38 No causality

"Thank you, judge." She says playful to her age and skips right over to sit on the gallery fence. She enjoys sending curse castings and stealing items of potential harm from under their noses. The flash bomb included. Likely to be used if this court doesn't favour them and that they use it to escape with faking the documents.

They do this all the time, and at this point, she always ready for it. She also seems to be at purr as she sensed that man's name waving in and out of life and death. But he will not die from the posioning. Her claws make it easier for the soul name to be ate, not to change the status of the being she eats the name from. So he only feels like this due to his shadow side. Because his part shadow of damend, his spirit side has affect to his living ways. This is the cause of his name flickering in the tome pages. It is not going to kill him, she isnt a murderer of her own blood. He is. He wouldn't feeling the spirit poisoning from her claw if he wasn't so attached to his Damned side. He wouldn't feel anything.

Additionally, he doesn't seem to realize she poisoned him when that was bluntly obvious. She outright stated she isn't a god slayer, meaning he should know his been poisoned by the scratch. Idiot.

"Heal him now." Very handsy in pulling her about at the fence. But she still is purring with a thin smile. Studying the anger of her grandmother, snappy demeanour, and sharp eyes. But she hollow, there isn't a human body inside this shadow. It is just a damned with a living attachment. Not both sides are in the same spot, which is what Eliza is.

"He isn't dying. It doesn't matter." She snickered and kicked off. This was more to distance them than harm. Kicking damned cloth is really like kicking human skin. Not even for damned attached with living bodies. But soul attacks will have mirror damage on both bodies. So if her grandmother was morally hurt from the kick, it's possible to leave a footprint, "Instead of threatening me. You should have given me a better birthday party. Not tried to kill us." The rip of terror crossed that beings face, "Don't you know? The spirits can't harm the living." Eliza snickered to herself, "Oh but I guess I am alive too. Oh dear. Maybe the impossible is possible? Maybe. Just maybe." She tilts as the court hammer falls for silence and those need to be seated. The grandmother is forced to her seat like everyone else. Eliza lazed at the fencing pick pocketing with tendrils of shadow and tome page portals. She looks lazy when. She is actually doing the courts a favour. Acting as a hired terror of the fence to keep case clean cut. She is a glorified scarecrow to those who don't know the monster she really is.

The gallery of monsters mingles among the normal spirits settled, too. They are keen to watch thier master playing games. Some were making bets, swapping objects around in jokes for already seeing the outcomes.

She cast a divine blessing that peels back layers to make all visible to each other. So now even the damned were visible to gods and are hussled out of the way by the court monsters posed as wolves. It was clear now that the wolves wear a glamour to hide their monster shape, that these aren't wolves. Just as they bow to the lady who isn't human. She still covered in an illusion glamour, unlike the rest, but it's thinner than normal. Anyone can see she is both alive and dead. She carries both traits.

"Lady Marionette!" She posed all puppets like in acting all caught red-handed and lifeless. She took it a little too far in playing monster as there is also fear from her close family that shuffled in worry.

"Eliza!" She straightens up for her mothers sake and poses playful instead while looking that direction. Her mother sobs even at the unfiltered nature of this spirit, which should be her daughter.

"Oh, Mother, I am completely fine. My human side is completely unharmed. This is just my soul shape. Well. It's a part of it. An illusion. Not many folks live when they seem to be my natural soul." Eliza approaches with pulling more human traits and hugs her mother to calm down, "It's fine, mother. I am not dead. I just half dead. My name, not soul or body. The letters that make my soul name aren't from an existing language. So this brought some complications." Once the woman leaned back to look at the mask face of her little girl and listened to her daughter explain things. She was forced to accept this truth as did others of her close family.

The explanation was actually recorded on the minutes, and this was fine by Eliza. She posed a court gesture of approval. She eased now that her close family could focus back to matters on hand. Eliza with return back to the fencing between stage case and public gallery. She looked down at herself, knowing the consequences but back forwards since what is done is done. She was ready for it now. A wolf jumps to the crowds, leaving the veil. It looks like a wolf again and patrols the viewing gallery. Proving there is an area of affect to zone where the soul shape spectrum starts and ends.

The case gets a move on for how it should be. The accusing and the defence hissing turths. The judge isn't the slightest amused of hearing it all again. The judges opinions had not changed, and once more, he doesn't favour the Seer from taking children to be blood sacrifices to the tome. It was common knowledge that was exactly what they do with all those dead names. Talk of enrollment to some school that wasn't owned by the Seers was the judges' causal distain to care to make any forced order. He doesn't want to impose money costs on the family that is struggling. He does demand that child support is due, but unfortunately, that is a human court order. Lazed in how the Seers went to spring action to scrub the court and lack the weapons they all had.

The hammer fell, and the man that filed this case had fallen off his chair. Frothing in shock and the skin altering into that of a half demon. He was even less human, then Eliza realized. It's no wonder he is having such a serious reaction to her claw scratch. Even so, he will still live from this. She rolled her eyes that he was just a big baby. She had been through worse.

"Heal him!" Begging again but now grovel at her feet.

"No." Eliza monotone had cast deeper core fears in the lot of folks, "He isn't dying. He is totally fine. He just a whimp." She crossed her arms. She sits at this fence peering downward upon these begging folks, "You brought weapons and illegal items into the spirit court gallery. You have 10 illegal soul contracts across this room. My scratch is nothing in comparison to the miscarriage of god years of justice this bloodline brought. My punishment isn't even regulated by the universes Court System. I have no need to bow down to you or those you beg justice from. I am here for a duty. You are in my way. You all have been in my way since I returned. So suffer as you please. I can wait for time to end. You can't." This declaration of purpose sent shivers of all the monsters who are mad at these humans. It is because of these humans hindering her duty that they are monsters and suffering. So the turn of gaze over this family was renouned. So many snarl sounds and gutted throat hisses. So many souls are gazing mad at this turth.

"And this explains so much in so little." The raise of many undertakers, when they cross into the veil. They don't change at all, as if they already show for what they are. All but one. When Riddle crossed, his appearance from normal to heavy wounded. He was fragmented parts tied together with damned cloth. His face a mask of damned, not his real eyes. No one around him is surprised by his changed looks, only that of the humans. The close side of her family is being taken back to the living world, they won the case and are being sent home instantly. It was the same for the suffering man since his legal reps are his shadow damned parents. Eliza broke back to two halves, her human side departing with her brother and mother. Posed watching the human side leave before getting on with the next turn of events.

"Case court part 2 in session." The judge slams the hammer. Her shadow side now seated in the defence, "I declare that from ranking laws. The defence is an automatic winner. Additionally, the accusing side has been branded with the crimal seal. So this can't be overcome. Case concluded unless the lady wish to accuse more?"

"I have already filed and won my other issues. I don't need to dredge up old scars. There is no additional charges. There isn't any legality to my issues with this accused or his branch of his bloodline. In respect of laws, I agree this court is fine as it chooses." The Hammer slammed again. She listened around, "The wolves of the court wish to impose a cruse or fee for the weapons brought here. That's isn't my problem but yours."

"Yes." The judge was half stood looks upon the whole lot, "Normally demons are fed to the wolves. But given human status. This falls to divine blessing. Undertakers."

The judge posed open hand and they bow. Judge now leaves snappy with slamming the office door sealed. The swift manner of casting judgement over the may who held weapons. She gives the whole disarmed box of junk over to the nearest undertakers. She posed hand as she returns the veil of perception back to how it was. All of them look like average undertakers again, even her and Riddle were unassuming amongst the crowd. The place is being cleared out, claps from among the gallery of her performances being top notch. The new flood of the next court case is being settled into the gallery. She take a bow softly to everyone and everything - indicates that her status is abnormal from everyone else. She eased with petting the leader wolf and walk in leave of this court room. Into the waiting room.

The atmosphere is heavy in so much damp darkness. Just for a while she lost her ability to interact and be connected to this universe. Stood what felt like a vacuum void of nothing. Absence in even light and darkness. She stood trying to keep it together, in case she accidentally lashes out and hurts a innocent. She folds her arms at her front, standing in waiting for the sense of placement. Hoping for attachment. Longing for recongintion among what was once her own universe.

"You stood in the way." She doesn't even flicker an ounce of awareness. He went to poke her then shake her. And it perplex of her loosely being able to tell she being moved about. He guided her to not stand in the way of the doors into the court. Trying to get her to see with her eyes. But no amount of waving or sight basic things is working. She had even grappled herself tighter, thinner herself even smaller and that she was loosing colours. As if the colour she was glitches into static. He went to reach her one more time but he wasn't able to touch her. She was now a ghost, even for this place that the damned aren't ghost law in. He looked crazy trying to bother air. That he can see her when no one else can.

"Sir!" A coworker rushed over with a tome. The page was over on the bloodline of Seers and Fallowns. Although those letters aren't a language they reconginze and that no one is able to read four names. It ended with 'Tricky Trickster'. With her name filled out this way, it meant her human side was dead. Worse was that her soul was not accounted anywhere else but only the index. As if someone finally achieve what he longer for most. To completely erase existence of one soul from the index. This breaks laws, so many laws. So many problems. So many other tomes affected from the erasure of this chapter name. Riddle knew from slamming the tome closed exactly what he should have done.

"You mustn't tamper." The leader of the court wolves spoke clear cut towards the long white hair man. In so much shock of the terror of the name being erased, "Just as the dementors were able to stay among us. This is the fate we all of the tome of broken names face. We are no longer can be allowed into lawful order of soul governor universes like this." Riddle shivered in so much, "You are the only repaired name whom was allow back among this universe. But you and her weren't the only victims throw away by the tome tamper tantrums. Even us and the dementors were once named here. She had been trying so hard to give us back here. She got most of the way too. We are here... but we're not attached. We can't act within most legal laws. We will never be what we used to be. Souls altered and names changed. She knew the moment she explained her name soul situation. The gods in fear of us. Well they are doing to protect what remains of their perfections. Cutting out us flawed ones." It sits looking up to him, "Now you will take over her tomes. You are the only one. I look forwards to what you make of this universe." Bowed before the new master, "Advice." Sitting back to gaze up at him, "Don't attempt to read names of us. We are broken and enact broken laws. You don't want to be accused of something that isn't your fault. Just gazing at our names and even touch... you might get ate by those names." The wolf made a human pose, "She was the monster that kept the other monster in line. You may want to keep them stupid of this fact. Even that Ragnar, Morpheus and Loki are idiots. They weren't human souls unlike me and my friends."

The wolf grins as it scampers away. Riddle stands dazed in ice cold. He looked at her ghostly image being still here. He wished to keep her at his side always. But she's unreachable. It makes his heart ache, that so many other odd feelings he has had since he died. He lost hold of his undertaker body, colapsed right then and there. His own team got him to a stretcher and swiftly back to the undertaker realm. Continued the progression of their task set by their current monarch.

The lone cottage stands eerily indifferent to the sand dunes. The horizon of glittered speckled black. The fence of corpses and bones. The small vegetable plot of abnormal and unassuming plants within the boundary the ground underneath was a mulch of squishy materials. The house is painted to look like a English barn conversion with real metal enforcement of what was a mock cotton cottage. The roof thatching should be wheat stalks, but in closer inspection. Its long hairs, who know from what creatures produce such corded hairs this thick. The very illusion of pretty and peaceful is torn away with touching the door frame. That isn't wood and going by the distance of not a single tree in sight. Why would it?

But his been here before. The illusion was her, she kept this place from being scary. Now she is gone, so was her powers of bending shadows. No longer was there enough darkness to hid the horror of what should have stayed in darkness.

Some parts have never changed and there is new things here too. Aquatic plants in a some glass fish tank. He steps right up to the tank watery surface and pets the leaves, he recalls knowing these were collected from the dip ponds of the undertaker realms. He left it be, looking at a notepad left openned with the pen still scribbling. She been researching for answers. Now he knew her behind that act she was putting on. She turly is selfless for such impossible things. His hand brushing the pen strokes. He merely blinked time away like it was sand in between his dirty hands. Finding all this study of what seems asking what or why rules work for some and not others. She had not held an afterlife long enough to understand life after death. She has always been in a living life cycle and only experience living realm laws. At least... He assumed.

But the darkness she shrouded this place shows that this aftetthought was a lie. She may have lived life as human but clearly she held inhuman things. Done things for not humans. Trophies along the walls are matching to hell lords and hidden ancient artefacts by hidden gods. Gods who have no concern for humans or humanity, here was their stuff among her personal stuff. She treasured these pieces, too. There's a wood slab that is used for sharpening death god scythes, sourced by such not human mattered god. The up keep of those items required blood of creatures. She has plenty of many blood in many containers... a whole cellar of demon and god drinks. Blood barrels. God slayer samples of both stomach and spit. A book labeling the sort of diets these god slayers had to adapt their unique posioning blends. All checked off. So she had been poisoned by all of these. The language may continue changing but the formal of words means she was consistent in finding god slayers. Then again, not all of these are creatures even he knew what they were. It would be better to not assume it's just god slayers. He brushed in keeping going through deeper the posioning book. It cycled back around to other versions of living languages, which can be partly translated. She had draw sketched for some, as if she couldn't name it. They don't look like anything he knew. He was at the last few pages and these were blank spots but she ticked them as if she wrote them there. Likely she did. Using an ink or pen that doesn't have visible show. He slowed his hand over the shelving in matching the notepad, in three that wasn't labelled and not written. Three of them. Not labelled at all. It's not like she wouldn't know what that was.

He shook at this and had to move for other things that were no longer hidden here. He noted there being an upstairs. Taking a step up, to not been clouded up vision and felt shaken harshly.