50 prelude dirge decorum

She raised her right hand to touch the energy, as this was the tether the undertakers realm would have sent to connect the eclipse curtains into. At the expense of energy she had stowed from the revert and the maintenance of sleeping a while, the two world began to pull in match to the others layout. There is now a mirror like wall held by her, of which she then took some random clip of bone from storage and stabbed to hold this rift. She can now lower her tired arm, satisfied of the temporary clasp of the two realms. For good measure, she stuck some more. She smirks to herself in loving the hard work she took to carve those clips.

"Lady Marionette, I had assumed you were quite dead." A rude nobility here as escorts for the human part snares displeased of her.

"Don't you worry little man. I am content as I am. Wayward nobody in the shadows of no where. Do please work as you are. I am not here. Here. Here." She has a most warm business smile, "Look here. They are fine. The only one whose a little under weather is Curiosity. Like he always is when he ends up my direct. It's fate. Or just some joke between me and him. So don't have me stop you." She shoos plenty of folks to move by into the rift. The shivered glance of her own mother is plenty to anyone else that, Eliza being here wasn't in thier plans either.

"Leave it to my creepiest granddaughter to fix everything." Grandpa pinned some sort if broach on her front. She distracted by its symbolic meanings and why he choose her of all folks. He force her brother forwards, heels scrapping the floor. She blinks in recalling and uses this moment to put away the time destroying existence breaker. Used to prune the weeds of other existence eaters. Her having the ability to use, maintain and protect such a unique tool was plenty spoke words of what mastery she really hide all along. Like she has before, she broke the item down into six separate things. Then puts these items on among her tools, currently being fashion statements in her outfit covered in similar tools. There was nothing on here that she didn't use, no item was without fail been a help to her for something she was keeping. And in angelic realms, wearing your tools of your trade is a normality and even expect of by highest ranker archangels.

"I have a most important question." Lord of Omen changed into a humaniod and stand beside her at this gateway, "Do you consider you human body a peice of fashion like everything else your wearing?"

"Oh silly god. Do you having a fake pair of eyes consider important of a fashionable accessory?" She pinched him in the side, "Of course not." She interrupted him from speaking and now he was in a awkward pose. She pinched his ear now, "I am here on short notice with an outfit I managed to seam together in the same time I fixed that rift. In a tight pinch and in following with Angel practice. Maybe wearing all my tools of my trade will make for a wiser statement to my declaration of my existence." She lets him free and he sulks in letting her have that snap. Everybody even those close to her didn't tell her about this event. No one expects her to even have this level of sanity. Some had even assumed she was dead or soul missing. She couldn't take her angry out on them either. He was the short end of this stick.

"Besides." She makes him all neat up and smacked some illusions to help keep some dignity, "You call me by my undertaker name now. Not my titles." She pushed the god to go follow the crowd he should be with. Quick to help Curiosity with getting all neat and healed. There was a little look back at her in scowl. It would seem everyone's hasn't realised her undertaker name.

Although this place is often for criminal matters or laws to be discussed in maintenance. This place is always the battlefield that Seer blood has clawed over Fallown. This event is more a celebration in the good side of laws, rewarding those whom raise ranking. Especially for living status folks such as the Fallowns, Seers and the other spiritual families across the world. Given the recent slip of boundaries, there is likely chances of other universe versions. She will have many people who know her soul, expecting her here.

"Just in the nick of time." She snatched backwards by thousands of hands. The goddess of summons has always loved playing dress up and loves gifting lost treasure to Eliza. Always leaves it to Eliza to put these lost relics back where they belong. A duty Eliza no matter her soul or body, has never failed to accommodate such thankless tasks. It seems only right the lovely goddess had plans, was never going to miss a proper opportunity to dress one her favourite dolls. This was a clothing crisis and the lady summons is here for the thrilling rescue.

Eliza seems shoved into her workshop, her place where she keeps all her stuff regardless of outward body travel. The lady summons manifested herself as a growing fountain of hands posed in lady shape. The hands all pose to make for face and other body image. The lady summons is a fast worker, strips Eliza down to nothing but her human form covers in her clothus form. Does even quicker as then sewing a entire new outfit and armoured scales sourced form a god eater skin. Using the materials of the workshop, every detailed part. Those many thousands of tools were put back over Eliza. Eliza herself had to put some these on again.

"Most fitting of a lady that stands you ranking." Several more jewellery and crests. She was softly the put a veiled hat of many pins of so many references to being she's helped. Summons had for once brought out a really old style photo box, taking capture of Eliza finished appearance, "Right. One more thing." Putting away the camera. The goddess shoved her hands through down Eliza abdomen, removing a lot of blemishes but also refreshing a wound once erased. The fresh blood is all part of this look. Pats shoulder in being grateful to help Eliza with putting back the iconic hole through her. The trait all remember her most for. Even in pain, Eliza know the helping of an outfit this weird was going to have some problems. Having her area scooped and jarred up isn't the strangest to happen to her.

"You need anything else?" The summons lady doing some fast work to then perform the mircale to stop the human side of Eliza from dying. The hole through was perfect and stopped being painful from such actions. Eliza couldn't beleive it, her hands in and out in confusion. She blinks in recalling being asked a question. Looking to the goddess.

"Was there anything important I have to know?" Summons in many posed hands was happy to be the one to break a bunch of rumours. Like a proper girlfriend dying to let you know the god world gossip. They pow wow to Eliza bleeding ears. The goddess is all to happy to have someone nice like Eliza go to. Regardless of it making any sense or not, Eliza listened frankly because this information was important in unseen ways. It gave her a hand up with what the drama among the hidden realms or thier universe neighbours could be in. As gods unaware of thier doings, cause these ripples in such places. The bounce back of these ripples is humanity trying to make up stories about these things.

"Oh I have to put you back now. But we should do this again." Summons takes Eliza tightly and pulled them both. Back to being slipped forward. Back at the mirror gate the school beyond is empty, no a mortal or creature at sight. Nothing but the breeze putting more leaves and rain its charging directions. She makes on last look at herself, taking a moment for getting over the material and hole through her. You don't really get over it, recalling what used to be there gone missing. She takes a long sigh, hand to her heart but it clasps the broach that grandpa put on her. She smiled about it, his faith in her. It's all she needed.

"I guess its time to stop dragging my heels." She holds the broach warmly, "Child, go make sure my announcement of my arrival is done correctly." The wolf leader of the court stands up from waiting for her. It bows and she heard them patter. A long and abnormal howl makes strike, soon other loud vocals were in harmony. A last touch of correction of the hat and the veil that hides her face. She takes clasp of her staff, the scythe shaft without its blade. She holds it correctly forwards, helping her torso posture and the way she must step sound mustn't break the song of those calling to her. In three straight steps, she now faced into the court hall. The doors throw open and many creatures line in bowing.

"Beloved lost lady of the abyss, keeper of Noctorm drop and Oath of the cog system. Presently her ladyship of the broken, Madame Marionette in the Nightmare shallows." A little servant of hers speak clear in the undertaker tongue, "You have the pleasure to call her by her nickname. Lady Trixie Trickster." The crowd most definitely coughed and choked. If they were human. Undertakers had there share of having a nervous tick too.

"You!" Pointing at her to insult her, many of her pets gulped and prayed for the idiot survival for such sacrifice.

"No manners as always." She purred like she expected the drama, "I am the final say for these humans. You best not give them a reason to act revenge laws." She uses the bottom end of the staff to jab the fool put of her way, "Buzz away insect. Or I might feed you to one my spiders. I don't need to pluck them wings yet." She being serious as she has the power over this false angel. This man that by intenral laws was without crime. The fool just had to run into her of all people. Someone that watched the boundaries between realms. They were somewhat saved by one her wolves. It bows. Pleading his case, "Really? You want to keep the pest? Well if you think so. But let me know when you change your mind." She makes it forwards, evading around her wolves and its wish to protect the angel. She feels the eyes all on her.

"Trixie!" She looked softly that way, smiling of her off universe visitors. All those she loves from other places. She makes that greeting they knew. Her children particularly returned it with theirs. She eased onwards. Only those who know her heart would be so fearless of her. They be the only family here to treat her normal.

"If we had the time, I would have had you meet my grandchildren." She spoke gentle towards her grandpa, "You see, there is other universes outside this one. I spent those lives learning a thing or two. So putting your faith in my hands meant more the any honors. Thanks, grandpa." He looked at the whole line of strangers back there and then to her. He smiles. He maybe a little confused and concerned but being caught in her eyes. Deep as her soul makes comments. The worry melted away, a strong hand on her shoulder.

"No Trixie. The honors mine." She held that pose together. She breaks it with needing to take her place. This ceremony can't begin without her, without the broach on her shoulder.

"There is beauty in life and death. Dance through amongst the lights, shadows and darkness." She pose pledge, "May the fate intertwine these people closer to thier pursuit and purpose." Her way of this pledge cast energy to spark the air. The whole room felt washed by her. That now it was her eyes that took deep look over them. Once now in accordance, she seated onto the judges row. She puts away the staff now, as taking a seat was better. She puts herself into a frozen pose and now waits the other formalities of this event. Plenty speak badly and this brought the spread of the off universe folks to counter them. The heat of fire had picked up a few duels but there was no ignition yet.

"The treaty of vows is now beginning. Take your chooses carefully." Those not part taking in the event stay at the walls. The pews of the galleries and the typical furniture has been pulled aside. Those openly hoping to sign hands with people stay standing among the crowds. Those unassigned a vow to a kingdom take walk around listening to who sounds worthy. There plenty of those at the walls that have advice to consider paying heed for.

"I sit here in my lady's stead. She will always give those in need a moment of her aid." Her grandpa stands wishing to speak to her. She also needs to pick some alliance during this event anyway. Nice of him to be her excuse to step down there. She softly makes her way, soundless in how she stood and took on the small steps to share the level.

"I had only a minor concern." Her grandpa offered his left hand and she gave her left hand. They walked matching march through the crowd. He takes her right over to his so call concern.

"Ah, well. They were convinced for unlawful tampering with court papers, putting enslaved in puppeting the human justice system and the most worst of things that even gods fear from ever happening again. The only reason they maintain status is because the sentinel of the tome. I owed a debt to it and this was the payment of that debt. Now we are even. Even if the Seers are felons." She looked at her grandpa taking a while to process this, "This pig there." She kicked the clothus figure who was the lowest of them, "Sold a soul without proper detaching. He sold it to a clothus, so he may be granted the powers of a clothus. Neither him or the merchant got their bargain, as that what karma does." The man under her heel squeaked a little and her grandpa nervously nods. So then posed to the angel in chains, "Oh him. He had an affair. It was mighty stupid. He didn't harm this universe in such an act of love." She looked over to the angel, "It's not even the worst crime. No... so much blood on those feathers." She crossed her arms, "He owes me a rather large debt. But because of him, I was made into what I am. So I am been in debate of how exactly to settle this. I can't exactly send him to those he wronged. They would rip him to shreds and some silver lining came from his crime. He lucky to be so unscaved right now. They been hunting him down for a while now. Regardless if I did choose to punish or not." She shurgs, "You know. I should just keep waiting. I love watching them fall, those who deserve of it at least."

Her grandpa nods but he definitely wasn't answered his question. The angel looks angry at her like she's the problem, no one has ever seen him have that expression before.

"I don't understand." Her brother joined in, "Did he kill someone? In some situations that's a good thing."

"What about who or what he love to cause such a debt of his wings?" Her grandpa asked instead in figured that much out.

"It's no big deal. The 11 tomes it took to return all those lost souls. The bloodshed made the god of war in shame. Fell head over heels for a high ranking demon lady in the universe neighbour to us. Oh boy, there like no souls left there. The only one is some poor guy. I saved him at least. Them clothus know how to break the rules and rip the guts out of common sense." They look at her like she crazy.

"What happened to my wife?" The angel bowed lowering himself to her. She going to be the only being in this universe to know what he needs to hear. She takes a moment to listen deep into his soul.

"Mmm... You want to suffer that bad? Don't get me wrong, she looking for you. But you don't want her to find you." She stands, "Those who got lost in the abyss change. You could say we adapt to make do with our existence when we are all there is. You seen Lord omens? The god had a bird fling. Now his a reptile creep with nine rows of teeth." The angel soul made such a sound, "Sheesh, helpless romantic you are. The cost of whole universes. You don't care about those souls you had erased?" She picked him by those chains, "You have no remorse for ending so many beginnings? Breaking so many worlds, feeding them to the Clothus? Because of you." She shakes the sobbing man, wings dropped off so easy. He is most definitely feeling consumed by the vast sins he was being judged to. She doesn't let him go. Letting the judgement of sins eased down. Once he was feeling shattered from by those shackles. She makes the fallen stand up on his own. She tilts in makes sure his going to hear her loud enough. There he looked into her eyes, he felt the weight she did always. He shivered, as he working so hard to keep up right. He sees she was being all the more true. That his lover was still in some from seeking him.

"The shrouded over humanity is her title. All us friends call her by her nickname. Twilight." Eliza shurgs, "But hey, if you still love your scary wife of terror. Then maybe you might want to consider taking the pain of becoming a crimson soul too." She turned both her grandpa and brother around. She guides them away, adding one last thing in not looking back, "When you do see lady Twilight. Let her know my table of worms is always on offer. I have some new stake meat to cook. She might love to take part hunting it with me. She doesn't even know she's a Glader."

She gets the men back to dancing the crowd of those wanting to make agreement. She became lost of them both. Alone. There was no attraction to someone that made the most respect archangel loose his wings. There wasn't even trust to even know if she said the turth. But it only mattered between her and the angel. If he wants to assume she lied, that's his problem to sort with Twilight later.

The gavel hits, even if no one took to make a offer to her. She done enough for herself. She makes her way back to the judge seat. She listened to the announcements of those who gained foot hold, applauded for those needing it.

"You stole them wings." She heard behind her. The long sigh of disappointment too from a fake beak. Omens being called out as some example to compare monsters with, didn't take kind of her blunt handle of that truth. She keeps play of focus to being crowd involved. She waved her approval as needed for those she watched over. She has no prejudice to letting the Fallown and Seer have approval to. She did make calls on concerns for some these contracts. She had even cast a curse of turth speaking over someone that lied to the human they convinced.

"I am totally going to sell this Seers soul." The demon just had to speak under the curse. He glared and pointed at Eliza for casting it.

"I totally did cast a divine God blessing to make you spill the beans on your wishes to sell the soul name of this Seer." She smiles glad to speak the turth, "I did take the wings. The lovely feathers will make a amazing surprise to his ex-demon soul wife. She totally use them to hunt his soul down to the last scrap of existence she can reach. Crimson souls are creeps like that." She clears her voice, "Reminds me. Don't let her near you Omens. She has an obsession for your rainbow feathers. She had one from James, I think."

Omens hissed in such things, breaking the spell bind before any further action happens.

"This has to be the worst regalia of vows I been to yet. The highest known honored guest to a fallen archangel. The cursed upon us has came to cause such things. I doubt that even the spiders crest even bothers about this situation."

"Then belt up them trousers, Mister. Because no one is safe here. You lack of attention to why the ceiling has eyes is most telling what you cared most about."

Eliza glanced up and back to the other judges who been watching the ceiling.

"Those aren't eyes. The scales on her are like looking at the universes she devoured. That's why we call her Twilight. She a beautiful lady of cosmos of armours scales and Ruby red eyes." Eliza laughed in knocked elbow to the judge beside her, "I lied about stealing the wings. I didn't cast the spell of judgement. I was just playing along her game." The long forked tongue dropped around in some part of the room. It retracted back with catch in mouth. As naturally intended, he was ate. The larger then life living map of galaxies. The tail whips snatching passengers to take back home. Eliza waves away her loved ones from next door. The rift closed. All here are only the souls who should be here. Eliza staring at the claw damage in the undertaker realm.

"It's fine. I will just have to fix that later. Unless you want to." She voiced over shoulder to Curiosity. He seems all sour. Easy to see why, "Down worry about Taz. He come crawling back here. He sure can't let you free." Her laze to use the gods real name had put a further fear into anyone else around her. She winning no sides here, "You're love for the bird will be honored. I have always respect you both in equal measure. He will be safer in Twilight's hands. She did organise and keep the entire army of god eater in check during the clothus wars." Eliza folds all neat and she waved casting a magic of her own creative writing, fixing all that was out of place this breif interlude. Retraced her hands back to her lap. The event was ready to carry on. The speaker turn to continue keeping the ceremony tracked. She was able to keep with them. Refusing to let her spent energy knock her unconscious. She must respect the promise broach.