First Death Condition

Beneath the scorching gaze of the sun, ten players and two NPCs trudged along the desert toward the place where they were supposed to work on for the next three days. The heat was merciless, and each step on the sand caused their feet to sink, making the burden feel twice heavier. 

Such was the case for Fatty and Luo Qing, who were clad only in ordinary outfits. 

Luo Qing, in particular, only wore a thin piece of shirt, shorts and sandals as it was summertime in the real world. In a short span of time, her skin turned red akin to boiled lobster. Blisters formed on her feet, while the grains of sand clinging to her sweaty skin gave her incessant itch. She gasped for breath, her complexion turning paler by each passing second, "I… I can't do this anymore… Water…"

A water bottle was tossed to her. Caught off guard, she raised her head to find that it was from Zhang Lei. Eyes reddening, she cried out softly, "Z–Zhang…"