Shen Nianzu's Curse

Shen Nianzu's jaws dropped. He had not expected this kind of answer at all when he first came here. However, the Broker's credibility had been guaranteed by the Nightmare itself, so what he was telling must be the truth. "He… is missing half of his soul? How?"

The Broker shrugged, "I don't know how. If there is someone who can tell you, it can only be him." He gave a pointed look at Jin Jiuchi, then chuckled in mirth. "But I bet you can't remember anything at all, can you?"

Jin Jiuchi chewed over the man's words in his mind, but in the end he was still confused. "What does it mean to lose half of my soul? What is a soul, to be exact?"

Shen Nianzu also fixed his gaze on the Broker, awaiting further explanation as the idea he had in his mind was still vague.