28 See waves

The move of students throughout the ringing bells was often what she enjoys sitting in strange angled places. Always just slightly out of veiw or hovering behind crowds. She used her ability to help rebind the sight blocking ribbons on those not accepting of the spirit world. She brushed shoulders of those that felt alone or isolated among a crowd. She held no discrimination of who and what families. Even her own cousins, that don't know at all. Always sitting in windows watching the entry ways of spirit gates. She liked the old pilgrams church at the corner of the school the most, the gate for angels and undertakers but is also where the most trouble making students are trying to use it as summoning grounds. The graves here are nameless slaves of the plantation era or the mass 40 generation family line that owned the grounds until it was made a school in modern time. Tomb stones leeched of colour saturation by the baking sun for the centuries they are. Hidden in high grass was the dangerous wildlife like snakes, gekos and spiders. She watched these creatures have their own flowing energies and the cycle they live. A caterpillar crawls along an tree right bellow her, her in human eyes following the little feet and munching mouth. She felt the books shudder and sweep in her collection. The anger about her name being used in it. She shook dismissive of this and gazed upon the approach of teams ready to cross over to the other side. Humans being tested to made temporary visitation to the undertaker realm. Very neat kits and those that worked hard earning ranking. They are strong and picked up energy they can use for spell craft. She can see the same flows as the life and death cycle of creatures around here. She barely has enough energy in standing but she forced herself to. Holding herself at the front, taking steps down the stone work. Perched steps that were soundless until ground level, landing in graced courtesy. The student distracted by their plans and preparation passed her by. She sighed in guessing this was going to be a long trip. There followed a sort of dread too, she sees the sort of dream creatures in following of the host humans and the sort misfortune ahead for themselves. She was lost a while in looking about these different layers, not paying mind to the approached pair of undertakers with bowed down heads. To be fair, she was still in greeting pose even while drifting watch over the area.

"Are you the assigned watch over the group?" She soften out of daze and looked to both undertakers. She inspected them to long then comfortable an answer. They look to each other in debating things.

"Sorry for being late." Teacher approached.

"Your students went ahead, these undertakers are asking for thier watcher." She step aside for the teacher to have the papers, they accommodate to the abnormal event. Teacher is crossed through by one of the pair as the other stays watch of her, "Those students are just the typical drama youth teenagers will be. This will not attract to many problems." She softly steps back, "Forgive me for being very defensive. I was just waiting for their guardian to take watch."

The lone partner tilts studying her back of the same level of security as she was of thier approach, "Don't be confused. I am human soul. I have marks of passage if I so wished. I lack the attachment to linger but still I will to be here. That I am unfinished things." The undertaker flinched it seems in whatever she said or how she looked in expression. She does a soft head bow and moved off.

"Lady Marionette." She stops not far away, "Are you really going to go through with your case against your families? Is it really needed to be heard in a god court?" She turned of light glare. The undertaker accepted that, tilted head and moved back. She faced forward, feeling tired and softly feeling like she had waned a little. She takes a deep meditation breathe moment, closed eyes for a moment and when she opens them again. She felt like she lost a few layers of sight. Even so she wipes away a little blacken liquid and trots onwards. She makes it back around to the courtyard with the hanging tree. She felt the approach of another spirit sort, adjusted her stance to appear strong. But she does look a lot wrong in a deeper look at her, if someone knew how to look.

"If I had known this was a god trail over you, in why you don't remember things. I will have been a better explained things then to had assumed..." The headmaster cleared his voice, "How are you coping with having to scrap together the little you have?" She spends more time studying the headmaster in the small things, thinking over her own study of books. She clearly had not listened to a single word he said. He makes a nervous part smile in how awkward it was taking her to form word answer. He missed the old her being quick at a reply even when she was studying depth of anyone's eyes. She still does stare right into the eyes but she was taking study of overall picture too. Trying to make sense of the surface image as equally as looking into their eyes. She seems so off mark and distant in her own eyes. She turly stood out in being wrong even in a crowd. Her eyes held many layers and no one can seem to see past the frist five. The demon king of this territory reflects in how little he cared of her before now, taking her better health for granted and it seems past to late to make things work easier. To many deals have been made, he knows that he owed her more. Even as she staring him down with long evolving thoughts in both them, to much it to late. A path of the level trust he wanted from her and the trust in return were to very difficult bars to met.

"I don't have a lot of time left." She spoke solemnly, "What I spoke of the other day was the turth. That it is a competitive strike of what will crumble first. Will it been the tome, the universe or myself? When I have lost the last of my stubborn streak, the last hands fall or eyes close. I will turly be erased. My legacy of many lifetimes will be as small blink in comparison of the vast order and chaos. This universe is my last tome to repair. I am very tired. I am very much done." She wavered a little but stands strong in putting a brave mock, "I left this universe when I was newly shattered and lost of way. My eyes were still binded from many layered curtains. I had not touched or been harmed by a god eater then." She made a step without meaning to but it was for balancing herself, "I have since carried the weight of many things that were never mine to have. Ate god eaters when they were the only source of substance. I watched time break, glitch and repair. Seen how gods work and humans become dreamers." She tilts side ways, "There quiet a poetic beauty in my long pilgrimage I been steered to take since being soul removed from the core index. I wrote these wonderful tales and draw things. I collected things. I have been a slave and a pet to many. I owned my own things and felt freedoms too. I have created and broken chains." She straightens up with looking him in the eye, "So for just this time. You care to make a bet to me?" He snarled very clear of such scheme maybe at play here. But he nods to entertain such things. She smiles soft and takes a moment to mop away the blood dripping at her mouth. She had even smiled, stained of red and black. She made another forced step. Leaning at his shoulder, "They can't condem him for what he did to me. The gods rule looks past why and the normal laws. They will sit in shock. In fear. Terror of vast waded time events I been in. They will pity me but find that the tome was right to feel terror for what I had become. They will find it justifying that that his act to remove my soul from thus universe was something of a much needed and well spent use of a soul. That my hold of many realms, sewing of curtains and my moral support in the broken of broken. These things will have never happened if he had never striked that deal with clothus. That to undo my work will bring to much for them." She most certainly was leaning on him, "I bet that they will say that the overall krama consequences of my ignorance in this single life I been in this universe was how it paved to save the million of other universes soul. That a execution will be a mercy, releasing me from my curse and lock in an unbreakable eternity of the unspoken legacy I have no longer the strength to uphold. The axe will fall, and I will accept it." She gets off the demon as it must have been uncomfortable for her leaning on him, she held her arm up to not drip anything on him and studies the creatures of dreaming fortune over the king. He has quiet the golden age ahead. She softly back to a deeper look of the king and steps backwards. She felt icey and yet so peaceful. She felt embraced by cold and she certainly was going to collapse if she left that feeling ate her. She went to move off but arms folded around her, she doesn't seem all that bothered to move now.

"Final understand." She hears and yet she felt that was understatement or that no they really don't. She doesn't bother in arguing it. Standing in this locked pose. She was held a bit of doubt and had even sensed deep hurt of wrong in her heart. Even so, she has no will to break the hold or speak a word.

"Mr Riddle, I don't know if you are brave or very stupid." The headmaster snarled, "Don't get comfortable thinking your safe to such things to..." He swallow his words for now. As she was actually looking worse, if that even possible.

"Miss Tricky, I had actually came to ask about the conditions of the half the tomes you have." She takes her face off, the void of nothing underneath ran sticky, like a whole nail was removed from a nail bed. She took out the binding of sight cloth, adding it over the inside area where eyes go. She accurately leans, slapping her face on this stranger behind her. Their whole body weight laid on her, and she is plenty strong to keep them this pose. She sensed he was dream walking, he stays within the correct corridor of tomes. Each step on her spine, clatter heel echo on metal chains. A book is stepped up to, peering about a lecturn with a particularly damaged book. He went to reach but her mask pulls him away from it. She doesn't let him destroy the fragile butterfly wings of these papers. She had the mask lift and he certainly was back awake from the experience, she stays so still as his lifting his head from being dazed. Her mask making a horrific creaking sound as chunks snap back over her.

"I have a lot of concerns in what I just witnessed." The demon king shivered.

"There is a perpetual cycle for souls, but when a soul is removed from the cycle it was born from - there becomes breaks, creaks and loss of many aspects. Each lifetime a soul travels is marked. But being taken out a system prevents growth, so a spent soul only shrinks smaller as the more spent it is. When really it should break and change with growth. That it stays a maintained size instead of what has happened with me." The seems a tighter holding around her, maybe this was a delayed reaction of being attacked or that he lost his footing a little while waking up. Even so, she so still and baring of any sort pains. Maybe it was a delay of fear about the hanging tree. As it liked picking her up and nesting her in its branches. She only really barely make move of her arms, holding her front as always.

"What does that have to do with books?" She heard them but she doesn't care to inspect anything. Rather it was just knowing the inviting smooth voice, cool but held a depth of back warmth. She covered in this cold of the undertaker leaned on top of her. She draw in a a long breathe and a longer sigh outwards, her voice crackles within. A static sort of feeling passed quickly. She felt another sight wavelength deaden, another layer closed from her. She cares not about the bubbled blood from her nose and mouth.

"Another clock has smashed in the heaven realms, another god realm has broken segment." She muttered, "Hmmm. Still not a detrimental collapse of things. I had seen worse. Although now the creatures of these layers will bring more creeps among dream walkers. More god eaters and devour of souls. Hostile worlds with brutal law."

"I don't really understand where that was and the method of how I came to be there." The undertaker leaned on her scrunched in lifting her, "But I guess she spent parts of her own soul and corpses of her other lives to maintain the collection in a newly brand new quality. Every page was thick, every word was confidentiality written in a neat broad stroke. The workshop around the tome hung of strange material and tools I can't understand thier uses. The locked metal door was off but the most fragile book these on the lecturn was barely scraps. whole page parts were missing but it still flops and acted as tomes do." He seems very insisted to carry her like this and for sure she held some extreme tolerance. He was out of the hanging trees grasp, "I never seen such beautiful sewing in the leather bindings nor the care of plating every binding in the same metallic runic pattern. It shined. No a bit tarnished, broken or a soul out of alignment."

"Bordem is an unfathomable oddity that humans gifted the rest of the existence. Determined and unbreakable stubborn streaks. However humanity are as equally monsters that layers fear and awaken most horror that even nightmares fear. The length of pain a human will tolerate to reach to things, imagined or not." She certainly was speaking but it's hard to say they heard her. That none around her could. She sneers in loosing patience with these deaf people.

"The trail of paving that you held the right to hold trail against the action of those that broke the rules had been settled." She shrugs at such delayed pace of things. Being held as she is and carried the whole way through a gateway. The light here burns her for sure having a quick action of wrapping her in a thick cloak. She still carried the whole way. A lot of needing to stop and take breaks. As her weights changed. Burdens of other souls began to change. The freaking part was the shattering chains that turned into powder, the tension completely stumble them. She would have preferred walking herself, but locked joints of the undertaker over her meant best to not. That she was afraid of struggling against him and breaking him. She fixed this undertaker so many a time, she knew his weakest joints and what would free her quickest will make him dust. She would rather go unchanged of her deepest chooses then the hurting others.

"I have a lot of concerns." The demon King still walking with, "What is she now that she died as a human?"

"What's with the amount of sins, promises and links she connected to? Just out of all these links, who are all these beings she made connected holds with? Why so many and where? A soul that only gone through one cycle shouldn't be this tangled." The two stop at some sort of barrier or security check. But it went abnormal for not a sound passed and that the guard looked dumb struck. Staring deep towards Riddle who was carrying her. Unable to really make pass of words, the two just walked onwards in ignoring. This seems a reaccuring notion of events the longer they are walking. She know these passing places by the energy and wave patterns. She took one taste of the auras and instinctive in sort of pin point of tracking soul names. She felt she memorised very tome title and chapter names, realms and wavelength of time stretch. She doesn't need to look around to know where they are and how far they walked. She already know these security people through realm crossings. She knew exactly how all of them felt to fear of and why they couldn't say what was at the tip of the tongue. It will not take long for god eaters to appear and flee. No much at all to have finally someone approach in saying what others don't. She was ready to walk alone really. As she has before.