Dealing with Broken Memories: “Time for a Difficult Conversation.”

Yahweh lifted Adam from the ground, and carried him to The Oasis, which was called "Maya D'Hayuta," where the 4 great rivers meet. Maya D'Hayuta is located directly in the Center of the Garden, and is where the four kingdoms of Eden meet.

He submerged Adam in the pool of rejuvenating waters and waited, knowing that Adam's mind was broken, and would take time to heal.

He had foreseen all of these things occurring already, as he existed outside of time and space. The one thing he had not foreseen was Lucifer playing the part of the Dragon. Somehow, Lucifer had changed something… something that allowed him to step outside of God's conscious purview.

"…But how? How?… HOW?!"

God yelled in anger; the ground beneath Him shaking, and the sky erupting into thunder and lightning; in response to his voice. God sat back after releasing His anger, and thought about how this could have happened, losing himself to the day, and then to the week, as hours and days went by.

Finally, Adam's eyes fluttered and he sighed heavily from his unconscious position. The water felt like warm sunshine on his skin, and it felt as if he was floating in midair. He fully opened his eyes and looked around, seeing that he was floating in shallow, crystal-clear azure-blue water.

He sat up from the shallow waters, while putting his hand on his head. He was confused, groggy, and had a splitting headache... He wasn't sure where he was or what was going on, until he looked around.

When he saw Yahweh, all of the memories from that day came flooding back, and he felt… everything. He remembered Lilith and his children, and his heart broke for them.

He remembered the dragon, and those eyes, and the realization of it being Lucifer. And finally, he remembered God wiping his memory, and changing his face.

Anger, embarrassment, sadness, longing, regret, guilt, relief, confusion, and disbelief. Those were just a small fraction of the emotions that Adam was feeling.

He looked up at Yahweh, his entire body shaking, and said one single word, as tears fell down his face:


God sighed and reached out with his hand, putting it on Adam's Head. "My child… you are a new species, and I am learning how you work.

I apologize for the additional pain I have caused you, but my intention was to keep you pure, strong, and devoted, and keep you from Sin…"

He pushed for a moment as he looked at Adam, seeing the struggle in his face to understand. You see, Yahweh had never told him about this… 'Sin.'

"Now, come, my son. It's been a week since I cast out Lucifer, and a third of the angels. Kori is worried about you, and we should return to her. I also sense we have a couple of discussions that need to take place."

Adam lowered his head, nodding, and wiping away his tears. He understood why God did what He did, but as a father, Adam believed what He did was wrong… but then he was reminded why he came here in the first place. He wished to speak to Yahweh about Kori.

"Father…" Adam waded out of the Oasis, and sat on the shore, as the water dripped off his body. Everywhere the water touched would instantly bloom into wildflowers, and cause the grass to grow. Adam looked around in wonder at these things, as he hadn't seen plants burst to life like that since… since Lilith.

Like a scar burst open, his heart was bleeding… He had so many questions, and he was determined to get the answers, no matter what it took. He looked at God again, with tears in his eyes, and asked the same question.

"Why!?" Except he continued this time; "What is Sin? Why did Lilith have to leave? Why did you banish Lucifer and his friends? What in Eden is going on?!"

Yahweh sighed and turned away, beginning to walk in the direction that he sensed Kori in, as he began to answer Adam's questions. The long green grass, the beautiful pure-blue sky, and the mild breeze all felt good against Adam's skin as they walked, making their way into a beautiful forest of Sequoia trees, standing hundreds of feet tall.

"You see, Adam… there are places where I won't go. And in those places, darkness exists, and there is an absence of My presence. Evil exists wherever there is an absence of Us; an absence… of Light."

He looked at Adam, to see if he understood, before continuing. Adam nodded along, his mouth slightly agape as he listened and learned.

"Before all of the Archangels, there was the first… My 'Pride and Joy'… His name was Azazael, and he was glorious. Much like Lucifer, Michael, and Uriel, he shone like the brightest stars in the sky… and the light of existence shined through him.

He, too, was perfect, and made with free will. And with free will comes the possibility of Sin. You see, Adam; Sin is Darkness; Sin is Evil; Sin… is the Absence of God. And aligning yourself with it, is a direct rebellion against My Kingdom."

Adam nodded, showing that he was both interested and understanding, but he paused for a second and asked,

"So what does that have to do with Azazael? Did HE give in to Sin?"

Yahweh shook his head and continued speaking, "No, no he did not. However, he was possessed by the first true existence of Darkness. Something nearly as powerful as myself…

You see, when I began my venture of creation, I realized that the world would need its own source of light, and independence.

And so, I created the Sun, to light the day; and the Moon, to light the night. They would be the guiding beacons of those on Earth, and in Eden."

Realization dawned on Adam's mind…

"The guiding beacon to those on… You mean, there are others on Earth? Besides Lilith, and the Children?!"