Save Me, Nian'er!

Shen Nianzu was taken aback when a strong force abruptly tugged on his scalp, causing him to bare his neck like a helpless white swan in the face of an apex predator. His gaze clashed with Jin Jiuchi's in midair, and it took him one second to register that the eyes he was staring into were black in color, with a hint of golden in the irises.

Shock painted his exquisite features. This… this was another version of Jin Jiuchi! How?! Wasn't he supposed to appear only when his SAN Value reached below twenty?!

Despite the questions racing in his mind, Shen Nianzu's composure never faltered even a bit. With a flick of his fingers, a silver needle materialized from thin air, which swiftly transformed into a thin and transparent blade that exuded an icy chill. He pressed it against Jin Jiuchi's throat, drawing a line of blood across the man's neck.

Prop: Icy Veil Blade

Prop Level: Unique