Catch Me!

It was not only Nian, but Tang Ye, Xinxin, and the nightmare creatures were also caught off guard by this sudden display of prowess. It was as if the entire world had screeched to a halt at that second as all eyes were transfixed on them.

"Hahahaha… this is so fun!" Bright laughter spilled out of Jin Jiuchi's throat as he kicked his legs in midair. The wind blew the messy strands of his hair as he hugged the jade doll closer to himself. "It's been so long since I got to do this. Ain't this fun, Nian'er?!"

Nian, on the other hand, felt like his innards were hanging on a thread from all the ups and downs. He shut his eyes tight and clung onto Jin Jiuchi tighter when the man landed on a small empty space between the horde of dumbfounded rodents, before taking off jumping again, this time higher until he could almost reach the third floor.

They were getting closer and closer to the huge black spider, and on the third jump, Jin Jiuchi held his waist tightly,