23 dreams of setting the bench

"This court finds the young imp guilty of charges. Jury make a final decision." Slam gavel over the desk and public gallery was empty. Baring a few visitors of the rival kingdom. The squad of her majesty's order. Then... that one cloak being at the front left bench, sitting alone and holding their front. Occasional would shuffle without sound but was not out of place either.

"Transfer demon imp." Stood the main speaker for the Jury. This would mean that the court spirits that eat the convicted were granted permission to do so. Today was an abnormal event. As per always these creatures did jump and tear down the convict. Meat being fought over and growled like a ravid pack of wolves over a deer caught. It was that one them barked something of a strange sound and the entire pack went from eating to sniffing about the corpse remains. A stone was torn out from the body and gifted to the pack leader. The leader took the stone and made it order that the pack can continue eating meat. But the pack is wary. They ate the worst bits but a pile of the largest flesh was moved aside. The ritual of a bow to the best meat bits. The creatures return to prowl the main building as their grounds of protection. The skull of the convict was careful moved and placed to fence of the public gallows, not in the mass pile of meat and the leader with the core stone jumps over into the public gallows. It walks paces in watching all the undertakers with soon it whistle. Tail between legs and in low bow, gifting the stone to the lone seated being in a cloak at front left.

"You are good pets. I appreciate these gifts. You are good souls. I am not here to disturb your precious time." A clothy fabric pets the creatures head and it qags tail softly, "You do as you are." It enjoys being loved and then bows. Back over the fencing. The core stone picked up and then pulled into the cloak. A few strange motions but seated watching the changing seats for the next criminal case. The gallows began to really fill of all many demons and angels. There is undertakers of not kingdom. The Jury replaced with paid ones for a set verdict. The case of some sort of political internal divorce. The case was moving fast to having the defence taking several blows and that there wasn't much left to be convinced otherwise. But it was when Eliza heard her mother sobbing at the benches. She finally did take in what this whole case was about. Looking at who was being convicted was no other then her brother growing up.

"There is no other choose of the matter." The judge knows this wasn't a fair trial. That of the Jury made on gesture. Instant transfer. Eliza stood up. This made all the creatures freeze from taking this kill.

"Take that soul then you will have to fight me." She barked at the creatures and they bow in accepting of her demand. The room turned silent for why a stranger like her held power over these judgeless beings. The judge slams the hammer once again.

"There seems a divine intervention of some kind against this courts rule." The judge stands, "May you please come forward and make change of why should we not have this Fallown transfer?"

She doesn't actually know where to even start in what to say. But she been in spirit courts in other universes. She acted as an undertaker in universes where there isn't one. This was her time to show what that meant to this universe. That she no longer the clueless dolt she once was.

"I am many names and of many things." She uses a fake voice for the moment as she stepping up to the stand. She just need to make it to the confession stand without a Seer working her out and stopping her. As she was about take this case into her own hands. Become the force to be recognised, "I have been in testimony for more court cases then these are laws in this universe." She over the public gallery fencing and is being given a unhindered pathing to the confession stand, "My words have been the make and break of the sins committed by God's. I had been an eye witness of many things." Finally she is safe, safe on the confession. She had even laughed a little at how stupid easy that was. Now she rose the binding chains of justice to her hand. Her left lowered her hood down. She tilts looking at all these people she loves and sighed.

"It can't be!" Her brother stood in shock, "Eliza!" He shouted and that of shaken bodies all around. Even now undertakers were standing in witness of her way to control sinner chains.

"Who of the three of us as murdered in cold blood?" She began asking, she doesn't need them to speak answer as the sinner chains will break if there no connection, "Was the murder done in justice or in justification as service?" Chains over herself in these shattered next. This proved that her brother and herself are not by law sinful in the eyes of court, "Maybe defaming names but that isn't a crime that isn't easily forgiven." Smaller sins are released over her brother and her. But it seems those chains have pulled the man from off his chair and has began to suffocate the man, "It seems judge... we have evidence of divine justice to change roles of this case. And instead of the backing of any Fallown name. I wish to convict this man for something this court can't afford judgement over." She released rhe chains and they fade away to hidden, "I am moving this case to higher court." She demands, "I will sure as well make it damn clear that I will have the heads of anyone that stands in the way of my justice." She throw down her hand as this was a casting of enslavement by court degree, "This man is to be sentenced in judgement by the death order and..." She made a bone in her arm snap, "Pray that there is gods that will save you from the punishment you deserve." She was branded that same mark as he was, "The joke is on you father." She lets that burn settle, "I already paid for my half of your sin. Its about time that you confessed to the tome what you have abused over the many souls you have thrown away. The broken toys you thought weren't coming back." She waved one the creatures and it came to sit around her feet. It brushed her with love and now stares upon that man, "Cornwall. That man broke your name. Don't you think you should inform you pack of what he did."

"That is the one who gave our souls to the Clothus?" The creature speaks.

"Yes Cornwall. That man broke and sold our names." She pets the creature, "How should we tell lady death?"

"She..." The creature posed paw to jaw in consideration, "I guess she will first scream at her lover for being so blind."

"Oh yeah. I forgot that she was married to the god of death." Eliza shared that pondering, "100 tomes... so many souls."

"This will be a god court case." Cornwall moved off and he began leaving the court room. His pack snarled and hissed over the man they now know who wronged them. Some slashed claws in small inflected cuts but nothing serious. They moved as a whole group in breaking anything that was in the way. Smashing themselves through to exit out the court building. The travel of screams and fear follows ad never in history has these creatures left court before.

"I am the devourer of broken things." She confesses, "In practical ways, I hunt down broken souls and keep them in check. That is my lawful purpose as the keeper of the broken tome. I have went about many lifetimes, bending a few laws to achieve due justice. These names in my care cannot be repaired until they have justice over the one that broken the law that all keepers of tomes are to follow. That is we are bound to as correctly and accurately recored names in the many segments. So what happens to those whom purposely misspell the names?" she waved in waiting for someone to speak up.

"Death order holds such repears accountable for inlawful mistakes." A member of the Jury answered correctly. She gave them a little thanks for replying to her.

"The only time something so catastrophic happened to the tomes was dealt internally with top lord of death personally recounting the entire book through. There isn't anything missing." Insider of the death order. or rather a rat that was fed a lie.

"Did the god of true title tell you that?" The judge asking for legality.

"No." They are seated, "The crows say it."

"Didn't you know?" She posed hand at her jaw, "Oh you poor soul. No wonder them bird mock you death order humanoids." She took out the tome of broken souls and particularly in demonstration of it altering into a bird, "The books have been having to compensation missing names by attacking those that misuse its abilities of protection. Don't you never wonder why the top floors are silent?"

"That would mean that the title of true death is missing?" Panic rises and falls as that wasn't true. That is unless there was something else happening.

"I am giving you all a heads start. Once these souls are done with whatever worth is was from this universe. I will finally be gone, which is what the tome index wanted. These tomes are not in my care. The misplaced density of souls isn't my problem. I have no authory to repair and protect the tomes you all are named to. Furthermore, this is a case of an outsider against a human tome keeper. So go get your ducks in line. I don't care if I win or lose my case. I have no hold left to bother here. Even those I have once held close in love have abandoned me. Win or lose, I have limited among of strengths left to hold on. When the dust settles, I will be gone. My name was erased. You can't replace me. But still I have been fading for some time. I doubt that you will ever come to have my soul name rewritten into the bindings."

She turns into dust over the confession stand, her dream state was no longer strong enough to exist anymore. It fell as ashes and the last wisps if her shadow cloth. She felt that someone came and collected her ashes and this bit of cloth. Carried in care, she felt the journey this being walked to take these ashes back over to the living side. That a jar of Ash was now blood and cloth was skin.

She can barely be awaken as she lifted from her bed to the tube. Her head held above water as these parts of her are poured back over her. The water of holy divine herbal remedies and holy liquids. She can just barely make out the blurring of her sight. People around her bathroom, pouring more stuff. The hovered pages of two tomes flickered constantly in what be best described as panicking.