird things. There something very wrong about it." She sighed at the end trying in rubbing away the headache. Hands holding temples and wiping under eyes.

"I guess that makes sense from a human perspective. Small people are normally to young for such things. Where as some folks died young and look young but been around a while." He nods at this process of insight she gave, "I don't drink on job unless I have to."

"I need to get ready." She gets off the chair and heads to the bathroom. He stays in watching her to a point but he back to looking at her counter again. The drawings he goes through the many different ones, turning them about and trying to understand why she thinks of such things. He puts them down and looked about the walls. Sort of understanding the placement of why they hang in the particular ways it does. Why some are set across from each other where others shuffle. He shook just not getting it.

"Heading to the store, you coming with?" She asked with grabbing keys. He stands and follows her. She smirks. They walk past her bathroom, door partly left open. So many products along the sink and tube, nothing so empty as the rest of the flat seems. She hasn't even have unpacked her bag, or least he thought that. She lets him freely walk through before closing the front door.

"I forgot a box back at the base and I need to pick up my arms licences." She spoke gentle of nearly a whisper. She peers about looking about the hallways and strained for a moment with her headache. She took out a pair neat shades from a pocket and gets to the code lock door. Steps of four people behind that giggle between them that stopped to watch her do the gate. Someone rudely hissed that she was slow in punching in the code.

"Ah, your the new neighbour!" Eliza unlocked it without help and lowered in looking back at these people without her glasses being in the way. She makes it a quick glance and then lifted the sun glasses back up.

"Nice to meet you. You live three doors down, right?" There a moment of foul note in the woman's look, "And the gent behind you must be the guy with animal problems." Waved her left hand lazed in not caring as her tone equally suggests her disinterest for a attention. The snaps of fingers as one the friends acted excited in hearing her speak.

"You American?" Pointing at her, "She haz ta be." Steps quick to head lock her but she even quicker at getting past the code gate and it locking automatically. She gives a half flutter and began to leave. They faf with the gate code to long before she can get caught up with them. She just felt the jealousy that burned off from them. The moment one them said about her accent, it was even hotter and suspected that staying with them will lead to worse things. Furthermore as likely that she wasn't going to have peace with them. A bad first time impression will only be worse chances later.

"They are only going to get worse." If that's what Curiosity says about them, it confirmed her gut feeling. She kept quiet and her head down, she spoke only when needed. Even being at the store, she tries to be kind but not talk much. It seems a little old lady wanted a lot of help and she just happened to be around at the same isles often to do so. Curiosity seems to gotten himself lost in the store and catch back as she was at checkout. But he didn't stick around long from that.