Chapter 70: Siyang, do you want to be in a group with Jiaojiao or Sang Qiao?

"Today is the photoshoot in cooperation with the XJ Club. We've got groups of five, and roughly three pairs will compete in three rounds of games. The group who comes in first will get autographs and group photos with the club's players. As for the last-place reward, we'll talk about that when we get back."

The director had barely finished speaking when both Jiaojiao and Meng Wange got visibly excited.

The reason for both was Sang Siyang, but for different reasons.

They hadn't been standing at the entrance long when a coach came out to greet them. "Hello, Director. Hello, everyone. Please follow me this way," he said.

"Thank you, Coach Xu," the director said politely, following behind him.

After winding through the club, they finally reached the computer room used for training newcomers. As soon as they walked in, they saw rows upon rows of computers — too many to count at a quick glance — with five of the club's competitors already waiting by the door.