94 Not recovered yet

She lays her coach in the lounge as the last monarch left from the gates. Her borrowed team of creatures leave too. She is all alone for once. None of her animals. No tome Interrupts. No urgency as she took care of the two visitors. She was grappled in so many thoughts that she been clinging to and just hasn't taken a break yet. They consumed her in laying about this space. It was nice that she could finally hear her thinking and let the thoughts pass like cars in a road. How the images fly by or random spoken phrase were heard which soon echoes and lost. Some letters of runic soul language danced her brains rent free and her love of under appreciated hidden beautiful things in her many lives passing. Flood gate of emotional hold back broken free. So much madness and insanity. There is also her Sanity and freedom. To be alone as all this stuff pulls her all directions. Emotions that can't be erased and had no dictionary terms. She ached deeply, forcing herself to get up. If she was going to break down, she will break down in a place to pull back together. Taking slow small steps that sway her weight. She knew in enough turns to her bedroom with the add on wash room. This realm is hers and it has everything like a bathroom. She knows there be a lesser used bathroom and there be her private one. She preferred her private one, pulled herself weakly over the stone carved tube and lets her mask pour the liquids and taps on. Going under and freshen once again. In being enclosed space, she relaxed. Her mind continues it's harsh thousand years of thoughts. Scars open and sealed for good. Glitching with time itself has finally came to the end as her grasp in who she is, her soul purpose and knowing she has a place here. She came from here and this guarantees she belonged somewhere here.

An universe never makes the effect for one soul to be kicked out for no reason, let alone the thousand torn from the binding that time. It made connected all those other soul names to her name, her own tome chapter in the index were often a lot of things that were needed. Necessary to the time space constraints. Those things have returned and healed. She the last bit, the last one that needed plastering in. This bath time is her need of safety and settle her soul back in place.

The tub surface had a hand waved over it. She shot eyes open in staring at one of her creatures. Came to inform her of a visitor that welcomed itself into her realm. She raises from the water and up over the lip. She drips plenty but it unfazed her.

"Someone is under side affect of your stomach acids." She knows exactly who. She also knows how rapid that can be.

"Is he with others or has he came alone?" The creatures scratched not sure to answer, "the mask with him is also him. A detached part." Then it nods.

"He has other masks then just one." She pets the thing and lifted it to her arms. Embraced its textures and feels its aura. She gave it love and carries it as it directed her to where they entered.

"What is that girl anyway?" She in the welcome lounge she just left. They had put him on the coach she left no to long ago. Releasing the creature to free roam once more. It skids past them and through the gates here.

"I had adapted to eat and existence where laws aren't. Thus my body, my soul and the spirit body arent normal." She spoke gentle and watched their reactions. It was clear they didn't hear her. She sulked lightly of being ignored. She takes a different approach. If they ignore her then she going to use that for advantage. She soundless crossed around to them and pick pocketed them. She checked their soul conditions and played games like playing with their clothing. Hoodie ties being realign or hair swept a different direction. She managed sewing up the patch holes. That about caught her when her sewing needle was inches from their neck. She was threading her last knot. The two visitors plastered themselves to the floor, crawling backwards in fear. She puts away the needle.

"You were ignoring me, so I did as I pleased." She spoke their tongue easily and accents made them flinch.

"An enders nightmare." She posed in deep thought in hearing that being an insult.

"No I am not. That's someone else's stuff. I am the soul counter. I check over and count in the tomes with full soul letters before they are moved to the next part of the process. Soul tomes have a life system and death system. As souls are universally part of a larger cycle. Existence, nature and all the universe is has symmetry. So there is logical sense of my point." She softly seated herself on the floor beside the one that mattered right now. He lays the coach feeling off. She gently pets him and smoothed his hair. Deep gaze into his eyes.

She felt the cold aura and his dislike of her. She glad that it doesn't change much at all. All those years of her blinding him, hate was going to be. The deeper he frowns at her the more a smile crossed her.

"Feels like forever. Maybe several eternity's for me. But I suspect it feel like yesterday for you." She sounded warm, "that it hasn't been all that long ago that you were the only witness to my soul being shattered." She quick plats his long hair, as otherwise it be a mess. He stares blankly at the ceiling listening to her. She finished to then leaned in staring in mirror of his tilt as their eye meet again, still a warm smile on her and his cold frown, "You were just than undertaker trying to follow the order of your monarch. To take use of a fallown Seer child for the cause. Trying to mind wipe me into the undertaker chess board against the tricksters. It been so long that such things get forgotten." She eased in standing up and letting him be, "You need a drink, clearly."

"Soul shatter... the clothus shattered your soul?" She heard the confused visitors. She makes it around the drinks counter, it's still a mess from the undertaker party before. She clears away enough space. Eyeing the liquids as she spoke.

"It was more complicated situation and rather done for convenience." She would stare between them and the liquids. She was using her sight of soul aura to match their drinks, it makes it safe for them to drink it when the drink matches the aura. She lowered to further her point.

"Clothus were using us both as puppets but I freed that one out of him. I gave him the majority of the soul index once I freed him with the last ounce of contorl I had. Throw him with the brust of my soul expelling energy back into time space." She began mixing the first cocktail and once she stopped to pour, her lips put effort in this conversation more, "My regret clung on him, but even that link was eventually severed. I was lost. That entire page that my soul name rested on was removed and wrapped." The first drink aside to settle and she readys mixture for the next, "Tainted by the forced exiting of souls it caused. Those souls were repaired and returned eventually. I became the soul examiner for that very thing. I lost myself on that journey. Lost a lot." Her vocals strained but still she rambled on.

"I guess now. Now it doesn't matter anymore. I regret nothing. I don't even care that he used me, murdered me and throw me as bait to those clothus. It's erased history." The two visitors shivered at this confession. Erased as it maybe, it still happened. An Ender knows even erased time space that god's remove, "You repented enough. As did I. I had my time to wallow."

"Don't you know the sort of person I am?" She looked up in now shaking the last drink. A lot of expressions had wavered about her, there clearly was so much. Unspoken. She back to focus the cocktails. She used clean spoons to dip test all three drinks, tasting the content before dropping the used spoons to the rest of the uncleaned dishes.

"You're a total stranger." He states, "But you seem to think I murdered you."

She lifted the two visitors drink and hands them carefully to each. She turned her back when she speaks up in fetching the last one.

"Well this time it was Omens that took us both. But it doesn't matter anymore either. Taz will be devastated for years but move on as living folks do. To survive. He be thinking about you on his last breath." She felt someone entry her domain and rolls her eyes with knowing it be her human brother to complain about the death order or something. Given that door was specifically made for him. She focuses back to putting Mat's drink to his hands, force him to hold the glass for himself. She helped sit him up and returned back to the cocktail mixer. She tapped a beat and at the 10th tap her brother was already here in stare of her other visitors. He sees Mat among them and moved carefully around to speak to her.

"What's with the chapter for the god woods?" He hissed asking her. She shook her head not knowing, "Those pages are flesh not pages." She brought out the tome with checking and skims through. She closed it soon after.

"The entire section is under recycle. They not on record at the moment. But it doesn't mean I don't have their names listed. They are still within boundary law. The tome is undergoing maintenance in the meantime. Someone dropped it into a lake and thus I had to do emergency repair to keep it together. The flesh page is a temporary binding, the tattoo contract of the soul language is untampered. Now it either going to get repaired and back into a book. Or if his in those sort of moods, the Ender over there will clean it all away to traceless. A shame but not the biggest deal." Her brother stares hard into her in hoping she is joking. But she every part sincere. She give a little cocktail shot to her brother. He stares at it and leaves. Not part taking. The gate she sensed being opened closed again. She drank the shot and is back around to the Ender hovering in the depth conversation. The lead up to the god forest being ruined has to do with them.

"How do you do it?" Mat wondered and she sits across but at the floor. She shakes not sure of the context. She was not sure if he meant her. He puts the half finished drink aside and managed to normal seating posture.

"There are so many soul types in this universe. It one the few times I seen in working in balance of each other. Even if a layer crumpled, it all keeps going." She smirks at this and shook not. The three enders are in grumble about several things before putting focus at her again.

"I didn't do anything. I just gave the lost a place to stay steady before they move again. Erased pages of unfinished business. Sometimes I constrict them within a limited amount and time. Sometimes I find opportunities that fit and make do. Once they are passified, they are back in the system as any other soul. They are free to come and go as please. Once you leave the dunes of time surrounding this living realm, you face oblivion curse. You are passed to the next part of your soul journey as clean slate as your will wish to be. I make exceptions but that's between me and that soul. As souls are about soul wishes. I do as I can. What little I have. I am not a charity but it's not much of a cost to the other either."

She crossed arms with hugging one knee. Head leaning to the knee with cold distance staring. She blinked a few times and has a warmth returned to soft smile at Mat's dazed stare.

"You made the barriers." He voiced.

"Indeed." She shurgs, "I paved them with my own blood. The cost to me. I have been holding them a long time. I did consider many times that it was pointless. Several of them were imperfect. I had made mistakes in several. But once I perfected the craft, I was able to finish the soul counter. Only some types of soul can exit without my aid. The rest are being processed and temporarily sheltered. I do have a library of finished tomes but I promised to not disturb them. Not unless something happened. I check over the collection a lot and release them if they need to start again. I never try to stop them leaving. It's up to them and thier wishes. If I am to be rejected again, then so be it. Everything I have done is removable. I just don't think you want me to remove those boundaries. Some of them are inside as well as out."

"You what?" The visitor hissed at that last part.

"Why are there abyss boundaries inside?" The other exclaims.

"The time glitching." Mat nods, "You contained it from spreading."

"There wouldn't be undertakers otherwise. Undertakers only exist where time is imprefectly placed. They have always existed across all tomes in all universes. They are never hardly encountered because of the unique law. They are the cleaners of glitches. I know that enders that want turn back their worlds do so to a point. They don't realize that it be a team of undertakers, angels and demons to take over the finished restoration. They makes last adjustments and then leave as time is settles back to base line. The way time waves up and down is that of sound. The pitch up are the undertakers fixing it. The pitch down are enders. The base is when both are not interacting with time flow. You got the occasional occurrence of gods causing these fluxes and sometimes times crash each other cause a loose of the sting shape." She tilts that they don't understand her. She hugs both knees.

"My point is that there is symmetry and a system beyond even ourselves. A way that soul be and change. I don't make the rules. I just oversee them as they want me to. I have plenty of a time tried to excuse myself away from cosmic willpower but it finds a way of reaching out through." They blink together in deep silence.

"You're not a healthy mind." She sinks to that as they just don't care. Or carry no capacity to see as she does.

"No one is when it deals with the abyss." Another concluded, "We are detangling the timeliness." She lifted and gives a small laugh.

"If it's you three. Sure." She gets up from this and holds joints that were acting up. She makes it around to a black wall here in the gate room. She puts her hands through and removed something from that place. She inspecting the quality and shape. She puts it away. She reached for another. Taking hold of this scale of smaller shape.

"If you need it." She offered the small little stone shape with her right hand. She couldn't help it as her left was holding her together. If her left hand was released, they might fear or leave without her advice. She wanted to test the depth of level they mean to clean away all that tied up. The meetings of disburse wavelengths of time is why they are even working together at all. Gladly she been turned down and back the scale stone went. She softly nodded and waved to them, "clearly you still clinging to that humanity better then me."

The two visitors are right over to Mat's side. Between them was a deep discussion about the fate of this universe. She makes it barely around a corner when her stomach area creaked with shattering crystal like flakes over the floor. Everything in every layer that was there peeling away among that flake pile. Her left arm breaks, paralyzed the while arm from use. It leave her right arm being the only half functional and she can't raise it over her head. Even so, she leans at the wall. Staring at her dust pile and this hole in her. Her clothus skin swept up the whole mess into a jar. Sent the Jar to her storage. The a last little brushing through herself, so if she moved that the dust would spray more mess. She makes force of her right arm to pull hold of her skin cloth as if it wears as a cloak. About moves ready another step.

"You work to hard to look normal for them." One shadow huffed and another has a broken neck tilt in trying to figure her shape out. A third leans opposite from her, looking at the floor sheepish.

"I don't know. Maybe I just want to enjoy the lie for as long it keeps. But I knew it would unravel with time." She barely is back standing again and another effort step towards her room, "Just clinging on to the little remaining innocence I can keep."

Another hard step away. She turned back to look about the lounge one more time. It's clear that her eyes narrowed seeking something. She held a steady deep gaze.

"You going to need to repair the pages." The title of Ender huffed.

"What makes him the candidate you seek?" She tilts interested, "Is it the willingness to save the many from few?" She hovers in almost a return step, "Is it a good man both dirty hand?"

"Lack of fear to the the challenges that this title brings. Ending suffering would have to walk past those victims and leave them untouched." She takes determinated steps for her bedroom as before.

"Yeah. I cant stop picking up them broken ones and wanting to ease thier pain. He can walk away with clear thoughts." She nods to herself, "You are right." Another step forward drastically in slowing to talk to the shadow. She hovers just enough to catch it drawing in a tone.

"He only falters with you and those close. But you ease him. Keep him sane. I hope to return again when his struggling." She takes pause and turns to the mask with a warm welcome smile. She knows a secert about the enders that most overlooked.

"You are a part of him. You in all your pieces are always welcomed at my side. I just hope I can be good enough for his side." She makes her next turn into her bedroom door, frame at her lean. She lingers to listen for anything the shadows had to say. She tilt its way with being ready to listen. The mask side shakes out of it and going back to the host. She continues into her bedroom for a rest. As mental strength was worn thin, it took tolls over her spiritual side. She keenly aware of there being a lot of chores to do. A book to bind sooner then later. Knees that shook and gave through when out of the range of her guests.

"Do you mind if time went back? If we went back to that moment that you and him were almost erased from this universe. Back when the clothus had not tainted. Not soiled everything." She hear and about had a heart attack from seeing the mask of Ender creeping about the wall as cling to the shadows as if it is those shadows casting here.

"You're erasing my work but in turn, your erasing the root reason for why it's there. You will prevent death having his children and cast the two lovers apart?" She fell to the floor.

"If death stepping down temporarily was always to happen, it will regardless of my changes." That a good point from the Ender. His not able to stop events, his erasing the things that didn't happen. Upon having fixed all this damage she held this place together.

"Will I remember?" She asked.

"Some damage will never be replaced but it's reason of it existing will." It seems mocking a grin of terror. She seen her wear such expression before, it feels sad about it all too. That it seems personally affected to drive to do this. Determine and sad. A lot of sad. She wears those eyes too.

"I can be angry and hate. It only means that I still cling on a connection of hoping continuing knowing you. That can't be replaced." She eased with being ready for his plan. Ready to wake up at another time within this space.

"You're a persistence is an amazing value." Just as quickly she gained this status of goddess and owning this creepy realm. She was also quick to loose it all. She lets go so easily and yet stays stubborn to her wishes. As a soul shape without vessel, she watched the enders work and held patience for the next turn.