Sacred Temple

Apparently, Shen Nianzu was not the only one who noticed the presence of an old acquaintance. Smelling the familiar scent, Jin Jiuchi's ears perked up and he barked out, "Woof!"

Numerous eyes instantly snapped to them, Xinxin included. His eyes widened in delightful surprise upon seeing them – or to be exact, Shen Nianzu. Alas, he had just taken a few steps toward them when the officer climbed into the bus and in the end, he could only give Shen Nianzu a timid wave before taking his seat.

"W–What the hell is that creature?!" The male newbie, a bespectacled fatty wearing a shirt printed with a blue haired anime girl on it, exclaimed in shock when he saw the bus officer. "That… That can't be a human!!"