Origins of a Storyteller: “How Ezrae Inherited a Legacy”

Just To Quickly Recap:

Everyone knows Ezrae as "The Storyteller," a nickname that he has had ever since he told his first story as a 13 year old boy; to a group of his friends, around a campfire. His parents and grandparents had passed away, and he was adopted by Moses at the age of 12, just before his 13th birthday.

He was an Israelite Slave in Ancient Egypt, who participated in the Exodus at age 50. He was important to Yahweh and got a blessing directly from Him. And finally, he lived to be 115 years old, and was born in the year 1300 BCE, in Cairo; Ancient Egypt. Ezrae died in the year 1185 BCE, in "The Promised Land" of Canaan.

See, Ezrae had always loved stories. Even since before he was old enough to comprehend language!

His grandfather, Amitai, used to tell him storiesall of the time; Stories that were passed down to him from HIS grandfather, Matisya. (and so on, and so forth…)

As such, Ezrae loved to do 2 things:

For one, he really enjoyed exploring. He was able to find his peace, and his happiness, while searching through old ruins and abandoned houses.

Oftentimes, he would go out and scout around the outskirts of the city of Cairo; venturing deeper and deeper into the desert in search of anywhere that looked like it might hold secrets. All the while, in the pursuit of trying to find his own stories to tell, and building on the legacy of his lineage.

And the other; which happened to be his absolutely favorite thing to do; was to relax with his grandfather, Amitai. Especially when they would sit around a campfire, and Amitai would make the flames dance with pictures, and tell Ezrae stories.

The men in their family have been keepers of stories, scribes of history, and holders of ancient secrets, for roughly the last 10 Generations.

They were the protectors of anything that could pertain to the history of the Israelite people, and of humanity as a whole; all the way back to the birth of Adam, and the Creation of The Garden of Eve.

(And even before that!)

Amitai died at the age of 117, when Ezrae was 12 years old; roughly 5-6 months before Ezrae's 13th birthday. He passed away in the year 1288 BCE, from a tragic accident.

In turn, Ezrae inherited his grandfather's staff; a five foot long stick; hand carved and lacquered; made of an unknown and incredibly sturdy wood; as a momentum & keepsake of his grandfather, Amitai.

This staff had been passed down through the men of his family, with a few exceptions; the first being the son of the first Staff-Holder, Zachariah's son; Asher. The next was Amitai's Grandfather, Malachi; and the last was Ezrae's Father, Saulus; who died young, and tragically. These 3 men were unable to inherit the staff, making Ezrae the 7th Wielder.

(Their stories are for another time, however.)

The staff had been successfully passed down through 6 other men throughout 10 generations, in Ezrae's Family, making Ezrae the 7th.

Each of these men had carved the first letter of their name into the staff going down, from the top. When Ezrae took possession of Amitai's Staff, he carved his initial (Ε), just under Amitai's. (Α)

When he did, the staff began to slightly glow, with a whitish-blue arcane energy, and each of the carved initials began to alight with different colored lights.

The first lit up Red, and Ezrae heard his name spoken in his mind; "Zacharias." (Ζ) The next lit up Orange, and his name, too, was spoken in Ezrae's mind; "Finneon" (Φ).

Followed by Yellow, who was named Graham (Γ); next was Green, who's name was Saya (Ψ); number 5 was Blue, and he was named Matias (Μ); Amitai's lit up Violet (Α); and finally, Ezrae's lit up a silvery-white color (Ε).

Holding the staff, Ezrae was bewildered, intrigued, and completely terrified. He could feel some kind of power coursing through the staff, and when all of the letters had lit up, he could feel that energy beginning to course through him.

From an outside perspective, had someone seen this; they would have seen Ezrae standing stark straight; with his head up to the sky.

In addition, his eyes and mouth would have appeared to have been wide open, and his arms would be outstretched to the heavens, as if he was screaming to God.

However, they would have seen a white light coursing through Ezrae's veins, and pouring out from his mouth and eyes.

During this, Ezrae was ministered to by an Angel of the Lord; Metatron, the Scribe of Yahweh. An absolutely glorious Seraphim, with 6 large wings and 4 arms, 2 of which constantly praise God in a prayer pose, and the other 2 which are used to record the Word of God.

Time slowed to a crawl, and they were able to converse. Metatron informed Ezrae of his new job, as Keeper of the Lost Legends of Earth; the apocryphal and mythological legends, which came to be known as nothing more than Legends, and stories.

He was also informed of the history and existence of an ancient group of Israelites, known as "The Circle," and how they had existed since the Events of the Tower of Babel.

Their mission was to protect the ancient stories of mankind, so they wouldn't be completely lost to the confusion of the dispersal of languages.

This would include how about 10 generations ago, they had nearly completely died out.

The last remaining member of "The Circle," was the first to be the staff holder, Zachariah.

(Again; another story, for another time.)

However, since that day, Ezrae brought his staff with him everywhere, especially when he went exploring. The staff would glow, warm up to the touch and guide him.

It would help him find things; such as broken pottery, old scrolls, paintings, or stories written on various forms of material. Mostly it led him to things he could use to learn about history, and collect stories…

Which is exactly how he found the "Genesis Plates."

These plates contained a series of ancient stories, which were scrawled on a number of ancient, cracked, and stained ceramic tablets; that had recently made their way up and out of the sand, after a particularly nasty sandstorm.

Ezrae followed the guidance of the staff while he was exploring the ruins, and was led to this series of black ceramic tablets.

(Once again, a Story for another time.)

In turn, he began to study the staff, learning its blessings and limitations, and translating the plates. About 6 months after Amitai passed away; Ezrae, now 13, put together a gathering for the Israelites.

It's there, around the camp-fire, that he told the first story contained within the Genesis Plates, The Story of the creation of Humanity, a creature known as "Genesis," and many lore.

The true beginning of Humanity; the story of the creature named "Genesis;"

A sad story of selfishness, manipulation, and misunderstanding. It would be 37 years until he would tell the story again… During The Exodus.