Causing Trouble

They only had enough time to skim through the videos before the class ended.

As lunch was next, they decided to hurry to lunch so they could give themselves more time to look over those videos.

As they were waiting in line of course the drama queen had to arrive as well with her minions following behind.

Annie walked in from the other entrance in the cafeteria. She looked around like she was trying to find someone.

Her head went left to right until she spotted who she was looking for. Her face was staring directly in their direction.

Claire glanced at her brother as he look at her both sporting the same annoyed expression as they know Annie was going to go over to them to cause even more trouble.

"Why can't she just leave us alone. She always trying to cling on you and hate on me. I always end up getting scolded when she opens her mouth," Claire mumbles under her breath buy just loud enough for Sam to hear her.

Sam reaches up and pats Claire on her head, "It'll be fine as long as we ignore her and don't let other's words effect us."


Claire says that last word when Annie finally arrived in front of the twins.

"Hey guys, would you be willing to give your spot in line to me or let me in front of you. I'm kind of in a hurry, please."

It's not much of a surprise to the twins as Annie is always asking for some type of favors. As it was just earlier that Claire ended up scolded Sam decided to talk instead.

"I'm going to have to say no. We are in a hurry to so we can't give up our spot."

There was only two more people in front of them before it was their turn so the twins weren't going to move.

"If you want to cut in line you'll have to ask someone else behind us," Claire gave Annie a suggestion as she was so done with her today.

Annie still remembered earlier when she was chased away. So she decided to get a little revenge.

"I'm sorry. Are you still mad when I was talking with you a while ago? I didn't mean to ignore you, I just didn't see you at first. I wasn't feeling well and I only saw Sam, I was going to go to the nurses office afterwards. It wasn't intentional, I promise."

In Claire's and Sam's eyes they could see that Annie could be a great actress with how she can become pale on command as she keep talking.

Everyone else got more interested as Annie was putting on a great show of being a weakling that was being bullied by the twins.

Annie's little minions also started berating them for being rude and mean to Annie. They went as far to say that she went to the nurses office because of them.

The twins glanced at each other as they realized that the reason she wasn't in class was because she pretended to be sick in the nurses office.

With a big sigh, both the twins start talking and finishing each other's sentences, "Annie, if you need the nurse before talking to us you should of went straight there. Not stopping for a short chat and going at a leisure pace."

"Two, everyone already knows that the nurse would be out for lunch at that time. So, you have no proof that you even went there. You could of waited in the bathroom in that time for class to end for lunch."

Annie did a fake gasp in astonishment, "I can't believe you just said that about me. I'm not lying."

Annie wanted to make this a big performance to make everyone dislike the twins.

" You can get proof from the camaras," One of the students in the crowd spoke up trying to defend Annie.

"Thoses cameras won't tell us anything," Another person spoke out.

"Why do you say that?"

Claire speaks up, "The reason why is because there is no camera that tells us whether or not she went to bathroom or not. The two cameras would only show that she walked there but not which room she went into as the cameras aren't angled correctly."

As they were all talking the lunch line kept moving and it was the twins turn to get there lunch.

"Anyway, it's our turn to get lunch. As I said before you can either find someone to let you in behind us or you can go to the end of the line."

Sam pulled Claire away and passed a lunch tray to her.

Claire was glad, "Finally, let's go sit on the bench by the tree."

With that the twins got lunch then walk away, while Annie was still standing there with an angry face.