The Melting Point Tower 78

"This is the flat your going to be staying with Mat. I expect the both of you to behave and listen to him." Jess putting the last bits of shopping away, "There is no funny business!" slamming a cabinet closed and pointed to Kyle more so, "I am not chasing you down another dark alley!" Jabbing him on approach. Eliza snapped out of day dreaming. Even then, she had to recalibrate why she was here and how she got here. She could have sworn she was with her mother and brother entry into this tower. She felt the time change when time reverted... and yet... she back to when the hospital burnt in the fight. The whole escaping the tome house of corpses with the corpse buddy. Her eye is back to when it was that way when she ate that dude. Yet, the other way is still also true to what happened... her mom, her brother removed from the car park. Omens fought a guy. Death with the pop flick advice. Yeah... weird. 

"I cant believe I have to ask this." Curiosity sighed and takes a moment of meditation to ask. Deep down, Eliza feels like she just going through the motions of another Monday. The back on track to a long way for freedom. At least Curiosity is half tracked with her and will likely be in the same confused boat as she is, "Eliza." he posed to her, "Can you please tell the court eaters to not kill the human?" She blinks a little slow for a while and then just shrugs with this. 

"Sure. Who isn't going to be ate?" She shakes in wanting some narrowing down, "Is it a Fallown, Seer, Glader or Darkwood?" 

"Its him." He posed to Kyle. 

"Yeah sure. You shall be a tribute to me." She hooked a good punch into Kyle, "His mine. They cant touch the kid." She the pulled the kids shadow to her and checked his mask in detail, "Let me see... neat creak down the middle. Yes very interesting feature." She pats his mask cheek, "You are officially not even be allow to be taken by a death god or reaper. Your soul is under me laws." She lets him free, "Don't get ate by one my pets or worse then that. Do note that return back form the abyss will cost you extra." Dusted her hands like it was nothing. Curiosity blinds slowly at her now, "What? You wanted him safe and it comes with costs." He frowns a lot in trying to wrap his head on why she trusted his judgement but had to instead turn to Omens for that sort of question. Omens thinks about it and coos a low tone. 

"Pop flick." Kyle wants to know. 

"You cant even if you tried." she sighed, "You just be bite by Omens with one his spare jaws. Not worth the effort." Left hand dismissively flaps, "Why am I here?" She returns with asking. 

"Because your under age. You were about to be fed to the tomes. Your mother has a blood tracker curse and cant take you." She must have gained that from the beach car thing that happened but not happened, "Your brother isn't legal age to take you in. You have mage potential and clearly cant be left to chances with the crazy you are. Who affords a 853.28 shopping bill?" She nods at understanding this point of view. But still then shook that not being what she meant. 

"Well no. Time reverted and yet... not?" She clarified. 

"The tower stops those from being detached. You will always end up here at this moment of your young life each time the living world reverts." Curiosity clarified and then pointed at her, "Why do you know about reverting?" 

"His asking a kettle why its black." She knocked Kyles side, "He has quiet the humour. Dude attached to Omens by soul binding and doesn't know. Man... what side of the universe did he wake up this morning?" 

"She immune to reverting to some extent. I haven't really worked out what limits or if she even limits at all." Omens scratched with a bending feather scale on his under jaw like it was a third chin. He follow this with raven 'clooock' sounds and some strange fizzing. He stopped being strange as he noticed her staring at him and knowing with a few nods that she can hear him. He shuffled to hide from her. 

"Well whatever." Jess leaving the apartment, "I am off to work and Josh isn't coming back for a while. Please stay in the tower. Eliza, your brother Joseph will be to busy with his rankings to bother." 

"I was watching his placement, I know." She waved simple as the door was closing. Jess slowed from closing in hearing that being a reply and then throw it open again. She points at Curiosity about Eliza and he waved in sort of knowing already. Slow door closing. The door locked, "What a boring locking mechism? Three point?" She shakes, "useless. God traps are more tight then that." 

"Its got a light on it to stop the mask's leaving." Kyle huffed. 

"Wow, you are affected by light. That sucks." She pats his back again, "Looks like we are just locked in here. Watching nothing." She got up off the dinner table area and straight to the kitchen. She pulled a step stool from her storage and then had several apron changes. She tied a white one on. She pointed at the stove and it flicked on for her. Brought out a big pan. She got cooking on the pasta. Her shadow was removing the heads and shells of the shrimp. She pointed to the fridge, it opened and a few things were lifted checked then put to the counter at her side. Gives the invisible man a thumbs up and chops away carrots that weren't there. Curiosity and Kyle stand confused, backed out of the way of the movement of the kitchen. She would sometimes smack things that weren't visible, stealing the shrimp. She would also make strips of meat dangle and disappear. Unrelated to her main cooking that she was diligent in washing her hands throughout the process. 

"She did say that she was going to cook shrimp pasta." Kyle getting it, "I think she forgot the dill." She then posed a whole shaker of it at him. He held the empty shaker with the British labelling information. He looked at the date on it and peers to her confused. He passes it to Curiosity that reads and then dropped it for that date on it. It rolled and Omens swoops in taking a look at it, on touch by him - it turned as sand. Her mask poured the pasta water out and both were tipping the last ingredients into the pot. Bowls are being lined along and she was scooping amounts in. She sprinkled something extra for Curosity and Omens. Those bowls were strange glass crystal material. As was the fork made of crystal, flawed crystal with imperfections within its colouring. Omens was impressed that he could touch it, then use it. He had even trusted her enough to try her cooking, soon devouring the whole amount without a second thought. Curiosity having trust to his god, tries the same. Everyone takes seat at the table. Her mask scooped a new amount for Omens and made sure he joined them. Petting the god's head a little before being seated in one spot, her two sides sync as one person for once. 

"Thank you for the meal and thank the god for the bounty of fortune and wealth." Kyle posed a quick prayer and everyone has their input. Omens puffed all happy of being included in such prayer and devoured the next bowl easily. He finds that one his teeth got stuck to the crystal, removing the whole tooth from his jaw - stuck into the crystal of the bowl. His talon poking in shock of his tooth being lost to a bowl. She noticed and turned act like she didn't. She thinks about the sort of fortune that meant to tell. Loosing teeth like that... it been lose a while and bothering him a great deal. When she lost parts, it always followed something of annoying event. She suspected this to be sort of the same fortune. 

"Eliza. I need my tooth back." Omens openly kicked the bowl to her. 

"Tooth?" She had finished eating anyways and checked with looking into the bowl, "Mmm... I see this." She moved away, "You want it made into something? It a dangerous item after all, even after loosing it. Teeth like that could be used to fall a number of things or poke holes into stuff you don't want." Curiosity glares at her a lot for knowing she talking and seeing gods without a tell of a gift to do so. She definitely cursed then divine, or at least his awareness of energy would suggest evil. He held this uncertainty of if she a good thing at all but given her pets of god eaters and eaters of unknown properties. Her nack of taming or trades with these unseen monsters. He holds back trusting her. She glad he doesn't fully open to her, she be concerned that he would. She knows deep down, she still part clothus. Her nack for wanting business deals with death was proof of this. 

"What is this material?" Omen's further asked and she takes the bowl closer, her right hand breaks form which had Kyle at the floor in fear. Once her claws danced a little into the bowl, she dug out the tooth and posed the bowl back to the god. The talon takes his tooth. He peers its condition and tucked it away, she not sure how he did that. She flexed her right hand and it was back to normal, "What are you?" 

"The watcher of the dunes of time, walker of the edge of unknown and I think they call me the Empress of Nocturm." She pulled up a tea cup from her shadow and pours a lot of things into the what seems a small cup. She will sip then remeasure something being poured. She does this few a while as they settled, "The current index keeper of the finished compendium of soul and soulless. Unless I feel generous to edit it again. I do that a lot." Putting a small something away and drinking her tea cup, "I had a lot of things happen then went on holiday. I was recycled. I came back repaired and anew. Left and returned a lot. Broken again. But I like it that way." She sips in the silence that was created, "Mmm... yes. Very good." she nods to her drink, "Its more exciting inside the boundaries. The lonely black sand beach was tiring. I think the flesh tree had more life in then I did." She leans back, "peace before the storm. It never lasts." 

"You're not my divine ability." Omens hissed. 

"I don't need to be." She posed the cup at pointing at him, "The ripple in the fabric on the hell boundaries between the undertakers and the demons. If I know right, there was some sort of cult between the demons that has some vague claim to be angry. This will buzz with the human sorts that have dirty deeds and this kick's the bees nest of mages. At least I can work that out. It be a bother for you, Kyle." She back to sipping and then tilts, "The damned will be very mad." she nods to herself and sips away. 

"That is a lot of assumptions." Curiosity crossed his arms. She shrugs this and sips all the same. 

"It is life in all her tricks, twists and blind sight hits." She nods, "Got love a god that knows her work. Although if I was picking sides, Death a more diligent man. His wife is lovely. And. and. their kids are hilarious." She puts the cup away to shadow, "Oh, but of course they don't know that yet." Omens frowns in not liking how she speaks so certain of this. 

"Complete compendium? If its complete, why is things still happening?" she looked to Curiosity with giving him the confused stare. 

"Dude... that's your job. I am just the soul counter." She stands, "Your the Ender, sheesh." leaving the table first, "I am going to bed." leaves without further worry. Kyle getting off the floor slowly and rubs his eyes in notice the sleepy crust of his eyes. He shakes off the his thoughts, having decided to head to bed himself. Curiosity left alone with omens; sighed and they take the time together in mulling over events. 

The worlds of spirit and mortals is divide as sand beach meets the ocean waves. A slice wrinkle that moves with unseen tidal moves. Otherwise, there is thin veils that allows; nightmares in view of undertakers, undertakers in the view of humans and the damned in view of demons. Its marvellous and yet so more dangerous here. The only creatures that aren't being seen or interacted with are those Eliza was in control of most, those of the dream eclipse. Around her do these creatures have shape to exist among. As normally these different boundaries cant interact or often not seeing each other.

At best the things can see humans and humans are blind and things cant see each other. God vessel are seen by all but cant interact among, which often signals miracle when they do. This is why the mage tower is special, it allows these differences to watch each other. The undertakers are in the grey or black uniforms, arm sleeve with crest and colour indicating ranking to which monarchy side. Their hair colour was interesting, and always were they hand craved body shapes - not naturally made as human shapes are. They have soul tattoo that are visible to her, but its clear these marks aren't visible to humans or just any other beings. Eliza can also watch the energy flows of magic or spillage of non-mortal realms. 

The busy lives the mages life looks like any normal people do. Day jobs that is often factory, protection detail or small runner jobs that reach in all sorts of private sectors. By afternoon, they are back here in the tower for mage magic training (often to recharge or expel excessive energies). They do a mass meeting with national updates sort of like the news but if was live on stage then on tv. They end the evening with normal bed routines. Eliza has grasp this much with having been here a week.

Curiosity goes by his living name of Matthew, or Mat for short. The morning is prayer as a god follower. Some duties for omens and then mage /undertaker work which she isn't a part of. By lunch he would be back to the flat in check with her and Kyle. They head down of mage training as a group. She doesn't show off any sort of talent, even if Mat knew she was able to. The evening is spent sorting out human needs like foods or a sort of activity that mat is happy to share to do. This activity differs on the day, and seems scheduled pattern since Kyle has it memorized well. They come back to the flat for a night story and bed sleep. Only for this routine to follow again.

Eliza finds time to disappear between some moments, always sneaking off with doing some damned requests or a little safe Sigil requests. She moves somethings as requested by dreamers, which is helping the mages (not that many folks noticed this). Its small things like the barrier having a slip past for them to escape, and then put back by her the way it was intended. Sometimes this is a improvement.

She is back to ranking as a upper level among the (dead spirit side of) damned (a total ghost for the society of living damned), a ghost among death oath order (but is active advice giver with the top order members and side assist with the true title) and very heavy active status as a nightmare creatures. She enjoys the nightmare requests, its simple small things that help curve to a group effort which pays off. Plenty of kicks about seeing someone panicking over a phobia. She knows she has some mental sick issue with such thing, but that is someone else's problem. She's not a danger or harm to anyone. Its especially because she isn't a harm that she stays so low key. 

"Today is about defence." One these fancy mage classes, she was at least paying attention like everyone else (maybe slightly distracted by the misfortune monsters being devoured by omen's but otherwise was watching the instructor ahead of her). The point of them being distracted by the instructor ahead of them was that they will be testing defence reaction time. A harmless spell will be casted behind the children. Although, she already could see that. She acts normal right up to the point that it has to matter. They have members to make themselves active in stop time, if this occurs. There is a stand by vessel of death overseeing any accidents and there is some reliance on Omens too. Eliza doesn't even trust that much given that omens lost his tooth in dinner, the event like this will have something to trip the bird brains. 

"When moments of mages have to much energy, they have a uncontrolled and unprovoked casting of magic happen. This is always over spill as elemental or curse energy. Often when your working with a mage, the colour sash will indicate the major of magic. So if they do have excessive energy, you have an idea of the energy you are defending against. We send a task force for unknown or untested mages. God followers have a similar issue if they cant handle the divine abilities, and their god's major tends to be the indicator of the area affect. There is rare cases of elemental and energy clashes that makes predicting the energy you could be defending from." It was around this point that half the child is were sleep under a attack sleep. Anyone left standing had the next volley of something, it seems water. There was the last throw, it was some sort of binding spell. 

"Very boring." Eliza being unaffected, her shadow was cutting up the spell casting runic words and jarred them away. Sharpie is posed in glaring at Omen's for acting all twisting angles; trying to figure out what happened to the spells that should be in affect on her, "Is this the end of today's lesson?" She turned to Kyle beside and sees his in earth sand bindings. He was struggling but managing out of it without her aid, "Maybe it isnt over yet." She meant that someone is still casting something towrads them both, she cant say for sure who it was intended and if murder is the plan. But given that Kyle is a standing duck, she took matter at her own hand to preform a redirection casting (alter the spell to back fire on the caster). She She was more then ready with a attack to follow after this bigger spell if it meant protecting things that are hers. Gladly once others knew something was going wrong, other mages jumped the guy that had a failed spell casting (as the more harm the failed casting it is to the person then the more deadly it can be for the spell if it was to be casted). She helps Kyle off the floor as it was likely she did sort of toss him aisde to have better contorl of the air path. He thanks her shy and she plays it as just another day of having to protect her tomes and the souls bound to her books. 

"Is that why you dont use magic?" He asked her. 

"I can watch the runic pattern forming as poeple are trying invoke the soul names of the elements they are casting. I also have issues with watch gods doing similar things, or rather thier vessels casting divine powers have a simiallar thing. Case in point. When Mat is casting, his magic arches out of line to wrap in twist to Omen's runic casting. This makes sense since Omen's owns Mat. The two like to place guess who i am on some days, as Omens is nosy. It's why i nickname him bird brains, among other reasons." She shurgs, "I am glad they get along." looking to how mat was appraoching them both for a check over, "Yes no fire spell today. It was a broken spell with explosions and some salt. I wasn't not going to let death be pissed for a call out that he didn't need. There isn't anyone set to die at this moment in this area. Not that souls follow this law all the time. Some folks just die because they do, not anything to do with the poor god trying to fix reaper hand writting mistakes." 

"I am just going to have to get back to you." Mat huffed at her but then turns to Kyle, "Your father and uncle asked for summons." 

"If you do, have Mat with you. I am sure royal life is more important then me." She nods to them both and the both glare at her, "I shouldnt spoil any surprises but you should wish your second mom a congrats. Bu its not what those two will be telling you. Its something with the damned. I think i overheard the others talking about it. Fighting for place rankings. You have standing above your father ans uncle and they are pleased. For that i am sorry. That be my fault. The living damned have obessive wants for connections to greater powers or power out of reach of gods. I say screw that." 

"No actually that was helpful... but why are you aware of damned soceity?" She lifted her mask to hand and he nods at this and then frowns more. She puts it away as folks gathering to check on the passed out children that could have been affect by the failed spells. 

"Mistress." One of her creatures in human mock, she knew from the eyes and the way shadow has not bound on them or that light looks wrong over them. Mat isnt aware of it but Omens was about to attack. Eliza steps slightly in listening to it, "The council of Damned want you as face. Given you dip your teo into the living affairs, you are to have to deal with them. How will you reply?" She softly tilted in thought. 

 "I cant eat them like the others. Oh well. Well they have a valid point. I will over see these children but overall my input of things goes unchanged. I only took the welp because one my other kids wanted him. I was not going to argue with Omens and Curosity over the wellbeing of those they wanted. But not much changes, the kid might even be returned to normal tomes when his in stable life conditions." The creature bows to such wise words and walked away from them. She back to Kyle being pale at her again, "I am the owner of Nocturm. I have many creatures in my care and many things that speak not human languages." He shook not and pointed about her chest, she looked down, "Mmm... pin cushion. Nope not fazed. Where was I? Aplogising to the death god for the inconvences." She stands up and pushed the sycthe out of her, "Those dont work on me. Sorry about that." She caught the blade dropping at the floor and has a bit of a soul listen. A sad blade that misses its owner. Someone harmed the death order and stole only his blade. The tome is with the reaper - safe. Good. that guy was trained well. She pets the scythe all the same and lets it free to hover as it wishes beside her. She gives introduocion of respect to the blade and offers to be protected by her for now until returned to the partner. It accpeted this and sticks to her as a tattoo up her left arm. She unfazed still, "Not fighting my other ones. They dont belong here." She voiced to the blade, "Right now. the mortal that did this." she claps hands and steps around the whole situation. Mat and Kyle are in strike range, Omens was about to sheild them. She was assumed dead. She moved right up to the person and given the eyes move, this was someone able to act in time stop. She gives them space as she ready's for fighting them. 

"Shit, a little girl is a cursed type. Well, you going to die either way." She frowns in not bothering anymore. She looked at the creatures that came from the wood works. Upon the man's stupid words, they all came to watch this. Now... he sees them. He thinks they are on her side. He panic attacked something and it bite him. They all took turns since she didnt tell them off. he waited for the creatures to get thier self contorl back, as she cant put herself between them and food. He lays at the floor in blood pool, nothing behind his eyes. She steps right over him and claps. The two were back. 

"I mean, you said you were going to kill me and instead you died. If you did try, maybe make it interesting? They love a bit of enterainment in how people die like the sick freaks they are. Watching humans is like day time tv for them." the creature moved away disapprointed of her not dying. She peers to Mat as he stood in shock of her calm over a corpse, "Not me. He started it. Then Loki had to have a bite. Then Ragnar stole a bit. It just sort of got crazy once Luna was running about with parts falling off." He steps right over the corpse at her side, "His not dead if that's what you were wondering. His not soul altered or soul removed either. Just another boring soul name guy, just bold plain. No fancy curves or interesting bits. I like the unique names more." 

"Eliza, will you please stop making things complicated." She sighed at him and pulled the curtain of reality to tear there. Once it fast sealed back. His just a guy with a heart attack and foam at the mouth, "That was a cool trick." 

"I am Trixie, after all." She shrugs like always, "Can I go have some dinner now? I am hungry after all that spell stuff. Neat jars on the shelf." She was pulled aside as folks come to help the man on the floor. 

"Thank you." Omens at least nods to her and nods back. Plenty people noticed she strange sight type, and it made more sense with why Matthew has his hands full with a girl like her. Taking her and Kyle aside for a check of energy. They crowd stays away from her as she having visible skin reaction, they say this is a price of over energy spent (but for this isn't the case - its the death god scythe being from the local realm). But at least is shows the mages she did use magic to do something to disrupt the attack from happening as she was already casting it in defence from the weaker training spells.