Dropping SAN Value

The first time Jin Jiuchi noticed the change in his SAN Value, it was soon after he stepped into the temple grounds. Or to be exact, when his gaze fell on the ancient coffin on top of the stone platform. 

He could sense something from the depth of the coffin. Not quite a heartbeat, but a sign of life nonetheless. If he had to describe in words, it resembled a gentle vibration in the air, wave upon wave of indistinct melody that washed over his entire body, just like how whales communicate with each other in the deep sea. And if he were to concentrate further, he could almost discern the faint whisper of the wind brushing against his ears, murmuring enticingly, 'Come… come and take it back…'

It was barely audible at first, only to grow louder and louder as the night deepened.

It made him feel… peeved, like an invisible mosquito was buzzing non stop beside his ears, and before he knew it, his SAN Value continued to drop from the initial 62 to 47.