45 Recess

"Welcome all to the entrance examination for this boarding school. You have a paper exam in front of you, work at your leasure. We prefer that you don't cheat, but the point of the exam is not to score marks." The demon puppeting the human teacher is doing a fantastic job in playing the role. There some at the front row quacking the boots. She can't help but stare point blank at some of the guardian spirits watching over the students, too. Making criticisms of their roles. She spent more time doodling in sketch books than even bothering about the house rules. She makes her occasional check on her brother beside her. He bothers to try the exam paper and makes glares at her for not trying to act normal. She knocked his foot for his attention for when their grandpa in his spirit form came to overlook. She even smiled and waved to him. Her brother sighed, displeased of her disregard for hiding her sight abilities.

"My granddaughter can't help herself. I would guess she found this whole thing boring." She overhears grandpa talking to one of the demons watching at the room side, "If you start finding things clean, repaired, or put away, you will have to blame her for it. She has no regard for whatever realm she's in. She will likely be repairing the court rooms in spare time or collecting impossible requests." She sighed, glad of explaining things to him as he could answer those things for her. Better him than her.

She makes some quick scribbled onto her examination paper. She stood with her brother. From the direction of gestures by the spirit folks, they were following those vague orders. Such as putting the test paper on a separate pile and exiting the room from a different door. It was then that they were escorted by pure spirits to their allocations. She pats her brother shoulder as he leaves to go get ready for a combate exam. She was already ready and heads to the gym court. She didn't mind her backpack on or the notepad and pen in hand.

"Right." The human teacher huffed and looked over those with equipment and then scowled of her. Even so, she smiled bright, and they moved on. There were worse types than her. They paired up and were told the duel laws, which mirror that of the undertakers system for taking nicknames. She has plenty of borrowed or fake ones to give. The student that was to spar her was clueless. She couldn't help her sceptical side.

"I will trade my old nickname for something worthy. I better hope you have something cool to give me in this win." Arrogance coloured the wood sword fool. Although she not going to misjudge a kid brought up with some spirit mythical abilities. She can see the energy wrapping around the wood sword as they took stance. She plenty aware that her damned side will sting in contact of such things.

"Look twerp, I have better things to be doing. But if you want to kiss the floor, sure. You can't take a nickname or even a rank from me. You get maybe a little wood charm for your effort and maybe a nightmare or two. sorry." She made the notepad disappear, stands ready. She collects herself in being, embracing the energy the room has to offer. She saps away the energy this kid was building up, just to not harm each other. She glares down upon the kid. Even before the match can be called, he knew he was going to loose. Looking worried for why he can summon strength. He tries real hard to get some focus and the hand falls. She tackled the lad before he could react. Disarmed and pinned to the floor, exactly as a cop does.

"Called." She lets the kid free that seems spaced out. She waved his energy to flow correctly again, "How did you block his spirit energy?" The match watcher asked and is a relative of this kid.

"I have the sight of gods. Even death is an old freind of mine." She Chuckled in pats the spirit shoulder, "Best leave the cursed to their sorrows, right?" She smiles and turned back to the floor kid, "Come on kid. I only harmed your pride. You were beat by a cursed girl. You can't save me from myself, if you think you can voodoo." He snapped sitting up now, "I am nothing worth the effort. You can fight my brother instead. He needs a go at your casting. A good game, twerp."

He stands getting ready. They call the start match between the two lads as she is taken to fight someone else. It seems now they put her to fight a demon. She floor's this human puppet fine too. Even before the match ended between her brother and the voodoo kid. She stood the edge watching the two lads, smirking of how its a struggle for her brother. But once the trick is learnt, the battle is won. She isn't the only one clapping from the display.

"She's qualified to be a teaching instructor." Someone commented behind her. It be the two teachers, one that just lost to her. As she gave some pointers for the teacher to improve. The final fighter are lined up and she put among them. For the next part, it's a last man standing match against all. Her brother knows she going to be the hardest person and targets her in spite.

"You are all required to use something that isn't your bare hands." Disappointed some that prefer that style. She brought out an old bamboo pole. She been using it for years and has never needed replacing. The bamboo itself was from a grove of a blade Smith master. Where that is and when is lost to time itself. But it still a Good training stick.

"Hey Sis, I don't think you can use that." She looked at the bamboo... and frowns as it wasn't what she intended from her storage. So she puts the unwanted visitor back to storage and tries this again. She ended up hissing at her shadow for such antics, speaking clicks in telling her lizards to fetch her a bamboo stick. This uncanny delay of things made everyone move on. Dismissing her for the strange clicking. Just as they wave to begin this round three. She finally has a bamboo pole, and braced her brothers attack in time.

"Are you done with your pets?" He hissed, "Your making me look bad."

"Stop listening to the lies of the imp on your shoulder, dumbbell." She punched this imp off him to add that extra point. They swiftly made thrashes at each other, matching strikes. He plays her hand of having a moment false upper hand. She plays pretend for only so long. Just as the slip to make her move is there. She had to take a new measure of some attack from someone else in the ring. As it wasn't just about her brother fighting her. She makes short work of those not giving it their all. She pulled the feet off the floor of those that didn't suit this situation of strength test. She wasn't afraid to make not human attacks and dodging methods. The other students have spirit attacks and use of shadow like she does. So playing on leveled field.

"stop here." The teachers step blocking everyone. She stands down, stopping short of making a bruising on her attackers. She sat down like everyone else, enjoying the spent energy of training her human body to match her spirit. She was humanly weak, a down side that can be remeded. She smirks glad her brother makes friends from this. Playing down her strong to him was as he needed in this place.

"Where does that bamboo come from?" A student asked her and she looked at it.

"You know... I don't know. I will have to ask my friends. But they are terrible location things. The last time I asked for directions, they made me nearly swim the length of a river. It didn't help that they ate the boat man. So annoying. I had to go find the boat a new man." She sighed displeased, "I know that doesn't make sense. But it did." The student thinks about this a while and shuffles away from her. She smirked glad she accomplished of putting fear in them.

"Hey sis, we need to get a move on." Her brother still has time for her. It's nice. They all get up and collected stuff. Moved to the benches to watch a new set do combat training. She sits mostly alone, eating a snack she has in case. And eventually to her sketching since no one was bothering to talk to her. They all cling to her older brother instead, making him the popular dude. She can at least appreciate the sketches she got from sitting watching him and those into him. She noticed plenty of those that fancy him. She was also watching those that watched her, she carefully inspect them back as they retreat from her glance. There are those that know she was killer and was putting a show for her brothers pride. Even so, she on the radar but not actively noticed as her brother is.

"Draw!" Glance up at the show offs being noisy, only to lower down ignoring them. The energy paths around here was plenty tell for who they are, sibilings or cousins. Direct bloodlines. As from Grandma little dream cult and the damned Seers with them books at the heels. Nothing new in the rivalry of both factions. Given her brother is a rival of both sides, he became the neutral ground between these gangs. He had also became the mediator for the minor tussles the sides both have. At least this is the set up for how things are at the moment. She clearly just an outsider to all sides, and has no importance to this children game. There will be a short time that she could be the wild card, but nothing right now would make such worry. But she is assuming that none the demon folks will whisper any bad flake her way. The demons aren't that stupid to bother her, they would have check her hunter ID.

"Mail for those who have Ranks." Called by a demon at the other end. She instinctively flexed her hand up in lift, expecting a crow carrier to land, "Yes girl? what is it?" She looked up and lowered her hand.

"I assume then there isn't one for me. Sorry for the confusion. My personal mail carrier tends to be good at fetching." She lowered back to sketching and some laughter around. Her brother isn't one of them, he knows. He also felt off about approaching to take this mail. Since his sister didn't, he will not either. One the posy might bring it to him but his not going to openly take it.

"There a no death crow policy." She heard beside her, a letter slapped in her drawing surface.

"We both know this doesn't stop Loki. No his ate something he shouldn't and must be making a mess around here." She brushed the letter off her way, "Someone will always come bring my mail. I have strict acceptance rules." She finished this last bit of a smugging of her current sketch and held it in share, "Look alike?" The image of the demon that wears a human face compared to the human with a demon in them. The undertaker posed drastically of thinking this over. Pinching chin and all very panto twisted at his seat. He nods impressed of the art and passed her the mail again. She glares at his hand and he swaps hands. Now it being handed to her with his left hand. She gladly takes with her left hand. She checked out the fancy god stamps. She makes taps with her left hand and her brother takes his mail with his left hand too. He goes through it openly as she does, but not brazen to open them here. She snickered openly of double mail from the god of Death. She can see one was a personal mail talk and the other was some official nonsense. The official nonsense is thick and made her frown. She zip the top of the private mail first to see the sort insight this will bring. She doesn't seem to read it with her eyes, nodding occasionally about the conversation content of the letter. Once she was sure. Bemused of what that meant, opened the file case she been requested to look into. A case about soul names or that a summons gone wrong.

"It's not like the goddess of summons to pluck the wrong thing. Bless her beloved hands." Eliza makes that her comment, "Poor lady, I should find her more hands. There a whole battle field of them somewhere. I am sure my old pals could update me on some wars." She tucked away the others into her hoodie but she felt one feel strange. And she removed this one, the stamps weren't from this universe. There isn't recognition written on this front. But the smell of the paper tells her how it got here.

"What are you doing?" She flicked him in the shoulder for being rude. The undertaker pouted in such a playful whip. He wasn't even ready for such a fast slap. She opens this mail now and she taking it seriously. Reading it properly, she had even lit a candle. She finished this and included it into the case file death sent her. She kept it all very neat and that candle was put away swiftly.

"If I have to." She tuts, "I wonder if I have to make my blade again. That means visiting the edge of dreams." She packed away her everything, "Sammy!" She shouted and instantly there is a kneeling shadow at her feet. Shivering in shock of being summons so causal, "Oh good. You are still around. I am impressed. Very good soul. Now you can tell me everything on the radar." She makes them stand and arm around the shoulder. She soon was garbled into damned tongue. This Sammy replies in damned. They got quiet foul for a while but this seems a normal thing. She play scruffs the stranger of shadow in the head and it disappears. She has hands on hip with tongue clicking once the shadow was gone. She seems very mad, clicking at times of her grievance to being under stocked.

"Eliza, you need to change languages." Her brother shouted to her from the other side the hall.

"Why do I have to do this stuff? So backwards." She changed back to English at least, "I hate the grim reapers examinations." She crossed her arms, "Lazy hand work in tome writing."

"All that clicking and you angry about taking part in the grim reapers examinations?" The undertaker asked.

"Worse. I am the examiner for them. But if that's what the Lord of decays request. I can't turn the bone in cloth down." She crossed her arms, "I guess I do own hin the favour. Can't ask many gods to look after soul name eaters. Or that we have cross over visitors to hassle with. I don't blame the smart soul for coining in the favour." She tuts and this changed her language again to something no one can translate once more. Her brother did that look and she sighed exasperated of this.

"Back up a second. What qualifications do you have to be an examiner for anything?" A Seer to make jab to lower any sense pride she will have. She doesn't even see it as some jab, blind at them like she didn't hear them speak at all.

"Leave the untested loser at the benches. She not even able to summon darkness. I don't even see you mask anywhere. You left it home?" She rolled eyes of this.

"Ledger 103." She wrote this on her arm, "OK." She claps hands and this freezes time. She fetches out her whole armour kit and weapons. She finished making changes in the ledger. With a second clap, time is back.

In her full height and kit, she rolled her shoulder. Comfortable adjustments with her cloth spirit side. She fixed her left hand being caught in something bit once she frees her hand, her claws click in and out. She makes a waved gesture, pouring a sandy substance to float there. It pulled and forms itself, shaping into a clay grey mask. Surface smoothed and without a feature. Wipes at her face and it plastered into the kit. Reformed back a smooth surface again.

"Lady Marionette?" Someone questions.

"Brother, remind me why I had to put this kit on. I was distracted with my disappointment." She speaks human at least.

"Ugh... Language change." He crossed his arms.

"You were angry about a letter you received about the reapers examinations." The undertaker can translate at least, "If that's what you mean."

"That was it." She stands properly to her look, towering thin little doll. Even of it is scale plate armour, it looked fashionable and boosted her shape. A runway model without a face. The prolonged she stands without appearing to breath, the more scary her demeanor carries. Sharp edges that aren't to be messed with. Not cute but instead a killer. The moving rags of cloth around her makes for even more disturbing unease, as their movement doesn't have accountable action by human science. The lack of skin on show made her not human in the slightest, even taking a pose of a empress or starved mantis.

"Hey sis, this it the living realm." Her brother breaking away from the crowd and isn't afraid of her changes. He seems her this way plenty of times. Unfazed of her creepy factors. He moved the stuck in shock undertaker to the side as she would have. Showing his of the same ability to move spirit people as she does, "Yo, Earth to Eliza." Knocked on her helmet. She hushed him, "Stop being weird." He pats her elbow as she would of him. She change posed in showing her attention is on him, "We are meant to be taking part for the entry classes. Come on." She takes his shoulders and twirls him to fave what she was, "Oh, forgive.my rudeness." He quicker at leaving her and the being before her be. He takes the undertaker with too, "The abyss is full of monsters like that. It's why we don't ask bother her." He tells the undertaker.

"So it's like normal for her to be visited by things with no eyes and just teeth?" The undertaker at least able to move now.

"Maybe you should brush up on your soulless creatures. They don't need eyes." He pulled the undertaker to be among his crowd, "Many husks come to beg my sister for things. There are as many more husks as there are races of things. She always said its equal to the amount of missing and unaccounted souls. But that makes more questions like why would there be unaccounted missing souls. How do you prevent yourself becoming one those freaks or like just anything to ask about its biological features." He comes off as sounding like he is bragging that he knew about this stuff. Some are impressed and this deepen some sort of wedge against her from the gangs. Turly turned a real outcast.

"Alright anyone left here is been accepted into the schools grounds." The demons are fast workers, "It's food and dorms now. Please follow as the resident demons for directions. Move along now." Everyone that isn't Eliza is more then happy to be out of this gym. To get away from her or the creepy thing of thousand eyes. A large blacken twig of eyes like that of a mantis or fly. Making bubble sounds and creaking. Just being near it, it has a cold air that burns. But she stands in posed listening to it. They haven't traded a single sense of a conversation yet. Only that they been scaling each other between life interruptions. Once all that is left is her, it and the undertaker watching from a safer distance. It makes a drastically pose and she posed to be ready to attack. Staring down each other, a cold rush of air crashed in here. Thundering an massive air pressure differences, casting static to spring through the shock wave. Many took cover and sensitive types dived to the floor holding themselves for the impact. Those not fast enough are knocked to the floors. The whole building shook. Everyone feels like there sound they can't hear, dazed and sick by it.