47 Unpleasant predicament

Outcast isn't always a bad way to be. It tends to be those at school that do better in life later, or at least this is so far been proven to be. The worse they try to cut your confidence down and make things bad. In the long term, if you can stay strong. You will have the higher ground. Although that higher ground doesn't equal your assumptions.

The only place she can find peace is among the pews of the school church. Found in here more times than any other student. Always alone with a miniature paint set and sketching book. She sends her shadow mask for off realm tasks ans she spends her living life here sketching interesting things it notices. And when her mask was needing a rest, she was in class focusing or hard in homework. She always made time for spare research. She uses the library of both the living realm and this demons Palace to her advantage. Sticky her hands to some very dangerous books but doesn't do anything with the knowledge taken from them. The church is the thinnest veil of where spirit types can be most visible. Wisely, she choosen to wait for the mafia gangster clothed as Death to make his request happen. Or at least have a death carrier bird make it here. Better yet be one her god eaters, but they fleed from the recent grumps her mask had. The smell of butchered god eater has put her pets in fear of her and so she isn't going to expect them to be at her lap for it. The needs to stock materials from other realms has been her drive. She has also helped herself to some minor but impossible tasks of repairs. She has more importantly learning the artifacts that her soul has been assigned to. Such things that are used not in living realms unless with to break the rules. But the price of using them means taking some meat from unsavoury hell realms. She stinks of such unpleasant realms, and its not going away.

"I didn't hire you to play nice! I want him in hospital or sent to prison!" A unhappy customer to a demon contract.

"In all do respect, when I took this contract. I wasn't expecting to have to fear my soul being devoured." A'nt that the turth. The brush softly cleared of the current colour and a good hard stare of mixed the right next colour. The bickering wavered out of pitch as they clued in at not being alone in the church ground and added that this church still has resident gods who frown upon such bickering. At least Eliza was a quiet and harmless to the worship here, respectful of such wishes. She does her part in paying her respects in trade of allowance of peace to seat in here.

"Section article 9 in the demon codex part five." Undertaker laying law out. But not at the demon or its contractor. Instead it's some some spy that was hired by the internal school rival gang, who happened to break the human kidnapped laws. The ones that specify to not make humans suspicious of afterlife activities. The blanket laws to oath hunter like herself.

"You have been pardoned." She looked up from her sketch book as that was directed at her.

"Lovely. A pleasure to see the duties go through." She nods respectfully to the undertaker in the unicorn kingdom crests. The uniforms are properly worn and no ashes on them. Nothing seems out of normal to say they weren't spies themselves. Even so, she looking them in the cold eyes. She gives a pleasant warmth in the slow manner they back away.

"Don't even ask me." The demon tells his contractor, "What you don't know is that girl is... well out of my league. There aren't many gods you can pray to if you with the dance with her. I am not going to become the next victim to her demon skin collection. No one really knows what she going to do with all those corpses. It's not our place to ask such things of someone that ranking. You might as well beg the headmaster for any sort of acceptable answer." The sigh of defeat from the demon. By command over his soul, he steps approximately four pews from her. He sits bored as there was nothing happening. Eliza enjoys her peace, a nearly finished work. She slips a little smirk and checked, by now the demon has indeed fallen asleep on duty. She makes a little curse call summoning, sent a harmless nightmare monster from the between veils to mess the guys head a little. A win for her and the little hungry dream maker. She was at the last brush stroke as the demon was wide awake, fell off the pew and scrambling fast. He bumps shoulder into a death god on passing.

"Will you feel pain like any other mortal in seeing someone you love as a corpse?" She cleans away her kit but a pause of this question. She didn't hear death wrong. Even so.

"You wish to break the rules and you want me to play some bending of these things? A clever idea." She softly putting away things, "But to what manner of bending we talking? You want a death recorded without soul placement and corpse handling. Or is this some bigger play... say... transfer on soul for the thick wade of those in exchange." She reclined with it put away, "Don't ask such painful stupid questions. I do of course have feelings. To discover upon the tragic death of someone close to me. There will be a lot of worlds about to feel my pain too." She closed her bag with the note pad, "You see... I am in all sorts of places at once. But I am one. My pain here in this realm is that of the same I feel somewhere else." She looked back to death ad he leans to a pew, "But at least in my sorrow, I will do as I can to repent such sins. I can't help it. I hold so many fragile things." She leans forward with putting on her backpack, "I will be sorry to you the most. The feelings of my powers can consume one's sanity."

"I don't understand that. You're just a human to me. You wouldn't have such shattering choas." He flicked the fedora to sit neat, he readies the scythe of his style which here is a old 1920 revolver. He spun the barrel after checking ammunition. He plays about twirling it, showing the way she will need to go.

"Useless demon. I will do it myself!" Stomps someone from out the entry way used in segregation times, the less then nice side of the church. It should have been locked up with it being after service hours. There some loud scuffle ahead from there, so there was already some fighting happening. The spot is prone to being the unsaction fighting pit for rule breaker students. It's hidden from teachers. There isn't modern cctv clear enough.

Whatever fight it was to its end. Smell of blood and groans of pain. Sleeping and passed out folks. Both tired sides sat apart and have came to finally stop this bout for now.

"Oh my Lords! Are you OK?" Faned concern from the lass that has the motive to kill here, "He beat you up, didn't he?" Gurgled reply of likely teeth knocked through, "It's fine. I will take care of this." Death readies his shot the clicking of the pull back. He looked to Eliza with wiggled brow. She has the chance her to change things. She stares to death without any emotional response at all. He had wavered just a little from the lack of humanity about her. Even so, gun was being aimed. He didn't fire yet, but the sound of a gun was definitely shot. Eliza blinks perplexed of her pain in her shoulder. She held the spot as she had experience of gun shot wounds before. She instinctively moved herself and any others around her to safety. She cared not for her clothy fabric of her spirit side pulling everyone. It's the deal with the school shooter. But it's now a matter of indentation of whom this is. Although, with the thread of guilty sin this wound creates better her and the attacker. Its someone that didn't intend to harm her at all. It could be her brother, but his passed out on the floor among the beaten up ones. It could be this shooter is just feeling misguided and guilty regardless of who that was to.

"Damn!" Adults voice, so it's not the typical school shooter cliché. Unless this was a teacher or guardian, "Get back here!" Interesting that they are after her. She seems the intended target. But this doesn't make everyone else in any less danger. She does as she can to tear clothes to plug the bleeding further then it is. She is dizzy now. She had to move after making such sounds. Her shadow has put everyone else under the church pews inside. Her mask has barred the windows and doors. Her human side making the shooter follow her and her alone. But she knows that their will be someone killed and it be someone unfortunate to run into her at this time.

"Get back here! I demand that you come to my side this instant! I will use your soul name if it kills me!" Ah, well there is only one idiot for that.

"Mr Seer? What are you doing here at my" The unfinished sentence followed a loud bang and that fresh spray. The delay drop and air out of the lungs. Even so, the god of Death had not fired his yet. So is she meant to be the one to take the table turn? Is that deaths intentions? It makes logical sense to balance the books by changing the current core index law maker. The sentient tome wouldn't come to her inheritance, so there has to be some scheme about this. All that matters now was that she needed to raise the alert. A passing teacher, there be a device on them to alert the school under school shooter alert. Phone would be nice.

"You vile little wench! You horrid sick girl that kills for sport!" The man has problems with her need to gather materials from other realms? Who knows. Just need to stay awake. Need to circle back around or another chance to raise the alert. She doesn't have the energy. But her life is on the line. She been through worse and more stupid ways of dying.

'Trixie' spat in her mind like a foul mouth of posion.

"Yeah, I think that good enough." Death took his shot. He steps right over the newly removed soul, "You aren't human now. The laws have changed. If you want to be devoured by the darkness created by the greater unknown. You will never have your soul recovered back from such abyss." Death now laughed in slapped shoulder. The shot that should have killed the teacher is on Mr Seer. Death takes his leave. The teacher casts a mircale to hid his not death. Looked down at the gun and the corpse. Look to the angry spirit out of the corpse.

"Don't even try." The teacher hissed, "I will never sale myself or trade service with a Clothus freak like you. I hate many you freaks of shadows." He pulled his phone out and makes a call. He sits aside going through the minimal he is aware of. Stays on the phone and walked towards the church. Even in spirit as a clothus, the gun is picked up again. The mask twisted in seeded revenge. The darkness to cause unnatural phenomenon like ice layers over touched surfaces. The energy sapped put from any ounce of everything around him.

"And thank you." The fun taken off his hands by a undertaker. His pinned by a whole team of undertakers trying to keep the unnatural from becoming history. The gun put back where it was on the hand of the corpse. Some planned evidence like a car key, a trashed parked car in the school grounds. Stuff that human investigations follow. Forced fence climbing, sleeve torn on the fence barbed wire. The undertakers are the masters of having plenty of logical action to what be otherwise a supernatural element. He came here using shadow gate transfer, which wouldn't fly in human courts.

"And up you go." She scooped up from where she collapsed hidden just around a corner, "Set you back at the church door where you should have been." Her mask is still there and protecting the students in a firey fashion. Such cold solid arms carried her like she's nothing. She can't help but not trust this guy, afraid the whole time. The weight of her sins, lifts of her repentance and the distant flame her soul carries does stagger step this stranger.

"Right here. Like you should." Laid her along the door bottom. Posed her about in how she slumped holding her wound in fighting the door to be locked safe for everyone. She sees they were setting everyone to be more logically dragged into here. That blood trails back and forth of her effort to save everyone's life. She can tell faces and is just to willful to not let herself go. With the events sorted as they should be. She understood to hide her other self. Flex back to darkness. She adjusted herself to a better hold.

"You did a great job." Pats her head, "You hate him, right?" She softly moved the cold hand away.

"You wouldn't see it the way I do. I gave him that scratch to teach him to love me. Backward but its what he taught me. Being to wishful and passionate. If he had taught me correctly as a father should, my way of expressing love would have been different." She doesn't let the undertakers hand leave her, "I have always loved the cold." She wanted to guide his hand more to her. He retreats plenty back from her. She may hurt from the instant choose to leave her presence. Sulk as she may in stinging thumbing pain and the uncomfortable lodged foreign metal in there. It didn't sting as bad as her loneliness. She sat gloomy in reflection. She thought she hate the man that made her, even after her lifetimes where he abused her abilities or used her as blood sacrifices to the tome. She thought she can't forgive the man that sold her soul name to clothus. But here she is, wishing she had a better outcome or another chance for his love. The correct way it should have been.

Even the fact that her dream cottage was a six bedroom, reflection of what she wanted most. A bedroom for her brother, her mother and partner, her own bedroom but like there was a large bedroom to share for him and his newest girlfriend. She would have accepted this was how her parents were. But no. He didn't even try. Takes her when it was most convenient. Used her as if she was disposable. Half sibilings she never will meet, she would have loved being part of their share of him. It is just a sad unpleasant predicament. She blames him for not caring about her the way he should have. Otherwise he was going to be forgiven. But no... he would never do such a thing. No among of pain suffering will teach him. Her way of love will never met his standards.

If she this way with her own parents. There isn't hope of a love life. Screw trying to move on. That stings too much. She carries stop falling in love and suspect to have some lovers in this life she leads now. But it's not going to consume her soul like she dreamed of being. That one and only just moved out of reach.

It's not to bad, she saved some immediate reach lives. The teacher demon pulled the reverse curse, so they aren't dead. Undertakers are making this work more logically time spending wise. Although she does have this bad taste behind it all in term of who was saved. She only saved these lives because it was the right thing to do. But she will not have saved them from themselves and the injury caused in this fist fight.

She barely manages to stay awake enough for some to come around and that the window beside this door was broken open by rescue crew. She blocked the door with her body. Her blood will be outside too, so anyone would be concerned.

Everyone is checked over but since she blocked the door, she had more folks around doing first aid. Everyone being asked questions at the pews.

"It's impressive that you defy the will of gods." The head teacher over looking her.

"The concept Lord of decay over all things maybe a good freind of mine. But there isn't a benefit to either side." She at least speaks as a human in English even through the stinging, "This is just the beginning of fighting to stay. You don't know what has awakened from the spill if my blood. The gods aren't going to be able to play their games the way they wish. Not with the amount of fear this has created in my community." She slide look to what hidden creatures are here and how many more that were turning up to smell her blood. Some had even tasted it. Loki not missing the chances and is all over the place. She can hear Ragnar outside for that blood. She feels Morpheus at her other bodies. The bullet was made to shoot her, it wounded many of her types. The only body not affected is the one she has in deep sleep, a good thing too. Gods are in many shapes and sizes, her soul ethereal form isn't a joke.

"Holy magic casting wouldn't work on a human. But your part clothus and I would guess more. Yes your bleeding but not dying. Does this mean you manage to hide some sort of armour?" Oh yeah, she had been wearing thar hunter oath armour. That deflect the worst. So there be only three bodies of her affected. Brushed from the spread of force impact but well in fine. But it's not what this demon or undertaker was trying to make guesses to.

"Leave her alone!" Weapons among the spirit folks over little her. She doesn't feel that honoured. Some schemes at play even now.

"Trying to work out how to heal her. A clothus casting will not work on her. She might heal as a human. But her spirit from has taken that wound to." Lowing since that makes sense, "Miss Eliza, you would know yourself enough to know how to heal this wound. You need to stop it." Someone who knows what's coming then. She smirked at just a little at the concern they feel, the look into the fear. She used her good hand to back hand tap their face in laughing at them.

"Afraid of the darkness are we?" She spoke in Nightmare Noctorm tongue. Snarling the helper more, "Don't worry, even evil has fears. I say bring on the main dish." She tilted, "Do you know how starved I am?" They backed off in a scramble. She forced herself to sit up and this panicked folks. She manages to stand and in a few wavered steps scanned the room. She brought a dagger from her sleeve and stabbed something that shouldn't be here. It melted the bench that the blood from the dagger. Her shadow pulled the corpse to storage and she walks wavered on in doing these strange stabbing of things.

"what is going on?" A student from the fighting gang went to rush at her, "Are you" they are pulled back by those who know well enough to leave her to protect them. She stabbed a picture frame that didn't belong here and it hissed jolted and screamed a little. She stomped it once more and it was gone to her storage.

"What are those things?" Her brother taking her back to gaurd with her. She sighed as he isn't smart enough to fight these yet.

"Insanity." She spoke a mistranslation. Using the nightmare Noctorm language. He definitely didn't understand this. He can tell in that accent that she isn't human speaking. She pushed him around and stabbed another, "There aren't in the records you know. They haven't an existence in any realms. They are parasites." She kicked him backwards to safety, "Stay out of the way or be erased." She glared at them all, "Leave now while you can or there will only be husks of what you used to be." Gladly not the time to argue is been understood. Everyone plays a part.

"Oh children of wayward broken ways, hear my command and borrow my time. Take action and lift from the veils." She held four voices at the same time, "Come have dinner and devour our unwanted bugs. Come take a fill of my energy and wipe away this issue." The rifts of many eyes jaws and teeth open. Snapped and eating these things. She brought out an old weapon she had for just in case of this event. A weapon made from these creatures. A weapon with the abilities of destruction of existence and souls. She handles it as she has always. Her danced steps float in this fighting. Blood pours from her mouth of some wounds that were those fighting back. Yet she erased these things as she had to, she knew them once. She was one herself. The table has turned. She does as she must. This clearly was the plan. To wipe out the appendix she carries as additional removed content from the core tome. The gods were against there being a double index. The effort to make it none is wasted now. These things are eating other realms and between realms. The damage isn't easy to replace. They going to have to beg for her to get out of retirement now. Although she is sick of her duties as the soul name keeper. It has its own burdens and weight judgement. She loved the job as it brought her peace a name at a time. But it's not the same anymore.

"This is maddness!" She heard around her. Someone didn't leave or that they just arrived, "And of course I find you..." She held the blade against the unknown. They stare in freeze up. She doesn't budge as this stranger is getting cold feet and attacked a monster around them. She lifted away a little, "Will you please just finish fixing this universe? Don't you normally live only one life and be done?"

"Oh child of mine. This is where my soul came from. This universe refuses to accept me and allow me my duty. Its being a stubborn mule. I am stuck in this human form with curses. No one has actually figured out why there a empty concept god chair yet." She turned and slays more things, "I have been left to freeze and starve out the boundaries. I broke apart and as dust was finally recycled. But that didn't go to plan." She slain a massive one and the corpse coiled around them both. She shurgs carelessly, "A bunch of idiots. I was tempted to break the rules and just get things done. Leave them to clean it up." She crossed arms with weapon staff tucked in her hug, "They didn't have the full laws of logic working properly when I got back here. The living realm is a mess of miscredited soul names. I want to eat them so badly." Claws flicked and Slains one. The clearly a close one to her steps real close to her. Looked her about properly. The shock of her weak look and harmless way. Tiny and young.

"Wow, they are so screwed here." Lowered to her equal height, "There really god court papers in your name here?"

"Yeah. The idiot who made this mortal shell keeps suing me. Given no one takes me seriously. I had been weight in judgments each time a trial had happened. Its ridiculous." Claws returned back hidden. She throws a cloak over shoulders of this being and pats their head, "How are you and your universe? You came to beg for me to live in your place."

"I did but now I want to know how stupid they are here. You would mind me borrowing your chair upstairs?"

"If they allow you." She laughed, "Be nice to have a spy there to understand what I have to do to make them know my wrath."

"You are going to erase this universe aren't you?" In flat tone.

"I can't. I came from here." She punched them and they sighed again not understanding, "Anyway, see you at my chair. I have a body there already." He posed in meditation and pulled a false look about him. He allowed the laws over him and he took a god gate to his destination. Stepped in. Back out and back in. He hesitation was telling. He does finally get a move on and she felt him standing at her back. She finished clean up to the best she can of corpses. Putting away her mythical weapon. She dug the bullet out the shoulder and sits properly tending the wound. She relaxed at one the not ruined benches pews, just barely as her human body has given up.

"Maybe we should have feared her more." The gods stood looking down on her. The place is a wreck. A part of the floor above fell nearby and she turned herself ignoring this. They watched as someone brave came in picked her up and takes her out of there. The roof outside was gone. As she been put to a stretcher, the church creaked of the top floors fell inwards. A cold hand checked her pulse and over her arm.

"Don't bother. She's healed enough." God of Death approached, "She has more life then she did starting this. How someone gained so much vitality from slaying darkness isn't some skill even we gods know of. There was always more to this soul then the shell of a girl she is outwardly. But judgment of how broken and weak her soul is had underestimated the turth." Tilts to the undertaker with flicked hat, "You are this universes Ender. The only one who can stop you is her. I don't know what she got game for. But you need her or get rid of her." Puts his hand at her chest, "I can't collect this one. This fragment of many. She's able to erase us all. You should really get rid of her." Hand away, "She not worthy enough for even the little she has."

"Then as a death god. You have failed to see value in all souls." The undertaker squared back, "sincerely when did such assumptions come about that no soul is the same? So many gods of death, you should know best about souls as life does." He looked deeply into death, "In this universe, even the bugs humans kill can be the gods of demons. So what differs for a human girl to not be a greater unknown?"

Death looked equally back to this undertaker in dismay.

"She is an outcast. Her soul was convinced of removal from this universe for a reason. Its souls like her that cause problems. She shouldn't be here." Death takes leave, "The tome she carries are forbidden. There no room for them."

The undertaker stands his ground in feeling off of such things. That there seems a mistake or that there is wider problems that they are using her to blame. He does know she also has something about her that is wrong too, but her scale of wrong doesn't seem fitting to whatever other things it is around here.

She barely opened one eye in glance of who this undertaker is and his sad expression. She closed again with letting him be. He wasn't for her, as she finds her mind saying to herself. The long brim hat shadowing his eyes. The scowl of disagreements in the god bird over his right shoulder. The way the charms hung and tied together over his neck, sway in his lean forward at her. He isn't for her. Yet, that would be a cool drawing. A sketch in pencil that look amazing as some anime poster.