Iron Door

With the promise of the return ticket in front of them, the players had no choice but to get in. Still with a candle stand in hand, Xinxin hurriedly trailed after Tang Ye, whereas Nian and Jin Jiuchi were close behind him.

Nian went to grab another candle stand to inspect the narrow path in front of him. The walls were made of rough bricks, with thick moss and vines crept up the sides. Countless dust particles and microbes floated in front of him, just like the broken channel of an old TV. It was clear that no one had ever set foot in here for years, if not decades.

"So," Jin Jiuchi gestured for Nian to enter first while he took the rear, which the jade doll obliged. As they carefully made their way down the creaky wooden stairs, Jin Jiuchi asked with his voice strangely muffled, "What is this important item that you have to find? Tell me, Nian'er. Who knows, I may even be able to help you search for it."